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Title: PSYC 105-02, Drugs Brain & Behavior, Fall 2005
Authors: Lloyd, Steven
Keywords: Psychology, Department of;Syllabus;Curriculum;Academic departments;Text;2005 Fall
Issue Date: 8-Feb-2008
Publisher: Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College
Series/Report no.: Syllabi CRN
Abstract: We will spend 5 class periods this semester discussing important societal issues concerning drug use/abuse. Each of you will be part of a group that leads a class discussion on one of these controversial issues. Additionally, each group will be further subdivided so that there are those who support the issue and those who do not support it. I will try to accommodate your issue and stance preference, but will likely not be able to do so for all of you. Your group will be responsible for preparing the necessary materials to facilitate the class discussion. In other words, you will need to research your assigned topic and stance and, as a group, be prepared to defend it. Each class discussion period will begin by a short presentation of background material from each group. This short (10 min) presentation should include factual, and not speculative, information that will set the stage for your argument. Feel free to use handouts, overheads or powerpoint to display your materials. Now that the class is well informed, try to stimulate discussion about the topic by asking questions of the class. The groups will take turns asking questions with the initial question decided by coin toss. Background materials and at least 10 questions will be due to me the class period before your scheduled topic and will make up a significant portion of your grade. Since the goal of this assignment is to generate class discussion, the rest of the class must also be prepared. In other words, think about the issues and how you feel about them ahead of time. There will likely be some issues which raise heated debates. Remember that it is fine to disagree, but it is never fine to be disrespectful to someone with whom you disagree. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and it is no less important than your own. I will promptly enforce this policy if it is abused.
Description: This syllabus was submitted to the Rhodes College Office of Academic Affairs by the course instructor.
Appears in Collections:Course Syllabi

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