Academics Community home page

Collections containing materials relating to College academics. Includes course syllabi and documents by department.

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Sub-communities within this community

Africana Studies

African Studies, formerly African American Studies, is an interdisciplinary program.

Anthropology and Sociology

Documents from the Department of Anthropology and Sociology.

Archaeology Program

An interdisciplinary study program.


Art and Art History

Department of Art and Art History at Rhodes College


Materials relating to the Department of Biology

Gender and Sexuality Studies

Formerly Women's Studies

Latin American Studies

Latin American Studies is an interdisciplinary program.

Modern Languages and Literatures

This department offers courses in French, German, Spanish and Russian.

Collections in this community


British Studies at Oxford

This program was first offered in 1970 at Southwestern at Memphis. It was sometimes referred to as Southwestern at Oxford.

Course Syllabi

Curriculum for courses offered at the college.

Honors Papers

Collection of student honors papers.

Provost Office. This Week at Rhodes

Mesages from the Provost to the Rhodes College community.