1 00:00:00,979 --> 00:00:05,910 good morning on behalf of corners of 2 00:00:03,959 --> 00:00:07,470 Highland Heights of the Knights United 3 00:00:05,910 --> 00:00:07,830 Methodist Church and crossroads to 4 00:00:07,470 --> 00:00:09,840 freedom 5 00:00:07,830 --> 00:00:11,759 arrows College I would like to thank you 6 00:00:09,840 --> 00:00:15,839 for taking the time to share your story 7 00:00:11,759 --> 00:00:19,140 today's day is June 24 2016 my name is 8 00:00:15,839 --> 00:00:21,270 Allison Haney and I am Mace my name is 9 00:00:19,140 --> 00:00:23,460 Alana Kennedy and I attend middle 10 00:00:21,270 --> 00:00:24,630 college high school first we will start 11 00:00:23,460 --> 00:00:26,609 off with some basic biographical 12 00:00:24,630 --> 00:00:29,550 information can you please state your 13 00:00:26,609 --> 00:00:31,140 name my name is Ernest Chanel senior if 14 00:00:29,550 --> 00:00:36,390 you don't like me egg soon when you were 15 00:00:31,140 --> 00:00:37,770 you born in here I was born in 1959 I 16 00:00:36,390 --> 00:00:41,910 guess I could tell you a little bit 17 00:00:37,770 --> 00:00:44,340 about me my connection to the Highland 18 00:00:41,910 --> 00:00:47,700 Heights neighborhood is that I was 19 00:00:44,340 --> 00:00:49,710 busted Treadwell high school trouble 20 00:00:47,700 --> 00:00:52,649 high school starting in my eighth grade 21 00:00:49,710 --> 00:00:56,730 year and I graduated from Troy High 22 00:00:52,649 --> 00:01:00,149 School in 1977 Montana me Treadwell was 23 00:00:56,730 --> 00:01:02,850 a good time for me from 8th grade to 24 00:01:00,149 --> 00:01:06,180 12th grade in the 9th grade I had a 25 00:01:02,850 --> 00:01:08,369 chance to play junior football in trewe 26 00:01:06,180 --> 00:01:11,670 high school that year we won the 27 00:01:08,369 --> 00:01:14,010 district championship at ul so that's a 28 00:01:11,670 --> 00:01:16,640 memorable moment for me being at 29 00:01:14,010 --> 00:01:20,939 Treadwell and then in my senior year in 30 00:01:16,640 --> 00:01:25,619 1977 we won the basketball class double 31 00:01:20,939 --> 00:01:27,119 A championship also as well so I can 32 00:01:25,619 --> 00:01:30,350 move being part of the band and 33 00:01:27,119 --> 00:01:33,360 Treadwell going from a traditional 34 00:01:30,350 --> 00:01:35,759 african-american school to a traditional 35 00:01:33,360 --> 00:01:39,150 white school was totally different for 36 00:01:35,759 --> 00:01:41,909 us it's the time of immigration in 37 00:01:39,150 --> 00:01:43,439 America also as well it was a little 38 00:01:41,909 --> 00:01:47,520 different because we didn't know what to 39 00:01:43,439 --> 00:01:49,770 expect you know how teachers would treat 40 00:01:47,520 --> 00:01:53,070 you you didn't know anything but you 41 00:01:49,770 --> 00:01:55,790 hope for the best and you wish for the 42 00:01:53,070 --> 00:01:58,280 best and that's what happens for us 43 00:01:55,790 --> 00:02:00,540 that's a little bit of background on me 44 00:01:58,280 --> 00:02:01,469 you mentioned that you played football 45 00:02:00,540 --> 00:02:03,180 and basketball 46 00:02:01,469 --> 00:02:05,220 are there any other activities that you 47 00:02:03,180 --> 00:02:09,119 participate in 48 00:02:05,220 --> 00:02:16,550 I was in ROTC I was in ROTC for two 49 00:02:09,119 --> 00:02:20,430 years when I first came into TC I was a 50 00:02:16,550 --> 00:02:23,970 corporal and into my first year I was a 51 00:02:20,430 --> 00:02:28,800 staff sergeant my second year I went 52 00:02:23,970 --> 00:02:33,240 from a second lieutenant to a captain 53 00:02:28,800 --> 00:02:36,240 and I did not do my senior year you know 54 00:02:33,240 --> 00:02:38,760 ROTC and the times I do I do wish I have 55 00:02:36,240 --> 00:02:40,380 done my senior year but I enjoyed it I 56 00:02:38,760 --> 00:02:43,410 also was part of distributed education 57 00:02:40,380 --> 00:02:45,709 Clubs of America I was vice president of 58 00:02:43,410 --> 00:02:48,510 distributed cache I learned a lot about 59 00:02:45,709 --> 00:02:50,370 the real world in distribute education 60 00:02:48,510 --> 00:02:52,830 because I learned a lot about a resume a 61 00:02:50,370 --> 00:02:55,020 lot about interviewing a lot of things 62 00:02:52,830 --> 00:02:57,959 that make me a little bit more prepared 63 00:02:55,020 --> 00:03:00,780 for the real world once you leave haskó 64 00:02:57,959 --> 00:03:01,940 because everyone wants a job but what do 65 00:03:00,780 --> 00:03:04,350 you have to do to actually get the job 66 00:03:01,940 --> 00:03:09,840 those are the skills that I learned in 67 00:03:04,350 --> 00:03:12,209 this trip the education you maintain 68 00:03:09,840 --> 00:03:14,370 that you transition from a traditional 69 00:03:12,209 --> 00:03:17,880 african-american school to a traditional 70 00:03:14,370 --> 00:03:22,380 high school what came free State those 71 00:03:17,880 --> 00:03:25,080 clothes please I was in my seventh grade 72 00:03:22,380 --> 00:03:29,220 year I attended Lester asked well from 73 00:03:25,080 --> 00:03:32,040 first grade to sixth grade I attended 74 00:03:29,220 --> 00:03:35,730 Lester Elementary which was a 75 00:03:32,040 --> 00:03:37,739 traditional african-american elementary 76 00:03:35,730 --> 00:03:40,799 school and for my seventh grade year I 77 00:03:37,739 --> 00:03:44,430 went to Lester High School and then at 78 00:03:40,799 --> 00:03:49,380 the end of my seventh grade year I was 79 00:03:44,430 --> 00:03:51,810 bussed to Treadwell Haskell so from 8th 80 00:03:49,380 --> 00:03:54,930 grade to 12th grade I was in trouble 81 00:03:51,810 --> 00:03:58,110 well so was it tough when they were 82 00:03:54,930 --> 00:04:01,350 integrating these schools it was it was 83 00:03:58,110 --> 00:04:04,799 tough because at that time there was a 84 00:04:01,350 --> 00:04:07,260 little bit of distrust oh everybody's 85 00:04:04,799 --> 00:04:08,730 sad Black is well it's why we did not 86 00:04:07,260 --> 00:04:11,280 know what to expect we didn't know how 87 00:04:08,730 --> 00:04:12,230 we would be treated would you be graded 88 00:04:11,280 --> 00:04:14,120 fairly 89 00:04:12,230 --> 00:04:18,410 what would be how would how would they 90 00:04:14,120 --> 00:04:20,690 treat you today is accepted but their 91 00:04:18,410 --> 00:04:22,760 time going from a traditional 92 00:04:20,690 --> 00:04:24,949 african-american school to a traditional 93 00:04:22,760 --> 00:04:28,340 high school we had no idea what to 94 00:04:24,949 --> 00:04:33,610 expect that was the biggest part of the 95 00:04:28,340 --> 00:04:33,610 transition but it worked out for us 96 00:04:35,190 --> 00:04:38,290 [Music] 97 00:04:39,199 --> 00:04:45,050 currently I'm a Liberian for the Memphis 98 00:04:42,380 --> 00:04:48,740 Public Library I'm the assistant manager 99 00:04:45,050 --> 00:04:52,490 for the Gaston Park library at 3rd 100 00:04:48,740 --> 00:04:54,320 Walker I am over programming for youth 101 00:04:52,490 --> 00:04:57,650 as well as teens and I do a little bit 102 00:04:54,320 --> 00:04:59,889 of adult programming also as well the 103 00:04:57,650 --> 00:05:03,650 main part of my job is to plan programs 104 00:04:59,889 --> 00:05:06,410 for youth this was teams to help them 105 00:05:03,650 --> 00:05:10,600 understand more about life as well as 106 00:05:06,410 --> 00:05:13,220 the library how do you feel about 107 00:05:10,600 --> 00:05:16,430 watching over the youth in the teens I 108 00:05:13,220 --> 00:05:18,440 like it before I was a Liberian I also 109 00:05:16,430 --> 00:05:19,460 worked at Downtown Elementary as a 110 00:05:18,440 --> 00:05:22,550 teacher's assistant 111 00:05:19,460 --> 00:05:25,520 I like education I like being in the 112 00:05:22,550 --> 00:05:27,410 field of education there's nothing quite 113 00:05:25,520 --> 00:05:30,919 like showing someone something letting 114 00:05:27,410 --> 00:05:34,220 them learn and then they they really 115 00:05:30,919 --> 00:05:36,139 understand it to take a concept that you 116 00:05:34,220 --> 00:05:38,990 understand and to teaching someone else 117 00:05:36,139 --> 00:05:40,760 and have them really accept it and 118 00:05:38,990 --> 00:05:42,530 realize that they own that concept 119 00:05:40,760 --> 00:05:44,660 there's nothing quite like it that's 120 00:05:42,530 --> 00:05:50,270 what we in teaching ecology our ha 121 00:05:44,660 --> 00:05:53,690 moment did you ever marry yes I'm 122 00:05:50,270 --> 00:05:56,930 married I've been married for 29 years I 123 00:05:53,690 --> 00:06:01,820 have two children I have a Ernest Ernest 124 00:05:56,930 --> 00:06:04,039 jr. and my daughter Natalie my son is 125 00:06:01,820 --> 00:06:05,690 currently a college graduate from Paul 126 00:06:04,039 --> 00:06:08,930 Quinn College which is a small 127 00:06:05,690 --> 00:06:13,430 historical black college in Dallas Texas 128 00:06:08,930 --> 00:06:17,030 my daughter's attending UT Knoxville 129 00:06:13,430 --> 00:06:22,640 good what is your spouse's name in her 130 00:06:17,030 --> 00:06:26,630 job my spouse is 19 channel she's she's 131 00:06:22,640 --> 00:06:31,310 a creative Inquirer specialist for 132 00:06:26,630 --> 00:06:34,370 bankruptcy court do you mind telling us 133 00:06:31,310 --> 00:06:36,500 how you two met each other 134 00:06:34,370 --> 00:06:38,300 I'm a graduate University of Memphis 135 00:06:36,500 --> 00:06:42,230 we have no meet at the University of 136 00:06:38,300 --> 00:06:45,500 Memphis yeah it's one of those things 137 00:06:42,230 --> 00:06:47,870 that you run to somebody a few times a 138 00:06:45,500 --> 00:06:49,850 few more times and all of a sudden you 139 00:06:47,870 --> 00:06:54,950 get to feel maybe there's something to 140 00:06:49,850 --> 00:06:56,840 this so that's how we we really met and 141 00:06:54,950 --> 00:06:59,600 started our relationship was at the 142 00:06:56,840 --> 00:07:09,890 University of Memphis my wife left 143 00:06:59,600 --> 00:07:13,220 school at the end of 1982 I continued on 144 00:07:09,890 --> 00:07:16,670 with my with my education she started 145 00:07:13,220 --> 00:07:19,300 working for the bankruptcy court I have 146 00:07:16,670 --> 00:07:21,800 a Bachelor of Business Administration in 147 00:07:19,300 --> 00:07:27,140 marketing where the concentration of 148 00:07:21,800 --> 00:07:29,420 sales and market management now let's 149 00:07:27,140 --> 00:07:32,570 talk all about your experiences growing 150 00:07:29,420 --> 00:07:33,650 up can you tell me more about the 151 00:07:32,570 --> 00:07:36,020 neighborhood you grew up 152 00:07:33,650 --> 00:07:38,330 well I grew up in a in a big Hampton 153 00:07:36,020 --> 00:07:39,830 community which is really not that far 154 00:07:38,330 --> 00:07:43,970 from the Highland Heights community 155 00:07:39,830 --> 00:07:48,620 because we did not have a car in my 156 00:07:43,970 --> 00:07:52,490 family so I had to walk from some and 157 00:07:48,620 --> 00:07:54,979 Tilghman to summer and national where 158 00:07:52,490 --> 00:07:56,600 there was a grocery store there was a 159 00:07:54,979 --> 00:07:58,910 store at the time called coconuts which 160 00:07:56,600 --> 00:08:01,100 you may know now it's Monty's 161 00:07:58,910 --> 00:08:03,620 it used to be called Hogan that so we 162 00:08:01,100 --> 00:08:05,479 would walk there so I got a chance to 163 00:08:03,620 --> 00:08:07,940 really know that neighborhood fender 164 00:08:05,479 --> 00:08:10,820 well even before I went to trade well 165 00:08:07,940 --> 00:08:12,970 that's where we walk to because the bank 166 00:08:10,820 --> 00:08:15,620 was there which is now the credit union 167 00:08:12,970 --> 00:08:19,220 which is such like a southern security 168 00:08:15,620 --> 00:08:21,260 credit union and what was like what used 169 00:08:19,220 --> 00:08:25,820 to be next door to my entities was a 170 00:08:21,260 --> 00:08:28,010 Shoney's restaurant so if there was a 171 00:08:25,820 --> 00:08:30,710 union planners bank just to show this 172 00:08:28,010 --> 00:08:34,789 restaurant and what's what's next door 173 00:08:30,710 --> 00:08:38,029 to Monty's is to your right 174 00:08:34,789 --> 00:08:40,099 what's the crystals believe it or not 175 00:08:38,029 --> 00:08:42,800 they notice the crystals on some 176 00:08:40,099 --> 00:08:44,779 evidence I can't take how long tops 177 00:08:42,800 --> 00:08:46,459 barbecue that's been there but they've 178 00:08:44,779 --> 00:08:48,440 been there for a while but I love 179 00:08:46,459 --> 00:08:50,920 crystals because I could go into 180 00:08:48,440 --> 00:08:59,270 crystals and buy a hamburger for about 181 00:08:50,920 --> 00:09:01,240 20 cents yes yes I am dead on but that's 182 00:08:59,270 --> 00:09:04,550 my connection to the neighborhood so 183 00:09:01,240 --> 00:09:06,980 indoor was Buster Treadwell walking to 184 00:09:04,550 --> 00:09:09,380 Treadwell was not a hard thing because 185 00:09:06,980 --> 00:09:13,550 walking was like breathing in my family 186 00:09:09,380 --> 00:09:15,200 and also I would walk to the once I 187 00:09:13,550 --> 00:09:17,089 guess it's where I realized that down 188 00:09:15,200 --> 00:09:20,390 the street from Treadwell there was a 189 00:09:17,089 --> 00:09:23,660 lab area there was not a library in the 190 00:09:20,390 --> 00:09:26,660 big Hampton community as you know it now 191 00:09:23,660 --> 00:09:28,220 the bookmobile would come maybe every 192 00:09:26,660 --> 00:09:30,529 week every other week but there was no 193 00:09:28,220 --> 00:09:32,540 real library in the Binghampton 194 00:09:30,529 --> 00:09:34,459 community 195 00:09:32,540 --> 00:09:39,199 that's why I think we're so happy to 196 00:09:34,459 --> 00:09:41,209 have the billhook slab Barry sit on 197 00:09:39,199 --> 00:09:43,940 poplar where it is at 33 popular because 198 00:09:41,209 --> 00:09:47,779 it's considered now part of being empty 199 00:09:43,940 --> 00:09:49,100 okay but walking to Randolph from true 200 00:09:47,779 --> 00:09:52,820 or high school was very easy because 201 00:09:49,100 --> 00:09:56,060 it's like three blocks three blocks down 202 00:09:52,820 --> 00:09:59,930 maybe two blocks down so that's how I 203 00:09:56,060 --> 00:10:04,550 got connected to the Randolph library as 204 00:09:59,930 --> 00:10:08,660 was to the Treadwell neighborhood as 205 00:10:04,550 --> 00:10:12,560 well so cute I wasn't worried about the 206 00:10:08,660 --> 00:10:14,269 bookmobile well the bookmobile would 207 00:10:12,560 --> 00:10:15,680 come like I said I think it was every 208 00:10:14,269 --> 00:10:18,560 week or maybe every other week to where 209 00:10:15,680 --> 00:10:21,769 it was just like a just like a book it 210 00:10:18,560 --> 00:10:23,180 was like a looks like a big bus but it 211 00:10:21,769 --> 00:10:26,000 had different books on that you could 212 00:10:23,180 --> 00:10:28,250 actually check out there and just return 213 00:10:26,000 --> 00:10:31,399 and once the bookmobile came back you 214 00:10:28,250 --> 00:10:32,899 turn your books back in it was the 215 00:10:31,399 --> 00:10:34,089 librarians way of connecting to the 216 00:10:32,899 --> 00:10:35,990 neighborhood even though they were not 217 00:10:34,089 --> 00:10:38,690 connected to the neighborhood at that 218 00:10:35,990 --> 00:10:43,639 time it was their way of supplementing 219 00:10:38,690 --> 00:10:45,589 our library to that neighborhood because 220 00:10:43,639 --> 00:10:48,769 you know like say even today there's no 221 00:10:45,589 --> 00:10:51,889 there's no library really in the 222 00:10:48,769 --> 00:10:53,019 neighborhood I mean other lesser 223 00:10:51,889 --> 00:10:56,029 elements you didn't have a library 224 00:10:53,019 --> 00:10:58,579 Lester how did our library but for books 225 00:10:56,029 --> 00:11:01,269 other than their library we had he goes 226 00:10:58,579 --> 00:11:06,279 to the main library or to the bookmobile 227 00:11:01,269 --> 00:11:06,279 the main library at that time was um 228 00:11:07,569 --> 00:11:14,480 MacLean Union the MacLean would be the 229 00:11:10,579 --> 00:11:17,269 closest landmark for y'all right there 230 00:11:14,480 --> 00:11:19,610 with the walk well two blocks down from 231 00:11:17,269 --> 00:11:21,829 the Walgreens right there sits his Union 232 00:11:19,610 --> 00:11:26,209 MacLean that's what the old Maine 233 00:11:21,829 --> 00:11:28,850 librarian used to be yeah can you tell 234 00:11:26,209 --> 00:11:33,319 us which our home life was right home 235 00:11:28,850 --> 00:11:34,730 life was nice I mean because I was 236 00:11:33,319 --> 00:11:38,750 raised back I was raised by my 237 00:11:34,730 --> 00:11:40,250 grandmother she was a very stern person 238 00:11:38,750 --> 00:11:42,649 but she believed in education she 239 00:11:40,250 --> 00:11:46,209 believed in education was the way for us 240 00:11:42,649 --> 00:11:50,269 to go further and do better in life and 241 00:11:46,209 --> 00:11:52,760 I believe that we lived in we lived in 242 00:11:50,269 --> 00:11:54,529 our community that was rather close 243 00:11:52,760 --> 00:11:58,069 together many of the families that I 244 00:11:54,529 --> 00:11:59,360 grew up with children I grow our 245 00:11:58,069 --> 00:12:02,209 families have been knowing each other 246 00:11:59,360 --> 00:12:03,949 for years and years minimum many of the 247 00:12:02,209 --> 00:12:05,510 parents could say I can remember when 248 00:12:03,949 --> 00:12:07,610 you know your mother 249 00:12:05,510 --> 00:12:08,990 they knew my mother they knew my my 250 00:12:07,610 --> 00:12:10,189 aunts because we grew up in the 251 00:12:08,990 --> 00:12:13,459 neighborhood 252 00:12:10,189 --> 00:12:16,160 my grandmother tells me that she turned 253 00:12:13,459 --> 00:12:19,100 20 years old in the house that I was 254 00:12:16,160 --> 00:12:25,160 raised in my grandma was born in 1902 255 00:12:19,100 --> 00:12:34,130 and based on the calculations that she 256 00:12:25,160 --> 00:12:39,949 told me so in 1925 she moved into a 257 00:12:34,130 --> 00:12:43,880 house that I was raised in I mean to me 258 00:12:39,949 --> 00:12:46,850 that's something to hear about you've 259 00:12:43,880 --> 00:12:53,329 been living in the same plot of land 260 00:12:46,850 --> 00:12:55,420 since 1925 so if you take 1925 and you 261 00:12:53,329 --> 00:13:00,399 subtract 1977 262 00:12:55,420 --> 00:13:02,120 that's like 57 years in the same place 263 00:13:00,399 --> 00:13:04,250 during her lifetime 264 00:13:02,120 --> 00:13:10,069 most people don't stay in the same place 265 00:13:04,250 --> 00:13:11,630 now 25 years even 30 years so so a lot 266 00:13:10,069 --> 00:13:13,730 of a lot of things changed she saw a lot 267 00:13:11,630 --> 00:13:14,899 of things changing a neighborhood I saw 268 00:13:13,730 --> 00:13:16,730 a lot of things change in the 269 00:13:14,899 --> 00:13:20,149 neighborhood also as well like I 270 00:13:16,730 --> 00:13:23,540 mentioned the neighborhood as well as 271 00:13:20,149 --> 00:13:26,269 the Highland High schematic seeing Union 272 00:13:23,540 --> 00:13:28,459 seeing well you know it is regions now 273 00:13:26,269 --> 00:13:31,459 but in that time it was Union planters 274 00:13:28,459 --> 00:13:35,079 bank so my grandmother open up a bank 275 00:13:31,459 --> 00:13:38,510 account for me at Union planners okay 276 00:13:35,079 --> 00:13:41,000 Shoney's was right there Hogan eyes and 277 00:13:38,510 --> 00:13:44,600 crystals so there was all part of our 278 00:13:41,000 --> 00:13:47,420 neighborhood to us it was within what we 279 00:13:44,600 --> 00:13:51,050 can say walking distance the map code 280 00:13:47,420 --> 00:13:52,910 that you know now was a 7-eleven see so 281 00:13:51,050 --> 00:13:55,040 we can go we can go again Slurpee 282 00:13:52,910 --> 00:13:56,569 now we can't go Gensler because we don't 283 00:13:55,040 --> 00:13:56,990 have seven level seven levels was bought 284 00:13:56,569 --> 00:14:00,770 out 285 00:13:56,990 --> 00:14:02,570 by map by map code so that was part of 286 00:14:00,770 --> 00:14:05,150 our neighborhood Nils part about that 287 00:14:02,570 --> 00:14:07,490 was all part of our home life a major 288 00:14:05,150 --> 00:14:08,510 part of my home life was church we went 289 00:14:07,490 --> 00:14:11,090 to the African tradition 290 00:14:08,510 --> 00:14:12,140 african-american church in our 291 00:14:11,090 --> 00:14:14,470 neighborhood a lot there are a lot of 292 00:14:12,140 --> 00:14:17,750 churches in the neighborhood you know 293 00:14:14,470 --> 00:14:22,040 New Salem Baptist Church right but you 294 00:14:17,750 --> 00:14:23,870 know atone Parkway but New Salem was one 295 00:14:22,040 --> 00:14:25,940 block over from where I lived it I lived 296 00:14:23,870 --> 00:14:28,490 on Glencoe Street in the big Hampton 297 00:14:25,940 --> 00:14:30,590 community office some everything one 298 00:14:28,490 --> 00:14:33,170 block over his tilma Street and that's 299 00:14:30,590 --> 00:14:36,950 where New Salem churches were started 300 00:14:33,170 --> 00:14:39,290 was on Tillman Street yeah see that's 301 00:14:36,950 --> 00:14:40,790 part of the that's part neighborhood she 302 00:14:39,290 --> 00:14:43,070 probably would never know 303 00:14:40,790 --> 00:14:45,380 but if us a lot of old members of New 304 00:14:43,070 --> 00:14:50,770 Salem they're saying we go back all the 305 00:14:45,380 --> 00:14:53,240 way back to being Hampton so I know that 306 00:14:50,770 --> 00:14:55,340 the neighborhood has really changed now 307 00:14:53,240 --> 00:14:59,200 from taking the stories out and putting 308 00:14:55,340 --> 00:15:02,420 new ones in how has it changed for you a 309 00:14:59,200 --> 00:15:03,890 lot of the families that were a part of 310 00:15:02,420 --> 00:15:05,360 the neighborhood when I was growing up 311 00:15:03,890 --> 00:15:06,740 they're no longer in your neighborhood 312 00:15:05,360 --> 00:15:08,780 they're no longer connected to the 313 00:15:06,740 --> 00:15:11,240 neighborhood there are a few families 314 00:15:08,780 --> 00:15:14,990 that I know that still there but most 315 00:15:11,240 --> 00:15:18,200 families have moved out like when I 316 00:15:14,990 --> 00:15:18,800 graduated from college and accept their 317 00:15:18,200 --> 00:15:21,920 position 318 00:15:18,800 --> 00:15:23,300 I left the neighborhood my first 319 00:15:21,920 --> 00:15:26,360 position was with Russell stove was 320 00:15:23,300 --> 00:15:28,580 candy out of Kansas City Missouri they 321 00:15:26,360 --> 00:15:30,050 moved me to Dallas Texas when I 322 00:15:28,580 --> 00:15:33,260 graduated from the University of Memphis 323 00:15:30,050 --> 00:15:34,970 so I moved out of the neighborhood after 324 00:15:33,260 --> 00:15:37,340 working for Russell stores for about a 325 00:15:34,970 --> 00:15:40,910 year and a half I got the opportunity to 326 00:15:37,340 --> 00:15:44,090 come back to Memphis so my wife and I 327 00:15:40,910 --> 00:15:47,290 first moved we first lived right across 328 00:15:44,090 --> 00:15:52,760 street from his high school and then 329 00:15:47,290 --> 00:15:55,070 when after about maybe three years we 330 00:15:52,760 --> 00:15:57,020 decided buy a house and my house is in 331 00:15:55,070 --> 00:16:00,020 that and the University of district of 332 00:15:57,020 --> 00:16:01,640 the University of Memphis so but the 333 00:16:00,020 --> 00:16:03,790 tone the whole neighborhood's changed a 334 00:16:01,640 --> 00:16:06,740 lot of feminists are not there anymore 335 00:16:03,790 --> 00:16:09,110 you know I can go down the streets okay 336 00:16:06,740 --> 00:16:11,000 miss Cox you see you live here 337 00:16:09,110 --> 00:16:12,410 Miss Rose used to live here I knew 338 00:16:11,000 --> 00:16:15,170 everybody I knew everybody in the 339 00:16:12,410 --> 00:16:18,340 neighborhood because they saw me go from 340 00:16:15,170 --> 00:16:21,380 a little boy up to the man that I am I 341 00:16:18,340 --> 00:16:25,340 guess till I was about maybe 28 30 years 342 00:16:21,380 --> 00:16:27,440 old so and I would all my grandma still 343 00:16:25,340 --> 00:16:30,650 lived in English so I would go back and 344 00:16:27,440 --> 00:16:32,660 see my grandmother you know I would see 345 00:16:30,650 --> 00:16:36,110 a lot of people in the neighborhood but 346 00:16:32,660 --> 00:16:38,330 I didn't live in the neighborhood but 347 00:16:36,110 --> 00:16:39,560 it's a lot of changes because I say many 348 00:16:38,330 --> 00:16:40,340 of the feminists don't live there 349 00:16:39,560 --> 00:16:42,430 anymore 350 00:16:40,340 --> 00:16:48,260 and they're not connected to 351 00:16:42,430 --> 00:16:51,820 neighborhood by old families can you 352 00:16:48,260 --> 00:16:58,750 describe how I was like attended church 353 00:16:51,820 --> 00:17:01,250 church was a big part of my life because 354 00:16:58,750 --> 00:17:03,200 we got a chance to do a lot of things 355 00:17:01,250 --> 00:17:05,420 that we didn't get a chance to do at all 356 00:17:03,200 --> 00:17:08,870 I mean there was Sunday school but you 357 00:17:05,420 --> 00:17:10,220 had people that you saw some people 358 00:17:08,870 --> 00:17:12,770 lived in the neighborhood some people 359 00:17:10,220 --> 00:17:14,810 did not and some people you only saw you 360 00:17:12,770 --> 00:17:17,030 only saw them on Sunday because they 361 00:17:14,810 --> 00:17:19,520 didn't live in the neighborhood my 362 00:17:17,030 --> 00:17:21,830 godparents lived in the neighborhood so 363 00:17:19,520 --> 00:17:26,209 I could walk to my godparents house and 364 00:17:21,830 --> 00:17:30,920 see see their son and I could play with 365 00:17:26,209 --> 00:17:32,960 them and quite a few people a dusty old 366 00:17:30,920 --> 00:17:35,240 ending community but a lot of them 367 00:17:32,960 --> 00:17:38,060 didn't like the pastor his family they 368 00:17:35,240 --> 00:17:41,870 did not live in our community lived in 369 00:17:38,060 --> 00:17:44,420 South Memphis so I always saw them once 370 00:17:41,870 --> 00:17:47,060 a week a lot of the members did not live 371 00:17:44,420 --> 00:17:49,580 in the big Hampton community but they 372 00:17:47,060 --> 00:17:50,870 worship in the big ham the community and 373 00:17:49,580 --> 00:17:55,550 that's something I'm finding out now 374 00:17:50,870 --> 00:17:57,560 that 80% of members in the church don't 375 00:17:55,550 --> 00:17:59,870 live in they don't live in it even 376 00:17:57,560 --> 00:18:02,600 finally I know as I do outreach for the 377 00:17:59,870 --> 00:18:05,810 Gaston Park library a lot of churches I 378 00:18:02,600 --> 00:18:07,550 go to many people do not live in a 379 00:18:05,810 --> 00:18:09,920 neighborhood they come back to worship 380 00:18:07,550 --> 00:18:11,780 in the neighborhood or they grew up in a 381 00:18:09,920 --> 00:18:15,080 church but they don't actually live in 382 00:18:11,780 --> 00:18:16,670 the neighborhood now but church was a 383 00:18:15,080 --> 00:18:17,280 good part of the community for me 384 00:18:16,670 --> 00:18:21,480 because 385 00:18:17,280 --> 00:18:26,170 it was a foundation I saw a lot of men 386 00:18:21,480 --> 00:18:28,450 in my church which you don't see now but 387 00:18:26,170 --> 00:18:31,030 we had a lot of million in our church 388 00:18:28,450 --> 00:18:34,120 who gave me a lot of foundation who 389 00:18:31,030 --> 00:18:36,610 helped me grow up who set a film set a 390 00:18:34,120 --> 00:18:40,000 foundation for me to know that look this 391 00:18:36,610 --> 00:18:43,990 is what you do you work hard you love 392 00:18:40,000 --> 00:18:46,150 your family you love God and you be you 393 00:18:43,990 --> 00:18:48,190 know you're part of church that was the 394 00:18:46,150 --> 00:18:50,140 foundation me one gentleman I will 395 00:18:48,190 --> 00:18:55,440 always remember in my church is mr. Joe 396 00:18:50,140 --> 00:18:57,940 green now we're talking about like 1965 397 00:18:55,440 --> 00:19:01,240 to 1977 398 00:18:57,940 --> 00:19:04,600 okay at the time when I was going to 399 00:19:01,240 --> 00:19:13,150 when I was going to my church let's say 400 00:19:04,600 --> 00:19:18,220 let's say from 1963 to 1971 L green 401 00:19:13,150 --> 00:19:20,800 owned a golf boy you knew it now his BP 402 00:19:18,220 --> 00:19:22,780 he owned the Gulf gas station in the 403 00:19:20,800 --> 00:19:24,750 african-american community think about 404 00:19:22,780 --> 00:19:27,820 it for a minute and night think about 405 00:19:24,750 --> 00:19:30,670 1965 an african-american man owned a 406 00:19:27,820 --> 00:19:31,410 gulf gas station in an african-american 407 00:19:30,670 --> 00:19:33,760 community 408 00:19:31,410 --> 00:19:35,260 it's hard there for some African 409 00:19:33,760 --> 00:19:38,800 Americans to own a gas station 410 00:19:35,260 --> 00:19:42,190 let's loan a convenience store I mean I 411 00:19:38,800 --> 00:19:44,680 thought about to later I said wow he was 412 00:19:42,190 --> 00:19:48,700 mr. Joe green and then in those days and 413 00:19:44,680 --> 00:19:51,240 times only of golf franchise and people 414 00:19:48,700 --> 00:19:54,160 did business with him in the community 415 00:19:51,240 --> 00:19:56,380 he was a member of my church a rock of 416 00:19:54,160 --> 00:19:58,480 ages' semi church righteous cotton 417 00:19:56,380 --> 00:20:00,220 person in the be Hampton community right 418 00:19:58,480 --> 00:20:03,660 down the street from burst first which 419 00:20:00,220 --> 00:20:08,980 you know now it's First Baptist bro okay 420 00:20:03,660 --> 00:20:11,470 so in that day and time that was big mr. 421 00:20:08,980 --> 00:20:13,930 Joe green I mean think about being an 422 00:20:11,470 --> 00:20:16,720 entrepreneur businessman doing doing the 423 00:20:13,930 --> 00:20:21,160 six during the 60s with everything going 424 00:20:16,720 --> 00:20:22,870 on and racism and everything going on it 425 00:20:21,160 --> 00:20:25,700 may have been kind of hard for him to do 426 00:20:22,870 --> 00:20:28,700 what he didn't do but he did 427 00:20:25,700 --> 00:20:30,080 so church life was very big for me you 428 00:20:28,700 --> 00:20:32,269 know see something bad like mr. Joe 429 00:20:30,080 --> 00:20:34,639 green owned his own business a look I 430 00:20:32,269 --> 00:20:36,769 could have my own business one day if I 431 00:20:34,639 --> 00:20:38,990 want to no matter what's going on no 432 00:20:36,769 --> 00:20:40,490 matter what you hear the news you can 433 00:20:38,990 --> 00:20:41,600 still do y'all you can still do your 434 00:20:40,490 --> 00:20:44,049 thing you can still have your own 435 00:20:41,600 --> 00:20:44,049 business 436 00:20:45,970 --> 00:20:50,179 are there any memories from your 437 00:20:48,440 --> 00:20:52,820 childhood they influenced you later on 438 00:20:50,179 --> 00:20:55,130 in life yes my godfather and my 439 00:20:52,820 --> 00:20:57,380 godmother there's still part of my life 440 00:20:55,130 --> 00:21:00,289 today my godfather 441 00:20:57,380 --> 00:21:03,019 there are mr. and mrs. Winfred hacen 442 00:21:00,289 --> 00:21:05,659 senior they were godmothers to my older 443 00:21:03,019 --> 00:21:07,669 brother and sister so when my when my 444 00:21:05,659 --> 00:21:11,740 younger sister not joining church they 445 00:21:07,669 --> 00:21:15,970 became I got parents also as well as 446 00:21:11,740 --> 00:21:18,710 godparents they made sure that we were 447 00:21:15,970 --> 00:21:20,120 always on the right path always doing 448 00:21:18,710 --> 00:21:22,340 the right thing 449 00:21:20,120 --> 00:21:24,139 whether it be Vacation Bible School 450 00:21:22,340 --> 00:21:27,470 whether it be a church conference 451 00:21:24,139 --> 00:21:29,720 whatever was going on they always made 452 00:21:27,470 --> 00:21:32,240 sure that we were part of it and they 453 00:21:29,720 --> 00:21:34,100 all not only did they look out for us at 454 00:21:32,240 --> 00:21:36,440 church but even when church was not 455 00:21:34,100 --> 00:21:39,440 going on I can always go to their house 456 00:21:36,440 --> 00:21:41,659 and sit down and eat if I wanted to I 457 00:21:39,440 --> 00:21:44,389 could always just come over and tell 458 00:21:41,659 --> 00:21:50,029 them what was going on in my life they 459 00:21:44,389 --> 00:21:50,600 always made sure that we were well taken 460 00:21:50,029 --> 00:21:52,220 care of 461 00:21:50,600 --> 00:21:55,399 they knew my girls would take very good 462 00:21:52,220 --> 00:21:57,590 care of us but there's some things my 463 00:21:55,399 --> 00:22:01,340 grandma did not know did they make sure 464 00:21:57,590 --> 00:22:03,019 that we knew and if she knew I guess you 465 00:22:01,340 --> 00:22:05,690 could say that's the community growing 466 00:22:03,019 --> 00:22:07,309 and taking care of the generation 467 00:22:05,690 --> 00:22:09,679 parents as well as the generation coming 468 00:22:07,309 --> 00:22:13,519 ahead because a lot of times I don't 469 00:22:09,679 --> 00:22:16,720 think we see them now as well but having 470 00:22:13,519 --> 00:22:21,200 godparents made a difference for me 471 00:22:16,720 --> 00:22:23,059 because she are with my godmother when I 472 00:22:21,200 --> 00:22:25,370 get like said I did not have a car in my 473 00:22:23,059 --> 00:22:28,070 family when I get ready to take the a CT 474 00:22:25,370 --> 00:22:30,440 test I called my grandma I called my 475 00:22:28,070 --> 00:22:32,630 godmother and said I need to go to 476 00:22:30,440 --> 00:22:33,049 Southwest Community College to take the 477 00:22:32,630 --> 00:22:34,720 test 478 00:22:33,049 --> 00:22:37,090 on a Saturday 479 00:22:34,720 --> 00:22:40,030 I told her what time and everything and 480 00:22:37,090 --> 00:22:42,929 she made time in her schedule to take me 481 00:22:40,030 --> 00:22:46,390 I'm not sure if everybody would do that 482 00:22:42,929 --> 00:22:48,429 in today's day and time for you know 483 00:22:46,390 --> 00:22:52,780 because there's so much so much going on 484 00:22:48,429 --> 00:22:55,390 my godfather always made sure that if I 485 00:22:52,780 --> 00:23:00,250 needed something it was taking care of I 486 00:22:55,390 --> 00:23:01,690 took a job at Junior Achievement so I 487 00:23:00,250 --> 00:23:02,799 was able to earn money for the summer 488 00:23:01,690 --> 00:23:06,820 time so when I get ready to go to 489 00:23:02,799 --> 00:23:09,940 college I went out and bought clothes my 490 00:23:06,820 --> 00:23:13,299 godparents were the ones who took me to 491 00:23:09,940 --> 00:23:16,030 about not close with them my grandmother 492 00:23:13,299 --> 00:23:19,330 my grandmother trusted my godparents you 493 00:23:16,030 --> 00:23:20,919 know it was just a great they were great 494 00:23:19,330 --> 00:23:22,179 people and they're still great people in 495 00:23:20,919 --> 00:23:24,789 my life 496 00:23:22,179 --> 00:23:27,580 sunday was Father's Day I went to see my 497 00:23:24,789 --> 00:23:31,179 godfather and give him a card I take my 498 00:23:27,580 --> 00:23:34,090 godmother a car always for Mother's Day 499 00:23:31,179 --> 00:23:35,890 I mean I can't forget them because there 500 00:23:34,090 --> 00:23:36,730 are ways to me they're like mother and 501 00:23:35,890 --> 00:23:38,710 father to me 502 00:23:36,730 --> 00:23:41,350 matter of fact I called them mommy and 503 00:23:38,710 --> 00:23:43,900 daddy my children called them great you 504 00:23:41,350 --> 00:23:48,010 know granddad and Grandma that's just 505 00:23:43,900 --> 00:23:51,340 how close we are their son is like my 506 00:23:48,010 --> 00:23:51,700 brother and their grandchildren call me 507 00:23:51,340 --> 00:23:56,770 uncle 508 00:23:51,700 --> 00:23:59,470 Ernest so it's it's just a it's a tight 509 00:23:56,770 --> 00:24:01,870 connection of a family which came to 510 00:23:59,470 --> 00:24:03,520 church I'm not sure how close y'all are 511 00:24:01,870 --> 00:24:07,179 y'all got I'm not sure if you don't even 512 00:24:03,520 --> 00:24:10,000 have church godparents now but doing my 513 00:24:07,179 --> 00:24:16,659 damn time it was a connection that you 514 00:24:10,000 --> 00:24:19,570 made with them to make you more in depth 515 00:24:16,659 --> 00:24:21,580 and loved by the church you got a chance 516 00:24:19,570 --> 00:24:27,370 to seek because they cared about you and 517 00:24:21,580 --> 00:24:29,260 they looked out for you when you 518 00:24:27,370 --> 00:24:32,710 attended trail well do you have any 519 00:24:29,260 --> 00:24:34,720 certificates on the community oh it 520 00:24:32,710 --> 00:24:37,480 really did because all of a sudden you 521 00:24:34,720 --> 00:24:40,870 had african-americans come into an 522 00:24:37,480 --> 00:24:45,190 all-white community that they were not 523 00:24:40,870 --> 00:24:46,809 used to seeing or being a part of it 524 00:24:45,190 --> 00:24:49,210 there's there was a positive and there 525 00:24:46,809 --> 00:24:50,590 was a negative to it I mean it's no 526 00:24:49,210 --> 00:24:52,570 matter how you look it's always gonna be 527 00:24:50,590 --> 00:24:55,269 a positive it's always gonna be a 528 00:24:52,570 --> 00:24:57,609 negative but you have to understand the 529 00:24:55,269 --> 00:24:59,049 days and Tans when I was busted trailer 530 00:24:57,609 --> 00:25:01,269 you gotta really realize that we're 531 00:24:59,049 --> 00:25:04,269 being bused it wasn't like I wanted to 532 00:25:01,269 --> 00:25:06,489 go I really did not want to go to 533 00:25:04,269 --> 00:25:09,129 Treadwell I wanted to stay in Leicester 534 00:25:06,489 --> 00:25:11,080 with all the students and people that I 535 00:25:09,129 --> 00:25:13,149 knew that I you know from first grade 536 00:25:11,080 --> 00:25:16,629 all the way up to seventh grade I had 537 00:25:13,149 --> 00:25:18,249 been with you saying these same young 538 00:25:16,629 --> 00:25:22,649 people who were part of that community 539 00:25:18,249 --> 00:25:27,039 who I knew but I was Buster Treadwell 540 00:25:22,649 --> 00:25:29,289 Treadwell that area in their 541 00:25:27,039 --> 00:25:31,179 neighborhood a lot of people stayed a 542 00:25:29,289 --> 00:25:34,239 lot of people moved out of their 543 00:25:31,179 --> 00:25:36,789 neighborhood because we came in and I 544 00:25:34,239 --> 00:25:40,269 can understand a lot of children who 545 00:25:36,789 --> 00:25:44,200 attended Treadwell before we can excuse 546 00:25:40,269 --> 00:25:46,179 me left the neighborhood or went to up I 547 00:25:44,200 --> 00:25:47,649 went to a private school because 548 00:25:46,179 --> 00:25:49,749 african-americans were coming into the 549 00:25:47,649 --> 00:25:51,070 school there were no demonstrations 550 00:25:49,749 --> 00:25:56,109 there were nothing like that going on 551 00:25:51,070 --> 00:26:00,039 today we arrived there Treadwell but we 552 00:25:56,109 --> 00:26:01,869 knew what it was like you know you even 553 00:26:00,039 --> 00:26:04,749 though the administration did everything 554 00:26:01,869 --> 00:26:07,840 they could to make us feel welcome you 555 00:26:04,749 --> 00:26:09,849 still have a little bit of anxiety no 556 00:26:07,840 --> 00:26:14,139 matter what's going on when you go 557 00:26:09,849 --> 00:26:16,029 somewhere you know so it was like I said 558 00:26:14,139 --> 00:26:19,149 there's goodness positive about it 559 00:26:16,029 --> 00:26:28,690 I take I take the a little bit of both 560 00:26:19,149 --> 00:26:32,909 and think the best of it how people were 561 00:26:28,690 --> 00:26:37,470 really close together and one thing 562 00:26:32,909 --> 00:26:37,470 where people in the heights 563 00:26:38,010 --> 00:26:41,909 I think it is different because like 564 00:26:40,289 --> 00:26:44,580 saying they had to get you they had to 565 00:26:41,909 --> 00:26:47,070 get adjusted to african-americans being 566 00:26:44,580 --> 00:26:52,139 in that community because you gotta 567 00:26:47,070 --> 00:26:54,210 think about for years and years there 568 00:26:52,139 --> 00:26:56,309 had not been african-americans going to 569 00:26:54,210 --> 00:26:59,549 school maybe in that community like 570 00:26:56,309 --> 00:27:01,169 saying we went to to the grocery store 571 00:26:59,549 --> 00:27:04,320 we went to the post office in the 572 00:27:01,169 --> 00:27:07,019 neighborhood but we knew that was not 573 00:27:04,320 --> 00:27:09,210 our neighborhood that's just places we 574 00:27:07,019 --> 00:27:10,980 went to do business that it was not our 575 00:27:09,210 --> 00:27:13,080 neighborhood we knew being Hampton was I 576 00:27:10,980 --> 00:27:14,909 was our community it was our 577 00:27:13,080 --> 00:27:18,299 neighborhood and they knew the same 578 00:27:14,909 --> 00:27:21,149 thing too I guess it's like a it's like 579 00:27:18,299 --> 00:27:22,799 a border it's like a border line so we 580 00:27:21,149 --> 00:27:24,450 knew we knew where our borders were we 581 00:27:22,799 --> 00:27:25,799 knew where their borders were we do have 582 00:27:24,450 --> 00:27:28,919 four we could go and have four we could 583 00:27:25,799 --> 00:27:32,370 not go and and that day and that day and 584 00:27:28,919 --> 00:27:36,809 time on the 60s you were very careful 585 00:27:32,370 --> 00:27:38,909 not to cross and land per se and that's 586 00:27:36,809 --> 00:27:43,279 what you were taught watch the line 587 00:27:38,909 --> 00:27:43,279 watch the other two watch what you say 588 00:27:44,029 --> 00:27:54,899 are there any places in the heights they 589 00:27:47,070 --> 00:27:57,240 made it better I'm not sure I can't 590 00:27:54,899 --> 00:28:00,539 really say I said just just being part 591 00:27:57,240 --> 00:28:05,549 of Treadwell maybe a little bit better I 592 00:28:00,539 --> 00:28:10,019 mean the teachers were good the faculty 593 00:28:05,549 --> 00:28:11,399 was great I mean no one and the staff of 594 00:28:10,019 --> 00:28:15,299 the fact ever made you feel like you 595 00:28:11,399 --> 00:28:17,309 were just totally inferior and I think 596 00:28:15,299 --> 00:28:20,100 this I think because they were teachers 597 00:28:17,309 --> 00:28:23,519 teachers always want to see everyone do 598 00:28:20,100 --> 00:28:25,679 good I had the pleasure of meeting my I 599 00:28:23,519 --> 00:28:30,990 had the pleasure of seeing my 8th grade 600 00:28:25,679 --> 00:28:32,549 history teacher not too long ago I love 601 00:28:30,990 --> 00:28:34,769 history and I love geography those are 602 00:28:32,549 --> 00:28:37,909 my best subjects in in high school and 603 00:28:34,769 --> 00:28:41,639 in college so to see her again after 604 00:28:37,909 --> 00:28:44,780 almost 40 years of leaving school was 605 00:28:41,639 --> 00:28:47,630 great to tell her that I still have a 606 00:28:44,780 --> 00:28:55,010 of a history for geography was really 607 00:28:47,630 --> 00:29:06,380 great you know to say just one person or 608 00:28:55,010 --> 00:29:09,290 one area I cannot say yes I indirectly I 609 00:29:06,380 --> 00:29:12,290 am I guess because I work for the public 610 00:29:09,290 --> 00:29:14,330 library and there's a Randolph and I 611 00:29:12,290 --> 00:29:17,720 mean I never thought I would be working 612 00:29:14,330 --> 00:29:20,450 for the librarian and connected to the 613 00:29:17,720 --> 00:29:24,410 Randolph library so I feel good I see I 614 00:29:20,450 --> 00:29:26,960 feel a kinship always to the Randolph 615 00:29:24,410 --> 00:29:28,190 library because it's right down the 616 00:29:26,960 --> 00:29:31,940 street from Trevor that's a place I 617 00:29:28,190 --> 00:29:35,060 could go to and get lost in the world of 618 00:29:31,940 --> 00:29:39,080 books and learning and reading because I 619 00:29:35,060 --> 00:29:40,610 love to read so I will always be 620 00:29:39,080 --> 00:29:43,880 connected to the Randolph library even 621 00:29:40,610 --> 00:29:45,350 when I leave the library system I will 622 00:29:43,880 --> 00:29:47,660 always you know it's just like trouble 623 00:29:45,350 --> 00:29:50,930 real trouble is no longer high school 624 00:29:47,660 --> 00:29:53,150 it's now junior high school I think this 625 00:29:50,930 --> 00:29:55,610 I think that junior high school middle 626 00:29:53,150 --> 00:29:56,090 high school now but I will always be 627 00:29:55,610 --> 00:29:58,130 connected 628 00:29:56,090 --> 00:30:03,290 matter of fact my daughter went to trail 629 00:29:58,130 --> 00:30:06,560 well for some function and the class of 630 00:30:03,290 --> 00:30:09,910 77 picture is on the wall and she 631 00:30:06,560 --> 00:30:13,250 actually found my picture my graduation 632 00:30:09,910 --> 00:30:15,890 picture and it's still on the wall so I 633 00:30:13,250 --> 00:30:17,870 will always be connected to to Treadwell 634 00:30:15,890 --> 00:30:21,050 you know knowing that you can go in and 635 00:30:17,870 --> 00:30:23,480 find your father's picture on the wall 636 00:30:21,050 --> 00:30:26,630 so I will always be connected to the 637 00:30:23,480 --> 00:30:27,980 Highland Heights area because I said 638 00:30:26,630 --> 00:30:29,180 that's where I went to the grocery story 639 00:30:27,980 --> 00:30:32,540 that's where I went to the post-office 640 00:30:29,180 --> 00:30:35,000 the bank I mean like I said I always you 641 00:30:32,540 --> 00:30:38,150 know when I Drive that areas always the 642 00:30:35,000 --> 00:30:41,120 memories of what used to be somewhere 643 00:30:38,150 --> 00:30:44,360 and what used to be and what it is now 644 00:30:41,120 --> 00:30:47,960 so it's you know I say I'll always be a 645 00:30:44,360 --> 00:30:50,900 part of my life 20 years from now when 646 00:30:47,960 --> 00:30:52,280 you come back two rows to the 647 00:30:50,900 --> 00:30:54,170 neighborhood you like okay I'm gonna 648 00:30:52,280 --> 00:30:56,420 what that was I mean what this means so 649 00:30:54,170 --> 00:30:57,800 you always like okay 650 00:30:56,420 --> 00:31:00,380 you know I know what used to be here you 651 00:30:57,800 --> 00:31:02,660 can always drive down she said okay that 652 00:31:00,380 --> 00:31:04,730 was that's miss White's house then 653 00:31:02,660 --> 00:31:06,290 that's miss Smith's house you know 654 00:31:04,730 --> 00:31:08,810 that's was always going to you man who 655 00:31:06,290 --> 00:31:19,190 used to live there because it's because 656 00:31:08,810 --> 00:31:20,270 you're probably neighborhood no because 657 00:31:19,190 --> 00:31:23,810 times have changed 658 00:31:20,270 --> 00:31:28,190 and that's a that's a good thing it Alan 659 00:31:23,810 --> 00:31:29,990 Hinds is not the same as it was one 660 00:31:28,190 --> 00:31:33,590 young man who y'all probably know very 661 00:31:29,990 --> 00:31:36,470 well you may know Hank back down do 662 00:31:33,590 --> 00:31:39,140 y'all know the name hammock down hey 663 00:31:36,470 --> 00:31:40,610 McDowell played basketball for the 664 00:31:39,140 --> 00:31:43,250 University of Memphis but he was a 665 00:31:40,610 --> 00:31:45,740 graduate of sure what Hank McDowell now 666 00:31:43,250 --> 00:31:48,950 wearing the same homeroom class from 667 00:31:45,740 --> 00:31:50,810 eighth grade to 12th grade matter of 668 00:31:48,950 --> 00:31:55,100 fact his mother was a police she was the 669 00:31:50,810 --> 00:31:59,450 crossing guard at Treadwell and she was 670 00:31:55,100 --> 00:32:02,270 part of the part of the neighborhood but 671 00:31:59,450 --> 00:32:05,870 force changes and being part of it I 672 00:32:02,270 --> 00:32:08,420 think it's I think you always be a part 673 00:32:05,870 --> 00:32:10,850 of it in our ways see part and why I 674 00:32:08,420 --> 00:32:13,730 bring up Hank McDowell and the you know 675 00:32:10,850 --> 00:32:15,920 what you said a borderline the church a 676 00:32:13,730 --> 00:32:18,620 Highland Heights Baptist Church which is 677 00:32:15,920 --> 00:32:21,020 right behind my thesis we that's where 678 00:32:18,620 --> 00:32:25,190 half of the neighborhood of Highland 679 00:32:21,020 --> 00:32:27,410 Heights went to church it and after a 680 00:32:25,190 --> 00:32:31,310 while I we were allowed to go to howling 681 00:32:27,410 --> 00:32:34,010 heights and play basketball so that 682 00:32:31,310 --> 00:32:37,970 shows how the neighborhood changed their 683 00:32:34,010 --> 00:32:40,280 shows had that borderland change because 684 00:32:37,970 --> 00:32:42,110 we never thought about going to Highland 685 00:32:40,280 --> 00:32:43,730 Heights because we knew that was 686 00:32:42,110 --> 00:32:46,250 considered a white church they wouldn't 687 00:32:43,730 --> 00:32:49,310 consider a church it was considered a 688 00:32:46,250 --> 00:32:50,660 white church so you know it was even 689 00:32:49,310 --> 00:32:53,830 though it was a church we didn't think 690 00:32:50,660 --> 00:32:56,800 about it being open to us at the time 691 00:32:53,830 --> 00:32:58,820 because like Martin Luther King said the 692 00:32:56,800 --> 00:33:04,040 11 o'clock hours the most segregated 693 00:32:58,820 --> 00:33:05,450 hour and hallo America all Sunday still 694 00:33:04,040 --> 00:33:07,640 else even though you can talk about 695 00:33:05,450 --> 00:33:08,860 Bellevue Church and you can talk about 696 00:33:07,640 --> 00:33:11,500 different churches and 697 00:33:08,860 --> 00:33:13,090 new who is making changed changes is 698 00:33:11,500 --> 00:33:18,580 still the most segregated hour in 699 00:33:13,090 --> 00:33:24,010 America yeah are there any fond memories 700 00:33:18,580 --> 00:33:25,809 of your neighborhood I guess I guess one 701 00:33:24,010 --> 00:33:27,610 of the most familiar like I said it's 702 00:33:25,809 --> 00:33:33,760 going down to Randolph library being 703 00:33:27,610 --> 00:33:35,530 able to go and try a library and just 704 00:33:33,760 --> 00:33:38,010 being able to sit down and look at a 705 00:33:35,530 --> 00:33:40,630 book read a book check out a book 706 00:33:38,010 --> 00:33:45,010 anytime I wanted to because I do have a 707 00:33:40,630 --> 00:33:49,210 library card knowing that it was free to 708 00:33:45,010 --> 00:33:51,309 me was what was a great thing I guess 709 00:33:49,210 --> 00:33:54,370 you know playing around Treadwell being 710 00:33:51,309 --> 00:33:55,809 around Treadwell took Jeff took driver 711 00:33:54,370 --> 00:33:59,380 education dragging around the 712 00:33:55,809 --> 00:34:03,130 neighborhood doing you know doing 713 00:33:59,380 --> 00:34:04,720 driver's education tab it was no I 714 00:34:03,130 --> 00:34:07,270 learned some things about they would I 715 00:34:04,720 --> 00:34:09,780 didn't know just driving around doing 716 00:34:07,270 --> 00:34:09,780 driver's education 717 00:34:18,500 --> 00:34:27,000 okay um how would you like to see like 718 00:34:24,540 --> 00:34:28,549 which if Memphis was to change how would 719 00:34:27,000 --> 00:34:32,549 you like to see the change happen 720 00:34:28,549 --> 00:34:36,419 inexcus-- I think the change that we 721 00:34:32,549 --> 00:34:38,159 need to make in Memphis is we need to do 722 00:34:36,419 --> 00:34:40,409 a couple of changes that we really need 723 00:34:38,159 --> 00:34:42,859 to make we need we need to make an 724 00:34:40,409 --> 00:34:45,299 economical change we need to make a 725 00:34:42,859 --> 00:34:49,710 change in living conditions all together 726 00:34:45,299 --> 00:34:51,990 and I can say it because in the Gaston 727 00:34:49,710 --> 00:34:54,450 Park community in the Soulsville 728 00:34:51,990 --> 00:34:57,710 Neighborhood Association community you 729 00:34:54,450 --> 00:35:00,510 see a lot of houses that are just 730 00:34:57,710 --> 00:35:02,160 boarded up you see a lot of lots of 731 00:35:00,510 --> 00:35:06,630 where you could tell they were housed 732 00:35:02,160 --> 00:35:09,270 there we need to have better housing in 733 00:35:06,630 --> 00:35:11,670 Memphis more affordable housing in 734 00:35:09,270 --> 00:35:13,170 Memphis because I think when you give 735 00:35:11,670 --> 00:35:16,319 people a chance to have homeownership 736 00:35:13,170 --> 00:35:19,470 you change their life education and 737 00:35:16,319 --> 00:35:22,079 homeownership changes people's lives in 738 00:35:19,470 --> 00:35:27,710 a dark dramatic way 739 00:35:22,079 --> 00:35:31,740 I mean economics and homeownership and 740 00:35:27,710 --> 00:35:34,710 education changes everyone's lives you 741 00:35:31,740 --> 00:35:36,960 know I mean a family that can all of a 742 00:35:34,710 --> 00:35:40,470 sudden afford a house and know that it's 743 00:35:36,960 --> 00:35:42,180 their house no matter what goes on makes 744 00:35:40,470 --> 00:35:44,430 a life you know it's stability and 745 00:35:42,180 --> 00:35:46,109 that's what young people need and 746 00:35:44,430 --> 00:35:47,520 they're like they need stability and 747 00:35:46,109 --> 00:35:49,440 that's one thing I hate with my 748 00:35:47,520 --> 00:35:52,079 grandmother in our community I had 749 00:35:49,440 --> 00:35:54,990 stability I mean I knew that that was 750 00:35:52,079 --> 00:35:57,930 her house that would be the house I 751 00:35:54,990 --> 00:35:59,670 would be in all my life you know there 752 00:35:57,930 --> 00:36:02,190 was nobody gonna come along and take the 753 00:35:59,670 --> 00:36:04,680 house from us and we have to move that's 754 00:36:02,190 --> 00:36:06,390 one thing I do know people move people 755 00:36:04,680 --> 00:36:08,819 move the end people moved out but we 756 00:36:06,390 --> 00:36:13,140 always stayed there I mean it was always 757 00:36:08,819 --> 00:36:14,849 hard to see a classmate leave school 758 00:36:13,140 --> 00:36:18,240 because their parents were moving 759 00:36:14,849 --> 00:36:19,950 whether it was to uh inside Memphis or 760 00:36:18,240 --> 00:36:22,329 to another state or to another city 761 00:36:19,950 --> 00:36:25,650 there was always the hard part 762 00:36:22,329 --> 00:36:27,999 that someone was moving but I think in 763 00:36:25,650 --> 00:36:31,869 Memphis the change we need to make is 764 00:36:27,999 --> 00:36:33,969 economically educational when we do we 765 00:36:31,869 --> 00:36:36,789 make those changes I think we will be a 766 00:36:33,969 --> 00:36:39,910 whole lot better those are things we 767 00:36:36,789 --> 00:36:42,549 have to support overall because that's 768 00:36:39,910 --> 00:36:45,009 just gonna make us a grow because if we 769 00:36:42,549 --> 00:36:47,679 had full employment in Memphis imagine 770 00:36:45,009 --> 00:36:50,079 what it would be like you don't have 771 00:36:47,679 --> 00:36:52,839 time for robbery you don't have to him 772 00:36:50,079 --> 00:36:54,489 to break into someone's house you don't 773 00:36:52,839 --> 00:36:58,769 have time to argue with someone because 774 00:36:54,489 --> 00:37:01,150 you're you're working and you have 775 00:36:58,769 --> 00:37:02,589 economics going on for you so you don't 776 00:37:01,150 --> 00:37:06,069 have time to argue with someone about 777 00:37:02,589 --> 00:37:08,380 something you know your thing is look 778 00:37:06,069 --> 00:37:10,689 I'm going forward you you're thinking 779 00:37:08,380 --> 00:37:13,689 you're progressing so that makes me if 780 00:37:10,689 --> 00:37:15,009 it's all the better I guess I mean then 781 00:37:13,689 --> 00:37:17,789 one day in ten when Memphis did have 782 00:37:15,009 --> 00:37:20,199 full employment I think about many 783 00:37:17,789 --> 00:37:21,489 plants and businesses that have gone on 784 00:37:20,199 --> 00:37:24,189 I mean there was a time when we had 785 00:37:21,489 --> 00:37:27,130 Firestone here we had the Memphis 786 00:37:24,189 --> 00:37:28,900 defense Depot I mean that's your 787 00:37:27,130 --> 00:37:31,420 grandparents about the new Memphis 788 00:37:28,900 --> 00:37:35,619 defense depo I mean how many people 789 00:37:31,420 --> 00:37:38,920 actually worked there Firestone and I 790 00:37:35,619 --> 00:37:42,369 mean so many places that have closed up 791 00:37:38,920 --> 00:37:44,039 and have moved on out of Memphis I mean 792 00:37:42,369 --> 00:37:46,239 how many people have retired from there 793 00:37:44,039 --> 00:37:49,170 and that's one of the things in the 794 00:37:46,239 --> 00:37:53,229 sixties did lead to a little bit of 795 00:37:49,170 --> 00:37:59,799 middle-class for us also we teach many 796 00:37:53,229 --> 00:38:03,519 teachers as well but what does your 797 00:37:59,799 --> 00:38:05,890 neighbor really mean to you well I guess 798 00:38:03,519 --> 00:38:09,160 I got to neighborhoods because of where 799 00:38:05,890 --> 00:38:10,479 I work at and where I live in I live in 800 00:38:09,160 --> 00:38:13,479 the University of Memphis 801 00:38:10,479 --> 00:38:16,869 district I'm like four blocks from the 802 00:38:13,479 --> 00:38:18,549 University of Memphis so that means a 803 00:38:16,869 --> 00:38:22,269 lot to me because I graduate from the 804 00:38:18,549 --> 00:38:24,630 University of Memphis and 86 so to be 805 00:38:22,269 --> 00:38:27,969 close to a school that I'm an alumni of 806 00:38:24,630 --> 00:38:29,920 is great and the Cena changes that 807 00:38:27,969 --> 00:38:31,900 they're making in the university and 808 00:38:29,920 --> 00:38:32,890 also in what they call university 809 00:38:31,900 --> 00:38:36,700 district 810 00:38:32,890 --> 00:38:38,619 because one change they made was this 811 00:38:36,700 --> 00:38:41,559 what used to be the Highland Heights 812 00:38:38,619 --> 00:38:43,720 branch library is now owned by the 813 00:38:41,559 --> 00:38:45,489 University in Memphis did say you know 814 00:38:43,720 --> 00:38:49,690 security station now it's no longer the 815 00:38:45,489 --> 00:38:54,009 lat beer so that's one small change and 816 00:38:49,690 --> 00:38:56,619 to see them move forward they built a 817 00:38:54,009 --> 00:39:00,190 new library also as well so of course 818 00:38:56,619 --> 00:39:02,380 I'm connected to the library again but 819 00:39:00,190 --> 00:39:04,569 to see the changes that they're making 820 00:39:02,380 --> 00:39:08,470 for the better for the neighborhood and 821 00:39:04,569 --> 00:39:09,849 to see the more housing girl go because 822 00:39:08,470 --> 00:39:12,339 you have so many students going to 823 00:39:09,849 --> 00:39:16,239 University of Memphis about 14,000 824 00:39:12,339 --> 00:39:18,489 students coming and going commuting as 825 00:39:16,239 --> 00:39:19,960 well as being on campus it means a lot 826 00:39:18,489 --> 00:39:22,829 to the neighborhood means a lot that can 827 00:39:19,960 --> 00:39:25,569 excuse me it means a lot economically 828 00:39:22,829 --> 00:39:26,890 till that neighborhood I mean when you 829 00:39:25,569 --> 00:39:28,299 think about the Walgreens you think 830 00:39:26,890 --> 00:39:30,960 about the brand-new McDonald's right to 831 00:39:28,299 --> 00:39:35,519 his southern and how it was just built I 832 00:39:30,960 --> 00:39:37,930 mean why do they way make a change 833 00:39:35,519 --> 00:39:40,319 economics to be closer to the students 834 00:39:37,930 --> 00:39:45,420 they're building brand new apartments 835 00:39:40,319 --> 00:39:48,640 right there it's howling and matter I 836 00:39:45,420 --> 00:39:51,670 mean big big apartments and they're more 837 00:39:48,640 --> 00:39:53,559 apartments down down the way so the 838 00:39:51,670 --> 00:39:57,460 economics of the you what the university 839 00:39:53,559 --> 00:40:00,430 brings to that whole district is great 840 00:39:57,460 --> 00:40:05,499 it's they're living now for South 841 00:40:00,430 --> 00:40:09,940 Memphis I would like to see some changes 842 00:40:05,499 --> 00:40:11,920 made I like they need economics change 843 00:40:09,940 --> 00:40:14,380 in the neighborhood and that's why I'm 844 00:40:11,920 --> 00:40:16,630 part of the chillon zone to help make 845 00:40:14,380 --> 00:40:18,789 changes in their neighborhood try to let 846 00:40:16,630 --> 00:40:21,130 people realize they look you can make a 847 00:40:18,789 --> 00:40:24,089 change it doesn't have to you don't have 848 00:40:21,130 --> 00:40:27,759 to accept it make a change be radical 849 00:40:24,089 --> 00:40:29,140 you know make a change don't accept it 850 00:40:27,759 --> 00:40:31,420 let's a lot better be a part of it 851 00:40:29,140 --> 00:40:33,190 because knowing that you can come into a 852 00:40:31,420 --> 00:40:35,440 knowing that you have a library in your 853 00:40:33,190 --> 00:40:40,539 community you can come in getting on the 854 00:40:35,440 --> 00:40:42,609 library from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. if 855 00:40:40,539 --> 00:40:43,910 that's almost so that's almost a workday 856 00:40:42,609 --> 00:40:48,270 for some 857 00:40:43,910 --> 00:40:51,630 okay but if you took four hours every 858 00:40:48,270 --> 00:40:53,790 day to learn something to make yourself 859 00:40:51,630 --> 00:40:56,160 better then you can lead the 860 00:40:53,790 --> 00:40:59,820 neighborhood you know if you learn to 861 00:40:56,160 --> 00:41:01,590 learn coding if you took three months 862 00:40:59,820 --> 00:41:03,210 and you gave four hours every day I was 863 00:41:01,590 --> 00:41:05,340 just learning coding learning how to 864 00:41:03,210 --> 00:41:06,780 write code and then you got a job 865 00:41:05,340 --> 00:41:11,190 writing code you can lead the 866 00:41:06,780 --> 00:41:12,270 neighborhood and be better so that's 867 00:41:11,190 --> 00:41:13,710 what I would like to see I like to see 868 00:41:12,270 --> 00:41:15,960 the neighborhood be better I like to see 869 00:41:13,710 --> 00:41:17,700 more economics in the community I like 870 00:41:15,960 --> 00:41:19,970 to see a lot of blight a lot of 871 00:41:17,700 --> 00:41:22,800 abandoned houses and abandoned Lots 872 00:41:19,970 --> 00:41:25,230 I'd like to see houses built on I see 873 00:41:22,800 --> 00:41:27,900 the community come back in full force 874 00:41:25,230 --> 00:41:29,910 because one time it had a glory you know 875 00:41:27,900 --> 00:41:32,250 and it's coming but it's just gonna it's 876 00:41:29,910 --> 00:41:33,990 just gonna take a little time and in the 877 00:41:32,250 --> 00:41:35,400 economic situation that Memphis is in 878 00:41:33,990 --> 00:41:39,270 now it's gonna take a little bit longer 879 00:41:35,400 --> 00:41:40,500 than most people think so that's 880 00:41:39,270 --> 00:41:42,480 something change I'd like to see in the 881 00:41:40,500 --> 00:41:44,400 south members neighborhood but I'm glad 882 00:41:42,480 --> 00:41:47,490 that she Lausanne is there working 883 00:41:44,400 --> 00:41:57,780 I'm glad CTC is there working also as 884 00:41:47,490 --> 00:42:01,440 well I want to thank y'all for 885 00:41:57,780 --> 00:42:03,720 interviewing me being connected to two 886 00:42:01,440 --> 00:42:06,120 neighborhoods and being connected to 887 00:42:03,720 --> 00:42:07,860 Treadwell as well as the Randolph 888 00:42:06,120 --> 00:42:12,090 library as well as the South Memphis 889 00:42:07,860 --> 00:42:13,260 community I'm happy and I appreciate 890 00:42:12,090 --> 00:42:17,610 y'all very much for taking time to 891 00:42:13,260 --> 00:42:19,890 interview me guess that's really all I 892 00:42:17,610 --> 00:42:25,320 want to add to it is there any advice 893 00:42:19,890 --> 00:42:28,820 you have for the youth of Memphis hold 894 00:42:25,320 --> 00:42:31,290 fast to your dreams work for your dream 895 00:42:28,820 --> 00:42:34,380 you know don't don't give up on it 896 00:42:31,290 --> 00:42:37,910 it may be deferred a little bit but keep 897 00:42:34,380 --> 00:42:39,810 working realize that education is a key 898 00:42:37,910 --> 00:42:42,300 that's something no one can take from 899 00:42:39,810 --> 00:42:45,090 once you learn something once you learn 900 00:42:42,300 --> 00:42:46,410 to code once you learn mathematics no 901 00:42:45,090 --> 00:42:49,320 one can take it away from you 902 00:42:46,410 --> 00:42:51,360 and I think that's what I you have to 903 00:42:49,320 --> 00:42:54,630 realize that once you learn it once you 904 00:42:51,360 --> 00:42:56,349 really learn it no one can tell you from 905 00:42:54,630 --> 00:43:01,410 you but what you do with 906 00:42:56,349 --> 00:43:01,410 is what's so important when you do have 907 00:43:04,739 --> 00:43:10,059 freedom and neighborhood projects I we 908 00:43:08,229 --> 00:43:12,220 really appreciate your story and you 909 00:43:10,059 --> 00:43:14,640 taking your time out the city thank you 910 00:43:12,220 --> 00:43:14,640 so much