The Lynne & Henry Turley Memphis Center Collection home page


The Lynne and Henry Turley Memphis Center at Rhodes College explores the human experience of Memphis and the Mid-South in both past and present. Through classes, programs, and partnerships, it connects Rhodes’s academic program with many unique opportunities for engagement and learning in the Memphis area. The center supports innovative scholarship and teaching, stimulates student research and creative activity, and sustains interdisciplinary collaboration across the college and in the Memphis community. We support students in a variety of experiential learning opportunities, and we collect archival material that highlights our region’s rich literary, musical, archaeological and civil rights traditions. From the arts to the archives, from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement and beyond, the Turley Memphis Center seeks to enrich the Rhodes College experience and transform our community. This collection also houses materials created by the Memphis Center before the name change in spring 2018 to the Lynne & Henry Turley Memphis Center. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the Memphis Center, materials are spread throughout this repository. Click here for more projects.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 47
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Taken at the Rhodes Marketplace in Spring 2017. Sabine Lohmar and Sarah Hatfield's table.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Open critique at Layering Acrylic with Melissa Dunn (Saturday, July 22nd, 9am - 3pm).jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Screen stencil after ink has been pulled through.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Layering Acrylic with Melissa Dunn (Saturday, July 22nd, 9am - 3pm)....jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Creating a contact paper stencil for screen printing your own design.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Materials needed for screen printing..jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Que Sera Sera shirt on display_1.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Sketching ideas for screen printing designs..jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Bodice design freshly screen printed.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Layering Acrylic with Melissa Dunn (Saturday, July 22nd, 9am - 3pm)..jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Madeline Churchill pictured in _Sure_ shirt.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Layering Acrylic with Melissa Dunn (Saturday, July 22nd, 9am - 3pm).jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Layering Acrylic with Melissa Dunn (Saturday, July 22nd, 9am - 3pm),.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Lana modeling the _Sure_ shirt.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Que Sera Sera shirt on display.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Materials needed for screen printing up cloe.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Screen laid on shirt about to be printed on with the Bodice design.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Sketching ideas for screen printing designs.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Brennan Newton modeling the _Sure_ shirt.png.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Stencil applied to embroidery hoop and organza for screen printing.jpg.jpg2017-08Sarah Hatfield Screen Printing DocumentationHatfield, Sarah
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 47