Student Artwork Collection home page


Images in this community show art created by Rhodes students in a variety of studio classes. Many of the works were photographed by the Visual Resources Center.

All rights reserved. The accompanying digital object and associated documentation are provided for online research and access purposes. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and present this digital object and the accompanying documentation, without fee, and without written agreement, is hereby granted for educational, non-commercial purposes only. The Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections reserves the right to decide what constitutes educational and commercial use. In all instances of use, acknowledgement must be given to Rhodes College Archives Digital Repository, Memphis, TN. For information regarding permission to use this image, please email the Archives at

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1376
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_vela_01.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureVela, Luis
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_popescu_04.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigurePopescu, Maria
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_ward_05.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureWard, Rachel R
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_popescu_02.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigurePopescu, Maria
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_vela_08.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureVela, Luis
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_sommerkamp_04.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureSommerkamp, Elizabeth R. (Ellie)
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_ward_02.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureWard, Rachel R
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_sloan_05.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureSloan, John S
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_sommerkamp_06.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureSommerkamp, Elizabeth R. (Ellie)
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_shainker_06.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureShainker, Jessica P
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_prentiss_03.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureSmith, Prentiss E
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_prentiss_05.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureSmith, Prentiss E
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_ravva_06.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureRavva, Vishwesh
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_ravva_02.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureRavva, Vishwesh
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_phan_06.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigurePhan, Mary A
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_sloan_01.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureSloan, John S
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_peticolas_04.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigurePeticolas, Madison J
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_peticolas_03.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigurePeticolas, Madison J
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_matthiesen_08.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureMattheisen, Sean M
20180320_beginning_painting_project_2_matthiesen_02.jpg.jpg20180320Spring Beginning Painting Project 2: Human FigureMattheisen, Sean M
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1376