Memphis World Memphis World Publishing Co. 1960-09-28 Stanley S. Scott SUBURBAN DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS PICKED UP AND DELIVERED • • 752 E. McLemore WH. 8-4576 HOUSE FOR SALE 1396-98 S. ORLEANS EACH SIDE NOW RENTED FOR $60.00 CALL B. N. MUELLER, JR. EX. 7-4178 HOUSE FOR SALE 1396-98 S. ORLEANS NICE BRICK, well located duplex, two bedrooms with bath and living room on each side. EARN EXTRA CASH Came On Fellows Let's Go Sell Come In Or Call If You Are 12 or Older MAIL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION "A WORLD IN EVERY HOME" The is a substantial constructive Newspaper published every Tuesday and Friday. The only Semi-Weekly Organ of 1,000,000 Negroes in the Memphis Trade Area. If you want the MEMPHIS WORLD delivered to your door clip the blank below and fill out with your correct name, address and apartment number and mail to the MEMPHIS WORLD. Dear Sir: PLEASE SEND THE MEMPHIS WORLD TO (ME) (MY FRIEND) FOR A PERIOD OF 3 Months ( ); 6 Months ( ); 1 Year ( ). Enclosed find Cheek ( ); Money Order ( ); Cash ( ). CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 546 Beale Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Name....................... Address....Phone........... City.......State........... SUBSCRIPTION RATES BROOMFIELD'S SUNDRY 1196 WILSON WE GIVE FREE DELIVERY SERVICE • Open 7 am to 10 pm MRS. BERNICE BROOMFIELD Proprietor FOR SALE 1490 HAVANA ST. 1494 HAVANA ST. 1583 HAVANA ST. To See Anytime Call TOM JACKSON AT MU. 3-3232 HOUSE FOR RENT Attractive 4 rooms and bath, gas, lights. Nice location, good street. Near bus stop, school, Kroger grocery and Harlem House. 1290 NICHOLAS ST. MEMPHIS BUSINESS DIRECTORY OFFERS RESULTS FOLLOW the CROWDS AND THESE VALUES SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN — Strictly commission 20%, our salesman want it no other way. Car necessary. Call on restaurants exclusively. The finest selcetion of menus in the Souht. Tennessee area open, Experience not necessary, age no barrier. Reply: P. O. BOX 23014, DALLAS 3, TEXAS "AVON CALLING" MEMORIAL STUDIO 889 UNION AVENUE Designers, Builders & Erectors of Monuments. Outstanding many years for courteous service and reasonable prices. PHONE JA. 6-5466 The World Gives Local And National News Twice Weekly 6c Per Copy ERNEST C. WITHERS PICTURES TELL THE STORY We Take Photos Of • Family Groups • Church Groups • Portraits • Club Groups • Weddings • Copy Old Photos — CALL — Ernest C. Withers STUDIOS AT 319 BEALE STREET PHOTOGRAPHY PICTURES TELL THE STORY We Take Photos Of • Family Groups • Church Groups • Portraits • Club Groups • Weddings • Copy Old Photos — CALL — Ernest C. Withers STUDIOS AT 319 BEALE STREET USE OUR CLASSIFIEDUSE OUR CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RESULTS Call JA. 6-4030 It's Easy Work When You Adversite by Phone ....Or In Person If you have somethindg to sell,want to rent a house,get a job other things,you can do it easy with a low cost Classified Ad. WISHING WELL Registered U. S. Patent Office. HERE is a pleasant little game that will give you a message every day. It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters in your first name. If the number of letters is 6 or more, subtract 4: If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you. HOMES FOR SALE You must see the inside of this home— it's lovely with pine paneled den. $1,500 equity, take up notes or less down with side note. $300 Dn. — Notes $55 Lovely 2 - bedroom home. Nice shady lot. Priced at only $7,800. Mrs. M. Nowlin Real Estate FA. 3-1571 BR. 2-3392 2114 Union 1554 MARJORIE You must see the inside of this home— it's lovely with pine paneled den. $1,500 equity, take up notes or less down with side note. $300 Dn. — Notes $55 Lovely 2 - bedroom home. Nice shady lot. Priced at only $7,800. Mrs. M. Nowlin Real Estate FA. 3-1571 BR. 2-3392 2114 Union HOME FOR SALE You DON'T have to pay cash for Has your agent told you to pay cash for auto insurance? Before you buy,compare our rates and terms and take the best NEW IDEAL HOMES • Brick, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, carport, knotty pine kitchen, $9,950 to $12,750. Ayres Const. Co. • Brick, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, ranch style, knotty pine kitchen. $9,750 to $11,300. • Brick, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, wired for aid conditioner, storage room. $9,100. • Brick, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, no down payment for 221 certificate holders. $9,000. Brick, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, hardwood floors. $9,000. WANTED TWO LINCENSED BEAUTICIANS IN CLEVELAND,OHIO $25,000 is the Cost of Transfer of Licence For Information ,Write or Call MME.HOWARD Tennessee 7717 Kinsman Road Cleveland 4,Ohio Phone VU. 3-6610 ROBERT'S ESSO SERVICE STATION Lubrication — Batteries Brake Service — Washing Tires — Motor Tune-Up "The World's First Choice" 193 S. Lauderdale at Beale JA. 5-9576 HOMES FOR SALE Three Bedrooms. A good lot with trees. 1475 HAVANA John A. Parrish Co. WYATT Hatters and Cleaners 1 Day Service MAKE AND REBUILD HATS Pick-Up and Delivery JA. 6-9289 323 Beals LOANS ON Automobile, Furniture Signatures Open Thursday and Friday Nights Until 8:00 P.M. Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 DIXIE FINANCE COMPANY "We like to my yes to your loan request" Examined and Supervised by the State Dept. of Insurance and Banking 2 LOCATIONS PATRONIZE WORLD ADVERTISERS HOMES FOR SALE McLemore - Bellevue Section 1181 GREENWOOD DUPLEX SMALL DOWN PAYMENT 5 rooms and bath downstairs. 3 rooms with a both upstairs. Private side entrance. Will TAKE TRADE IN 6-room home, lovely yard with trees. $500 Dn.-$60 Mo. 1367 SOUTH-lovely 6-room home. Nice front porch, just redecorated. 50-ft. lot, trees. Close to bus line. OPEN — VACANT TOMMY O'BRIEN 1536 S. Third Wh. 2-5992 Want Ad Information Call JA. 6-4030 Deadline For Classified Ad is Tuesday for Saturday's Edition and Saturday for Wednesday's Edition SALESWOMEN WANTED ATTENTION MOTHERS! Need Money for Christmas? Earn $40 to $50 per week selling AVON Cosmetics. Call Now, BR. 2-2042. FANS FOR SALE— Attic window fans,blade,outboard motor,drill press, and hand drill. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE • 3 Chairs,good location ,reasonable rent. Owner must quit due to illness • Call Before 9:30 A.M. MADAM BURGESS I PRAY FOR THE ENTIRE SICK AND GIVE ADVICE TO WOR— RIED LIVES FAN REPAIR FACTORY METHOD FREE PICK UP 2731 Lowell Phone FA 7-0795 STORE BUILDING • With rental property 80 ft. frontage and 120 ft. long. Located in the N.E.part of city.In a highly respect able neighbourhood. Owner will share part of first morigage. • WRITE OR CALL JA. 6-4030 546 BEALE STREET Mephis 5,Tennassee Have the World Sent to You White on Vacation KOEN'S CLEANERS AND SHOE REPAIR LET US MAKE YOUR SHOES LOOK LIKE NEW • YOUR CLOTHES LAST LONGER WHEN WE CLEAN THEM • MRS. EVIE KOEN Proprietor FOR SALE 1405 McMILLAN — 6 large rooms and bath. Excellent condition. Floor furnace heat. Fenced rear yard with garage. 1168 GREENWOOD — 2 story home with 8 rooms, 2 baths. Can be used as duplex. Has attic, basement and double garage. BILL KING REALTY COMPANY Office MU. 3-6386 Res. MU. 3-3783 4711 POPLAR Realtors FHA TERMS 1405 McMILLAN — 6 large rooms and bath. Excellent condition. Floor furnace heat. Fenced rear yard with garage. 1168 GREENWOOD — 2 story home with 8 rooms, 2 baths. Can be used as duplex. Has attic, basement and double garage. BILL KING REALTY COMPANY Office MU. 3-6386 Res. MU. 3-3783 4711 POPLAR Realtors YOUR M O N E Y GOES FARTHER WHEN YOU SHOP THROUGH M E M P H I S W O R L D WANT ADS JA. 6-4030 Odium Gordon and Iriean Lotties. Alonzo Rush and Bonnie McCJough: Nathaniel Exum and Evia Simelton, Bishop Trotter and June Matthews (Manassas). John Jordan is taking heed to the ad, advertised in last week's paper. Eila Jean has robbed the cradie. Eunice Logan is back on the scene I am wondering if she will capture Maurice Taylor's heart again. Why is Louise Willett rushing home every day to look kin her mailbox. Could she be expecting a letter from Wade Evans.. Shirley Thomas says it's Leon, but Leon says its??? Martha Jones, when you learn to keep a secret, will you haw accomplished a great deal. CHIT-CHAT Last Wednesday afternoon, there was a pep session in the gymnasium. Everyone enjoyed it and showed a lot of school spirit, Although the Lions haven't won a game, the pep squad is still showing that good old school spirit. The Student Council gave two sock hops during the recess hour last Thursday and Friday. Everyone had a hopping good time. TOP TEN BOYS: John Garden, Charles Logan, Clifford Townsend, Larry Miller, Milton Burchfield, Leon Strother, Tommy Dickerson, Charles Wright, James Flood, and Robert Sims. TOP TEN GIRLS: Ana Blakemore, Stella Smith, Ernestine-Prewitt, Carol Morris, Lelia Myers, Marilyn Duncan, Norma Taylor, Beverly Johnson, Margie Blackmore, Martha Jones. Odium Gordon and Iriean Lotties. Alonzo Rush and Bonnie McCJough: Nathaniel Exum and Evia Simelton, Bishop Trotter and June Matthews (Manassas). John Jordan is taking heed to the ad, advertised in last week's paper. Eila Jean has robbed the cradie. Eunice Logan is back on the scene I am wondering if she will capture Maurice Taylor's heart again. Why is Louise Willett rushing home every day to look kin her mailbox. Could she be expecting a letter from Wade Evans.. Shirley Thomas says it's Leon, but Leon says its??? Martha Jones, when you learn to keep a secret, will you haw accomplished a great deal. NOTICE: Last Wednesday afternoon, there was a pep session in the gymnasium. Everyone enjoyed it and showed a lot of school spirit, Although the Lions haven't won a game, the pep squad is still showing that good old school spirit. The Student Council gave two sock hops during the recess hour last Thursday and Friday. Everyone had a hopping good time. TOP TEN BOYS: John Garden, Charles Logan, Clifford Townsend, Larry Miller, Milton Burchfield, Leon Strother, Tommy Dickerson, Charles Wright, James Flood, and Robert Sims. TOP TEN GIRLS: Ana Blakemore, Stella Smith, Ernestine-Prewitt, Carol Morris, Lelia Myers, Marilyn Duncan, Norma Taylor, Beverly Johnson, Margie Blackmore, Martha Jones. Odium Gordon and Iriean Lotties. Alonzo Rush and Bonnie McCJough: Nathaniel Exum and Evia Simelton, Bishop Trotter and June Matthews (Manassas). John Jordan is taking heed to the ad, advertised in last week's paper. Eila Jean has robbed the cradie. Eunice Logan is back on the scene I am wondering if she will capture Maurice Taylor's heart again. Why is Louise Willett rushing home every day to look kin her mailbox. Could she be expecting a letter from Wade Evans.. Shirley Thomas says it's Leon, but Leon says its??? Martha Jones, when you learn to keep a secret, will you haw accomplished a great deal.