Memphis World Memphis World Publishing Co. 1960-08-06 Stanley S. Scott ORDERED SOLD THE ENTIRE STOCK - YES! WALL TO WALL - NOT ONE THING WILL BE HELD BACK NOW! OUR STOCK IS IN THE HANDS OF THE LIQUIDATOR - HE IS CONTRACT BOND TO SELL OUT EACH AND EVERY ITEM OF MERCHANDISE IN OUR STORE - SO COME, BUY AND SAVE! MISSISSIPPI GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE GOWNS - SUPS - PANTIES - BRAS - SWEATERS - SOX - HOSE - GIRDLES - HANKIES - BABY PANTS - CRIB BLANKETS - SKIRTS - SCARFS - SHEETS - GIRLS' SWEATERS CAPS - DIAPERS - CHILD'S PAJAMAS - CRIB PADS - NURSING BOTTLES - RAINCOATS - TISSUES - 9x12 CONG RUGS - COTTON BATS - SLIPPERS - HARDWARE - NAILS - ENAMEL POTS - VARNISH STAINS - BATH TOWELS WASH CLOTHS - DISH TOWELS - CURTAINS - DRAPER IES - TOILET SETS - PILLOW SUPS - CHILDRENS SHOES - FLOOR WAX - WINDOW SHADES - DOOR MATS - HANGERS - TRAPS VARIETY STORE 931 PORTER ST. "RESOLVED: that the Committee to Present the Truth About the lame "Negro" in session convened does hereby urge the United Nations to act with the utmost speed and power to compel the immediate withdrawal of all Belgian armed forces from the entire soil of the Congo Republic, and uphold the independence of the people of the Congo, and be it further "RESOLVED: that this assembly calls upon the government of the United States of America to use its voice and vote in the United Nations, and its influence else where, to secure the prompt removal of all Belgian troops from the Congo as essential to the independence of its Republic, and be it further "RESOLVED: that this assembly calls upon all agencies of government, information, and news dissemination to cease and desist from the evil use of the name "Negro" for the people of the Congo, or other African peoples, or any people or African descent elsewhere." Committee to Represent the Truth About the Name "Negro" RICHARD B. MOORE, Chrm. AFRICAN NATIONALIST GUEST OF ARAB LABOR — James R. Lawson, president of the United African Nationalist movement with headquarters in Harlem's Hotel Theresa, takes time out from the festivities of the eighth anniversary of the Cairo U.A.R., to joint press conference with his host, Assad Rageb, Secretary General, International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions, with headquarters on Cairo's Ramses Square, Lawson is a native of Macon, Ga., former 4-H Club president and student at Fort Valley State College. He has worked in behalf of Africans living in the United States, leading a delegation in 1958 to the 1958 Accra Conference and in January, 1960, to the Tunisia Conference. Now Available POSNER'S HOME PERMANENT HOME PERMANENT $3.50 Plus tax. Catholics Meet In Germany Hundreds of thousands of Roman Catholics led by half of the princes of the church were assembling here Monday almost in sight of the Iron Curtain for their 27th Eucharistic Congress. The week-long congress, which opened Sunday, will attempt "to save the world through the Holy Eucharist." An estimated. 400,000 Catholics and 34 cardinals — with another eight expected by Wednesday — have arrived in this German city, 106 miles from the Iron Curtain. Francis Cardinal Spellman, the Archbishop of New York, is due to arrive Wednesday. While here, he will visit an American observation post a few yards from the Iron Curtain, and conduct a High Mass for American". Macmillan urges improved exPort trade.