Memphis World Memphis World Publishing Co. 1952-07-18 Chester M. Hampton MEMPHIS WORLD The South's Oldest and Leading Colored Semi-Weekly Newspaper Published by MEMPHIS WORLD PUBLISHING CO. Every TUESDAY and FRIDAY at 164 BEALE—Phone 8-4030 Entered In the Post Office at Memphis, Tenn., as second-Class mail under the Act of Congress, March 1, 1870 Member of SCOTT NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE W. A. Scott, II, Founder; C. A. Scott, General Manager CHESTER M. HAMPTON Editor Mrs. Rosa Brown Bracey Advertising Manager The MEMPHIS WORLD is an independent newspaper—non sectarian and non-partisan, printing news unbiasedly and supporting those things it believes to the interest of its readers and opposing those things against the interest of its readers. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Year $5.00—6 Months $3.00—3 Months $1.50 (In Advance) Jimmie Cooper, 119 E. Utah.............. Phone 9-3700 Mrs. Sadie Gray ...... 1355 Kennedy St., Phone: 9-2824 Lucius Vessell, 1001 Thomas . . . Charles Moore..............397-C South Lauderdale —Lawrence Johnson ... Phone 35-4917 James Hawes, Jr., 879 S. 4th ................ Phone 39-2980 Edward Craigen, 273 E. Virginia ....... 9-5069 BINGHAMPTON: Gayther Myers, 675 Lipford .......... Phone 48-0627 For any information concerning the distribution of THE WORLD, please contact one of your route supervisors, particularly the one in your respective district. Highlights Of The Republican Platform The Republican National Convention adopted a 6,000 word 1952 platform from which will come the text of GOP campaign orators in months to come. GOP leaders in approving the document had to make many compromises, appeal to many sectional interests, chart new action in foreign policies and affirm its interest in civil rights. In the platform's own words — it established a road for free men to march into a new day. The Republicans also accused the Democrats with losing the peace abroad and with trying to set up a socialist state at home. It laid down a promise to reestablish freedom and liberty at home. Such an achievement, it declared would revive "contagious liberating influences that would set up stresses and strains behind the Iron Curtain and make Communist, rulers impotent to carry out their goal of world domination. The platform is not a cure all for the problems of the United States, it had to appeal to many people, special interests, States, and minorities. Not everybody will be satisfied. There is sufficient conflict in the approach the platform takes to many crucial issues before the U. S. public. On the whole, the 52 Republican platform is not bad. On civil rights, the GOPs promised federal action against unfair employment practices in states which themselves refused to act. It did not say, however, whether such action should be the compulsory or voluntary type. The Republicans devoted far more attention to the civil rights issue than it did in 1948. The platform said: We will prove our good faith by: 1. Appointing qualified persons without distinction of race, religion or national origin, to responsible positions in the government. 2. Federal action towards the elimination of lynching. 3. Federal action towards the elimination of poll taxes as a requisite to voting. 4. Appropriate action to end segregation in the District of Columbia. This alone will be a significant accomplishment which will pave the way for forward action in other areas and sections. 5. Enacting federal legislation to further just and equitable treatment in the area of discriminatory employment practices. Federal action should not duplicate state efforts to end such practices; should not set up another huge bureacracy. The Republican Party, spelled out in detail its plan of civil rights action. It is noteworthy that the GOPs did not come through with another set of generalities that marked its '48 plank. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower as the Republican candidate can be expected to implement this program with a liberal, forward-thinking, internationalist and progressive course of action. He is alert on the domestic and national defense issues that face this country. He has been handed a platform text that hits hard punches against corruption in high places. The GOP document asserted; that the administration's "sordid record of corruption has shocked the American people." "Fraud, bribery, graft, favoritism and influence-peddling have come to light." On foreign policy, the platform insists that the party in power had "squandered" the nation's power and prestige. The GOP campaign platform is not a patent medicine for all the nation's ailments. Yet it poses a challenge to the U. S. The bill of particulars will not be tasty and inviting to all segments of American society. Yet its-morsels are food for thought to voters who will decide the course of the nation next November. Now that the Republican Convention is over and the clouds are clearing away Through the mist and over the horizon the Democrats on the crest of the waves of expectation rides forward just a few days from the convention in Chicago where the Republicans just left. The average American Citizen is more conscious of his right to vote today than ever before and this is especially true with the Negro Citizen who is represented in the Solid South in large numbers. It was not always that he could vote without being intimidated and in a few Southern Areas he voted at his own peril. Throughout the South one record after another is being broken in registration in a good, many instances the rank and file Negro who has had a little or no education is more eager to vote and show more interest in the voting than the educated Negro and those who hold degrees from Colleges and Universities. Of course there is reason for this laxity in most instances the educated Negro may be getting along pretty good and is satisfied with his lot and too he does not want, to intimidate those to whom he is responsible. The less fortunate Negro who has little or no education has everything to gain and nothing to loose and he therefore would naturally venture out and become interested in the election. There is absoultely no excuse for the edducated Negro's laxity, his fear timidity has gotten him nothing but caused those around him not only to loose respect for him but fail to depend on him for anything and therefore it is impossible for a good many educated Negroes to assume the role of leadership in his community. It is the duty of every organized body to not only become interested in-politics but take a stand for principle. He should support the candidate who offers something to him and his race and cast his vote along with labor and encourage his friends to vote for them. An office holder doesn't necessarily love any persons or race of people, but-he does respect and favor a voter and a voting group. Every office holder is very desirous of holding the office and when he has to make commitments or concessiens to stay in office he will do it. If it is necessary to appoint Negroes to responsible positions in the South in order to stay in office any Southern office holder will do it. The white people in the South are very well acquainted with the Negro in the South. Unfortunately the educated white man and the educated Negro has had too little contact, feeling or equals in the South to solidify such a relationship. We have had and still do have a few educated Uncle Tom's, who venture to speak for the race as a whole, but in most instances he says what he thinks the average white man wants to hear from a Negro and then has his hand out for a small favor. The Negro especially in the South must pick its own leadership Regardless to how much sincerity is exhibited no one can pick leaders for a group but the group itself. If the leadership is to be true and worthwhile. The whole world wants happiness and that is what the south wants. The South needs happiness and kindness more than other areas in America because it has so much confusion, Natural and otherwise that even the right of happiness ahead would be comforting. The dilemma that the two races are in the South continues to keep its inhabitants confused. The production of so many illiterates in the South has made a bad problem worse and the great hope for the future lies in the fact that many fine schools are being, built and our educational program is being carried on by the labor union in adult education which helps white and colored alike. Those in the ranks of Labor have learned to vote for those who favor labor The labor union member gets a political education while participating in union politics. The Negro labor union members have been elected to high paying offices in the South by both white and colored. It is not too far away to look for the Southern white man to come out and say he thinks the. Negro should have a square deal. It is just around the corner where you will find the Negro worker arid the white worker to agree not only that their problems are the same but the problem (economic) of a white working man can't be settled unless the problems (economic) of, a white man are settled. All this success can only be reached through honesty, sincerity, hard work and serious study. It was in the early days that Senator John C. Calhoun of South Carolina said a Negro could not learn Latin nor Greek and that if a Negro did show capability to learn those languages he, Calhoun would recognize the Negro to the fullest extent. A Negro finished Dartmouth College in New Hampshire at about that time and Mr. Calhoun had to swallow his words and embark on a new course to prove inferiority. The educated Negro arid whites and the press must do a job on those who are uneducated so that a happy medium can be reached in the South. Since my major promise is happiness lets work hard and look forward to that end and have some happiness in route. Chas H. Fisher, L. LD. POLITICS Now that the Republican Convention is over and the clouds are clearing away Through the mist and over the horizon the Democrats on the crest of the waves of expectation rides forward just a few days from the convention in Chicago where the Republicans just left. The average American Citizen is more conscious of his right to vote today than ever before and this is especially true with the Negro Citizen who is represented in the Solid South in large numbers. It was not always that he could vote without being intimidated and in a few Southern Areas he voted at his own peril. Throughout the South one record after another is being broken in registration in a good, many instances the rank and file Negro who has had a little or no education is more eager to vote and show more interest in the voting than the educated Negro and those who hold degrees from Colleges and Universities. Of course there is reason for this laxity in most instances the educated Negro may be getting along pretty good and is satisfied with his lot and too he does not want, to intimidate those to whom he is responsible. The less fortunate Negro who has little or no education has everything to gain and nothing to loose and he therefore would naturally venture out and become interested in the election. There is absoultely no excuse for the edducated Negro's laxity, his fear timidity has gotten him nothing but caused those around him not only to loose respect for him but fail to depend on him for anything and therefore it is impossible for a good many educated Negroes to assume the role of leadership in his community. It is the duty of every organized body to not only become interested in-politics but take a stand for principle. He should support the candidate who offers something to him and his race and cast his vote along with labor and encourage his friends to vote for them. An office holder doesn't necessarily love any persons or race of people, but-he does respect and favor a voter and a voting group. Every office holder is very desirous of holding the office and when he has to make commitments or concessiens to stay in office he will do it. If it is necessary to appoint Negroes to responsible positions in the South in order to stay in office any Southern office holder will do it. The white people in the South are very well acquainted with the Negro in the South. Unfortunately the educated white man and the educated Negro has had too little contact, feeling or equals in the South to solidify such a relationship. We have had and still do have a few educated Uncle Tom's, who venture to speak for the race as a whole, but in most instances he says what he thinks the average white man wants to hear from a Negro and then has his hand out for a small favor. The Negro especially in the South must pick its own leadership Regardless to how much sincerity is exhibited no one can pick leaders for a group but the group itself. If the leadership is to be true and worthwhile. The whole world wants happiness and that is what the south wants. The South needs happiness and kindness more than other areas in America because it has so much confusion, Natural and otherwise that even the right of happiness ahead would be comforting. The dilemma that the two races are in the South continues to keep its inhabitants confused. The production of so many illiterates in the South has made a bad problem worse and the great hope for the future lies in the fact that many fine schools are being, built and our educational program is being carried on by the labor union in adult education which helps white and colored alike. Those in the ranks of Labor have learned to vote for those who favor labor The labor union member gets a political education while participating in union politics. The Negro labor union members have been elected to high paying offices in the South by both white and colored. It is not too far away to look for the Southern white man to come out and say he thinks the. Negro should have a square deal. It is just around the corner where you will find the Negro worker arid the white worker to agree not only that their problems are the same but the problem (economic) of a white working man can't be settled unless the problems (economic) of, a white man are settled. All this success can only be reached through honesty, sincerity, hard work and serious study. It was in the early days that Senator John C. Calhoun of South Carolina said a Negro could not learn Latin nor Greek and that if a Negro did show capability to learn those languages he, Calhoun would recognize the Negro to the fullest extent. A Negro finished Dartmouth College in New Hampshire at about that time and Mr. Calhoun had to swallow his words and embark on a new course to prove inferiority. The educated Negro arid whites and the press must do a job on those who are uneducated so that a happy medium can be reached in the South. Since my major promise is happiness lets work hard and look forward to that end and have some happiness in route. Chas H. Fisher, L. LD. Poetic Musing By MRS. CORINE ELIZABETH ROWAN Why so much insincerity abounding? The falseness in the world is so astounding. People come around and give you a sweet smile. Then ready to back-bite in such a short while. What is it that hinders us from being true? Can't we be fair and give a person his due? Be a servant of God—reject the devil To all people be true and on the level. FALSE NOTES By MRS. CORINE ELIZABETH ROWAN Why so much insincerity abounding? The falseness in the world is so astounding. People come around and give you a sweet smile. Then ready to back-bite in such a short while. What is it that hinders us from being true? Can't we be fair and give a person his due? Be a servant of God—reject the devil To all people be true and on the level. PARSON by: ALICE ROSS COLUER CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN CONSTANCE'S face lightened when Barth indicated she should not give up Virginia. She arid Virginia were not intimate in any sense of the word. But here at last was a woman to whom she felt close spiritually. With Virginia she did not nave to caution herself to be careful of every word she said. For it would not only be understood, but it would go no further. Until Virginia came into their lives she had hot realized quite now lonely she was or how compressed. Virginia gave, her release. And a companionship that could be taken or left. It never intruded, yet it was always there. "There are various loyalties," Barth went on. "Besides, we are told to, love our neighbors." Once more, silence fell upon them it was a previous hour, Constance was thinking, with the world well away beyond the sleet and the snow. In this privacy they could speak of the things that were in their hearts and, speaking, take comfort and counsel. It would be nice it Anne were here, too but she had gone to the dance at the Country Club with Joe Her thoughts now centered on her daughter and she said. "Anne seems much happier to me than When she first came home. Doesn't she to you, too, Barth?" "I think so" "She seems to have effected a compromise with herself." Yes, she had' effected a compromise. She smoked at home but not outside She went fairly regularly to church, and she attended the Youth Group meetings always, although she had not taken a Sunday School class. Furthermore, she no longer quarreled with Donaid. Instead, she now divided her time fairly equally between him and Joe. Which one would she accept in the end? Constance's heart trembled often before this question. "Do you think she cares about Joe Melick?" she went on now. Barth's answer was slow in coming, "What Anne's, wants. I believe, is to establish a pattern of complete personal freedom for her selt. She admires the one Virginia and Philip have set up and would like to emulate it. But she knows she can't with Donald. Whether she knows she can't with Joe, either—or, in tact, with, anyone— I am not entirely sure." "Why couldn't she with Joe?" He shook his head. "There is no more conventional soul than Alvin Melick. He heeds the approval and the loudly sung praises of the community. Because of his own inner uncertainties, he must have the reassurance of an outer rectitude that conforms. He has tried, more or less successfully— less, rather than more—to press Joe into this mold. But Joe has no such need as his father. If be ever does select a pattern Anne will find it not at all to her liking, for it will be almost purely social and she will tire of that as quickly as of no pattern at all." He paused. "Anne needs to be dedicated to something. She's fighting it. But that's what she really wants. She can't get away from it, try as she will. She has seen, it in our lives. And now she sees it In Virginia's and Philip's—for they are dedicated to their professions, if Don had only been a writer or an artist, everything would nave been all right." "I guess we've set our mark on her, haven't we?" "Well, we are meant to bequeath more than just blood. We are meant to be a living channel through which all the riches acquired through the ages, of beauty and wisdom and faith, may flow into the next generation. I do not worry about Anne. She can hardly escape, once she realizes the excitement of, possessing this great heritage." She looked at his serene face. No, she thought, he never worries Almost too easily, she sometimes telt, he wiped unpleasantness from his mind and remembered only good things. Life might surprise him. It might even disappoint him, but he never worried. Because he felt so certainly that there was a Larger Plan than any we could conceive, into which all events, in spite of our efforts at manipulation, inevitably and rightly fitted. There came how the stamping of feet on the porch outside the front door, and, before they could ask themselves who it could possibly be at this hour and on such a night, the door opened and Donald called out to them. "May I come in?" They both rose in astonishment and went put to meet him. He had gone to the dance, too. Anne had arranged it for him. She had thought he ought to go, even though he had no partner, and meet more of his contemporaries in town. What was he doing back at only a little after ten thirty? And why was his face so pale with anger?, Standing there, his blue eyes dark, he told them briefly. "I was put out." They could not believe it. They invited turn to join them before the fire and there, softly beating one fist into the palm of the other hand and staring into the flames he related what had happened. He was to have gone with Anne And Joe. But at the last minute Joe had telephoned, saying he had to pick up two other couples and he was afraid there would not be room, after all. Would Donald mind meeting them Would So he drove up alone, feeling a little odd, never having been inside the club before and thinking be would not know anyone. It was not the high school crowd, be explained. Their hangout was the Tennis Club. It was mostly the young married group with a few older ones. Constance nodded. "Yes. I know." "I was early," he said, "so I waited outside in my car until people began to arrive. I was looking for Joe and Anne, but I finally decided I must have missed them In the crowd, so I went in by myself. I found the coat room, all right, and then I made my way to the dance floor. I stood inside the wide doorway to see if there was anyone I knew, and at the opposite end of the hall I spotted Mr. and Mrs. Randall and Joe's father and Mr. and Mrs. Ostrom from across the street here." Constance nodded again. "They saw me, and I put up a hand and was about to start over to speak to them when I realized they hadn't any of them acknowledged my greeting. I thought maybe they hadn't recognized' me— you look a little different in a tuxedo, you know — so I went ahead anyway." He paused. "Before I got to them they had turned their backs and were drifting away. I couldn't believe it was intended, so I spoke Mr. Melick's name, but he didn't—or wouldn't —hear me. Then they all moved into the card room together." He stopped. Presently he went on. He still couldn't believe that, they bad given him a deliberate cut, he said—Randall perhaps, but not the others—until he heard someone speak his name as she passed by his elbow. It was Mrs. Melick. And she said, "You'd better go home, Mr. Kent" He lifted his head now, his gaze wide in remembered astonishment. "That was all she said," he continued. "For a second I couldn't be sure she had really spoken. She's kind of a ghostlike little person, you know. And she never looked at me. She went right by to the water cooler out on the veranda, but when she came back she did the same thing. Just drifted by me and whispered, "Please go borne. Right away. It'll be better.' And then she slipped off into the card room where the others were." He got up now and stood with one elbow on the mantel. "Well, I, didn't go. Naturally. I was puzzled. And a little hot, too, I had had a bona fide invitation. Anne said she had called up somebody on the committee who had told her it was all right to bring me. So I said to myself that when she came the misunderstanding— whatever It was, and if there really was any—would he straightened out." THE HEALTH FORUM WORLD By R. EARL BLAND, M. D. Powdered DDT rarely is toxic or irritating to the intact skin. When the substance is mixed with oil or chemical solvents it may be absorbed into the system. Acute poisoning is manifested by muscle twitching, beginning in the eyelids and spreading to the remainder of the body. These tremors may become marked and in the more serious cases the heart beats irregularly and convulsions develop. Chronic intoxication is possible when exposure occurs over a long period of time. Loss of weight and appetite, mild anemia, muscular weakness and tremors ensue. Fatal cases often encounter convulsions and go into coma prior to death. The solvents that are combined with DDT, may produce similar symptons which make it difficult to determine the exact origin of the poisoning. Over exposure to kerosene for example, leads, to nervousness, headache, fatigue, and numbness and tingling sensations in and about the lips; but regardless of the cause, DDT mixtures should be utilized according to direction. The dry powder is less dangerous than the mixed solution of DDT Placing power on the skin, for example, may be harmless but if the surface is oily and dissolves some of the powder, the combination enters the system. The aerosol form of DDT is relatively - safe but may irritate the eyes or the lungs when inhaled. Twitching of the lids is the first sign that too much has been absorbed. If DDT swallowed accidently, vomiting should be induced. The physician also employes a stomach tube to wash out the gastric pouch. For 24 hours the vietim must avoid cathartics as well as oily and fatty foods to discourage absorption of any of the insectide that remains. Individuals who use the powder must wear protective clothing particularly if these kin is contaminated with grease or oil. Goggles and solvent resistant gloves also help when large amounts of the material are being handled. A mask prevents inhalation of DDT applied via spray, mist or aerosol mixture; this is wise precaution if the preparation contains 5 per cent or more of DDT. After the job is completed a bath and change of clothing are desirable. C. A. Writes: After reading your article on bad breath, I wondered if there is some way whereby a person could know when he is afflicted. If there were such a device, it would be a blessing to human nature. Reply: Haven't you heard that "even your best friend wont tell?" Would that a breathometer were available. Y. B. Writes: What makes people pull out their own hair?. Reply: This is a nervous habit and is more painful than ear pulling or nose rubbing. CARE NEEDED IN HANDLING DDT TO AVOID POISNING By R. EARL BLAND, M. D. Powdered DDT rarely is toxic or irritating to the intact skin. When the substance is mixed with oil or chemical solvents it may be absorbed into the system. Acute poisoning is manifested by muscle twitching, beginning in the eyelids and spreading to the remainder of the body. These tremors may become marked and in the more serious cases the heart beats irregularly and convulsions develop. Chronic intoxication is possible when exposure occurs over a long period of time. Loss of weight and appetite, mild anemia, muscular weakness and tremors ensue. Fatal cases often encounter convulsions and go into coma prior to death. The solvents that are combined with DDT, may produce similar symptons which make it difficult to determine the exact origin of the poisoning. Over exposure to kerosene for example, leads, to nervousness, headache, fatigue, and numbness and tingling sensations in and about the lips; but regardless of the cause, DDT mixtures should be utilized according to direction. The dry powder is less dangerous than the mixed solution of DDT Placing power on the skin, for example, may be harmless but if the surface is oily and dissolves some of the powder, the combination enters the system. The aerosol form of DDT is relatively - safe but may irritate the eyes or the lungs when inhaled. Twitching of the lids is the first sign that too much has been absorbed. If DDT swallowed accidently, vomiting should be induced. The physician also employes a stomach tube to wash out the gastric pouch. For 24 hours the vietim must avoid cathartics as well as oily and fatty foods to discourage absorption of any of the insectide that remains. Individuals who use the powder must wear protective clothing particularly if these kin is contaminated with grease or oil. Goggles and solvent resistant gloves also help when large amounts of the material are being handled. A mask prevents inhalation of DDT applied via spray, mist or aerosol mixture; this is wise precaution if the preparation contains 5 per cent or more of DDT. After the job is completed a bath and change of clothing are desirable. C. A. Writes: After reading your article on bad breath, I wondered if there is some way whereby a person could know when he is afflicted. If there were such a device, it would be a blessing to human nature. Reply: Haven't you heard that "even your best friend wont tell?" Would that a breathometer were available. Y. B. Writes: What makes people pull out their own hair?. Reply: This is a nervous habit and is more painful than ear pulling or nose rubbing. HAIR PULLING By R. EARL BLAND, M. D. Powdered DDT rarely is toxic or irritating to the intact skin. When the substance is mixed with oil or chemical solvents it may be absorbed into the system. Acute poisoning is manifested by muscle twitching, beginning in the eyelids and spreading to the remainder of the body. These tremors may become marked and in the more serious cases the heart beats irregularly and convulsions develop. Chronic intoxication is possible when exposure occurs over a long period of time. Loss of weight and appetite, mild anemia, muscular weakness and tremors ensue. Fatal cases often encounter convulsions and go into coma prior to death. The solvents that are combined with DDT, may produce similar symptons which make it difficult to determine the exact origin of the poisoning. Over exposure to kerosene for example, leads, to nervousness, headache, fatigue, and numbness and tingling sensations in and about the lips; but regardless of the cause, DDT mixtures should be utilized according to direction. The dry powder is less dangerous than the mixed solution of DDT Placing power on the skin, for example, may be harmless but if the surface is oily and dissolves some of the powder, the combination enters the system. The aerosol form of DDT is relatively - safe but may irritate the eyes or the lungs when inhaled. Twitching of the lids is the first sign that too much has been absorbed. If DDT swallowed accidently, vomiting should be induced. The physician also employes a stomach tube to wash out the gastric pouch. For 24 hours the vietim must avoid cathartics as well as oily and fatty foods to discourage absorption of any of the insectide that remains. Individuals who use the powder must wear protective clothing particularly if these kin is contaminated with grease or oil. Goggles and solvent resistant gloves also help when large amounts of the material are being handled. A mask prevents inhalation of DDT applied via spray, mist or aerosol mixture; this is wise precaution if the preparation contains 5 per cent or more of DDT. After the job is completed a bath and change of clothing are desirable. C. A. Writes: After reading your article on bad breath, I wondered if there is some way whereby a person could know when he is afflicted. If there were such a device, it would be a blessing to human nature. Reply: Haven't you heard that "even your best friend wont tell?" Would that a breathometer were available. Y. B. Writes: What makes people pull out their own hair?. Reply: This is a nervous habit and is more painful than ear pulling or nose rubbing. HAIR PULLING By R. EARL BLAND, M. D. Powdered DDT rarely is toxic or irritating to the intact skin. When the substance is mixed with oil or chemical solvents it may be absorbed into the system. Acute poisoning is manifested by muscle twitching, beginning in the eyelids and spreading to the remainder of the body. These tremors may become marked and in the more serious cases the heart beats irregularly and convulsions develop. Chronic intoxication is possible when exposure occurs over a long period of time. Loss of weight and appetite, mild anemia, muscular weakness and tremors ensue. Fatal cases often encounter convulsions and go into coma prior to death. The solvents that are combined with DDT, may produce similar symptons which make it difficult to determine the exact origin of the poisoning. Over exposure to kerosene for example, leads, to nervousness, headache, fatigue, and numbness and tingling sensations in and about the lips; but regardless of the cause, DDT mixtures should be utilized according to direction. The dry powder is less dangerous than the mixed solution of DDT Placing power on the skin, for example, may be harmless but if the surface is oily and dissolves some of the powder, the combination enters the system. The aerosol form of DDT is relatively - safe but may irritate the eyes or the lungs when inhaled. Twitching of the lids is the first sign that too much has been absorbed. If DDT swallowed accidently, vomiting should be induced. The physician also employes a stomach tube to wash out the gastric pouch. For 24 hours the vietim must avoid cathartics as well as oily and fatty foods to discourage absorption of any of the insectide that remains. Individuals who use the powder must wear protective clothing particularly if these kin is contaminated with grease or oil. Goggles and solvent resistant gloves also help when large amounts of the material are being handled. A mask prevents inhalation of DDT applied via spray, mist or aerosol mixture; this is wise precaution if the preparation contains 5 per cent or more of DDT. After the job is completed a bath and change of clothing are desirable. C. A. Writes: After reading your article on bad breath, I wondered if there is some way whereby a person could know when he is afflicted. If there were such a device, it would be a blessing to human nature. Reply: Haven't you heard that "even your best friend wont tell?" Would that a breathometer were available. Y. B. Writes: What makes people pull out their own hair?. Reply: This is a nervous habit and is more painful than ear pulling or nose rubbing. 100% KENTUCKY BOURBON 91 PROOF Stitzel-Weller Distillery Louisville, Kentucky PARCEL POST Postmaster General Donaldson has asked the Interstate Commerce Commission to grant another general advance in parcel post rates, because fourth class mail — or parcel post — is not paying its way despite a general 25 per cent increase in rates granted by the commission last year, effective last October 1. REVIEWING THE NEWS By WILLIAM GORDON Managing Editor Atlanta Daily World What is perhaps one of the most stupid and ignorant ideas ever to be conceived by a human being, comes out of the state of Florida today, and its impact has been so forceful that every news service in the country has given it some prominence in reference to space. Bill Hendrix, Grand Dragon of the Florida K Klux Klan, which represents the last frontier of indency and bigotry on the American scene, believes so strongly in the institution of "slavery" that he wants to organize a "Confederate Army" to keep the yoke of segregation around the necks of black Americans whose blood and sweat, not only helped to build this country, but whose wit and ability have helped to keep it free. The hooded order of the Klan whose principles and ideas carry with them the worst sort of brutality and bigotry, is in reality on its last leg and is desperately gasping for breath, of recognition. The Florida demonstration on the part of Hendrix is merely an attempt to let the public know that a rapidly dying subversive group of prejudiced individuals is still struggling for survival. The followers of Hendrix might not know it but, they are being led down the road in the wrong direction and that what they are doing in regard to holding the Negro back is simply giving Russia all the ammunition, she needs to fight us, our allies and other nations. How in the world can we as Americans advocate freedom and equal opportunity for all people and yet work to hold back a tenth of our population here at home? The whole idea is one born out of confused and frustrated reasoning, if you can call this reasoning at all. What Hendrix does not know, and others like him, is that the Negro has long stopped running from any faction, group or mob practices. Negroes make jokes put of pranks like this and dare those who advocate them to show their hand in the end. Those who have had enough nerve to lead any violence against minorities, have been those who do it cowardly. Only on bunch of cowards would stoop to the level of throwing dynamite or bombs into the homes of people while they sleep. Only the coward would associate himself with a group of people who parade around in numbers to beat and mob innocent people. The state of Florida should be ashamed for letting hate mongers hide among decent individuals. We can't blame Hendrix and his cult too much for advocating this sort of thing. But we can blame the law of the state for letting people of his stripe hang around. The whole practice is a reflection on all of the democratic principles we stand for and all that the Constitution of the United States means. Those in the state of Florida and Other states who back such advocates of Hendrix and his hooded order are not fit to be called Americans. They should stand up and be counted among all the other hate mongers of the world and place themselves alongside all the evil that the world has given birth to. They are not fit to be called human beings. In reference to putting the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People on his list as a hate group, Hendrix should recall that the un-American Activities Committee has long listed his order as subversive. The NAACP represents an American organization. The Klan represents what America it rapidly trying to rid itself of. An Idea of Hate, Born Out of Bigotry, Prejudice By WILLIAM GORDON Managing Editor Atlanta Daily World What is perhaps one of the most stupid and ignorant ideas ever to be conceived by a human being, comes out of the state of Florida today, and its impact has been so forceful that every news service in the country has given it some prominence in reference to space. Bill Hendrix, Grand Dragon of the Florida K Klux Klan, which represents the last frontier of indency and bigotry on the American scene, believes so strongly in the institution of "slavery" that he wants to organize a "Confederate Army" to keep the yoke of segregation around the necks of black Americans whose blood and sweat, not only helped to build this country, but whose wit and ability have helped to keep it free. The hooded order of the Klan whose principles and ideas carry with them the worst sort of brutality and bigotry, is in reality on its last leg and is desperately gasping for breath, of recognition. The Florida demonstration on the part of Hendrix is merely an attempt to let the public know that a rapidly dying subversive group of prejudiced individuals is still struggling for survival. The followers of Hendrix might not know it but, they are being led down the road in the wrong direction and that what they are doing in regard to holding the Negro back is simply giving Russia all the ammunition, she needs to fight us, our allies and other nations. How in the world can we as Americans advocate freedom and equal opportunity for all people and yet work to hold back a tenth of our population here at home? The whole idea is one born out of confused and frustrated reasoning, if you can call this reasoning at all. What Hendrix does not know, and others like him, is that the Negro has long stopped running from any faction, group or mob practices. Negroes make jokes put of pranks like this and dare those who advocate them to show their hand in the end. Those who have had enough nerve to lead any violence against minorities, have been those who do it cowardly. Only on bunch of cowards would stoop to the level of throwing dynamite or bombs into the homes of people while they sleep. Only the coward would associate himself with a group of people who parade around in numbers to beat and mob innocent people. The state of Florida should be ashamed for letting hate mongers hide among decent individuals. We can't blame Hendrix and his cult too much for advocating this sort of thing. But we can blame the law of the state for letting people of his stripe hang around. The whole practice is a reflection on all of the democratic principles we stand for and all that the Constitution of the United States means. Those in the state of Florida and Other states who back such advocates of Hendrix and his hooded order are not fit to be called Americans. They should stand up and be counted among all the other hate mongers of the world and place themselves alongside all the evil that the world has given birth to. They are not fit to be called human beings. In reference to putting the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People on his list as a hate group, Hendrix should recall that the un-American Activities Committee has long listed his order as subversive. The NAACP represents an American organization. The Klan represents what America it rapidly trying to rid itself of. Golden Gleams Of all the creatures that creep and breathe on earth there is none more wretched than man. —Homer. Man is a shadow and a dream. —Pindar