Memphis World Memphis World Publishing Co. 1951-04-13 Lewis O. Swingler MEMPHIS WORLD The South's Oldest and leading Colored Semi-Weekly Newspaper Published by MEMPHIS WORLD PUBLISHING CO. Every TUESDAY and FRIDAY at 164 BEALE—Phone,8-4030 Entered In the Post Office at Memphis, Tenn., as second-Clam mail under the Act of Congress, March 1, 1870 Member of SCOTT NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE W. A. Scott, II, Founder; C. A. Scott, General Manager LEWIS O. SWINGLER Editor A. G. SHIELDS, Jr. Advertising Manager The is an independent newspaper—non sectarian and non-partisan, printing news unbiasedly and supporting those things it believes to the interest of its readers and opposing those things against the interest of its readers. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Year $5.00—6 Months $3.00—3 Months $1.50 (In Advance) Jimmie Cooper, 119 E. Utah.............. Phone 9-3700 Roosevelt Phillips, 1383 Nicholas.......... Phone 5-5076 Charles Moore..............397-C South Lauderdale —Lawrence Johnson ... phone 35-4917 James Hawes, Jr., 879 S. 4th ................ Phone 39-3980 BINGHAMPTON: Gayther Myers, 675 Lipford .......... Phone 48-0627 For any information concerning the distribution of THE WORLD, please contact one of your route supervisors, particularly the one in your respeotive district. General MacArthur Is Out General Douglas MacArthur is out as Supreme Commander of the Far Eastern forces. President Truman removed, the Commander because, in the president's own words: "Because I have concluded that General of the Army Douglas MacArthur is unable to give his whole-hearted support to the policies of the United States Government and the United Nations in matters pertaining to his official duties." The marvel is not that the General has been fired, but how he has remained so long at the head of the United Nations forces with so much opposition to his strategy as a Commander and with him giving out so many embarrassing policy-making pronouncements, with utter disregards to the President as the Commander-in-Chief of the Army as well as without consultation with his inner-circle of advisers. In the light of this unpleasant background, together with the fact that the General set a bad example to his soldiers by refusing to respect constituted authority, it was the only thing the President could do. Besides, the belief is widespread that the late December-January slaughter of our forces against the Chinese Reds, was in largest measure, due to the faulty, if not careless planning and strategy of General MacArthur alone Whatever the facts may be, one thing is certain, the soldiers fighting under him will hail any change as a wholesome advance over the past. That we shall have weeks and perhaps months of namecalling by Republicans, is to be expected. MART OF THOUGHT When a young relative of mine entered college last fall. I tried to think of some advice to offer him Something to bridge that gap between school and church. Something really beneficial. I told him to develop a keener appreciation for intellect in womanhoods It is becoming increasingly difficult for mates because men prefer the cling ing vine type. Women would just love to be that too with bin strong men to protect and care for them. But since they acquire educations with which to earn their livelihoods until they are married and most of them do continue working after marriage the men should have deep appreciation for women who can make good companions. A woman who competes, with a man in his world, wins over him and merits a place of her own cannot be expected to come home evenings and take orders. Reason with her. During the pail week I received several letters inquiring about the source of the unusual stories I write. I have matte the usual trips to the East and West coasts, visited cities in the Midwest, Canada and the Pacific Northwest. About average I suppose for the lower income bracket. So you see I am definitely not a widely traveled person and I have not encountered too many unusual personalities. But in my time I have done more than the average reading and my mind to me a kingdom is The interesting things that one can find on the printed page! In this marketplace of thought I pass little gems on to you hoping that they will have the same good influence on you that they had on me The one that I shall tell next week has meaning, I neither condone nor condemn that which it concerns. It will merely be told as thought provoking material. OXIDINE RELIEVES MALARIAL MISERY . . . because is a SPECIFIC TREATMENT for the REAL CAUSE of aches and pains in arm, legs, neck, shoulders, back and chills and fever due to Material. You can get OXIDINE at your Drug Store. Regular size 75c, large economy size $1.25. CRAZY WATER CO. INC., Mineral Wells, Texas HEADLINES & BYLINES By SILAS WASHINGTON As a consequence of one of our discussions on the FEPC, someone said that the southern states objected to federal control because of the federal governments more liberal attitude toward Negroes. That statement, is at best only partly true. As a matter of fact, there had always been considerable confusion in the mind of the average citizen about where the rights of the states end and where those of the national government begin. It is a matter of record that the states surrendered certain rights to the federal government and retained all which were not so yielded. In fact, all powers not delegated to the fedwere reserved to the states. This point is stated very clearly by Munroe: "All unmentioned governmental powers remain where they were originally — with the states. Tips point will bear repetition, for despite its simplicity and importance, there is no feature of the American constitutional system so persistently misunderstood by the average citizen." Apropos of this idea are two new items seen in THE NEWPORT (R. I.) DAILY NEWS on March 17: The first is: "The Rhode Island Potato Growers Association in a surprise move initiated by Ralph C. Turner of Chase Road, Portsmouth- farmer voted Friday night to attempt to throw out all federal control of potato marketing in this state. The second; "He (governor Byrnes of South Carolina) said in a speech here (Columbia, S. C.) last night that if federal courts outlaw segregation, we will, if possible, live within the law, preserve the public school systern, and at the same time maintain segregation." Let us look at these, two items. In rural Rhode Island the "white" or "Irish" potato crops are of great importance to their economy. I know that from experience, for Rhode Island is my home. Also, I have worked many days in the potato fields on that island. I repeat the fact that the potato is vital to those islanders. Again they feel that the federal law is disadvantageous to them; for, the news item continued They complain that the federal marketing order hurts Rhode Island growers for the benefit of other farmers, particularly the large Maine growers who have a federal marketing agreement all their own." In South Carolina, on the other hand, the people for whom Byrnes was speaking feel, rightly or wrongly, that segregation is essential for their well-being. Whether that is really so or not is beside the point. Just the fact that they think it is. is sufficient to move them lo action. And those people are — I believe — one hundred, percent with Byrnes on that issue, particularly when you consider South. Carolina's large Negro population. Now, Rhode Island, with only a Handful of Negroes is not concerned about segregation in the public schools. To them it is neither vital nor important. Thus, the captain of this year's Rogers Hill School (of Newport) basketball "Vikings" is a colored lad. Also, two other of the first string men are colored. Besides, there are a few colored women teaching in the public school system. Hence, segregation in the public schools, that's a horse of them and is causing no problem there. But the potato situation is something else again. In like manner, South Carolina, not a large potato growing state, is not giving much thought to federal controls on "Irish" potatoes Presumably they do not raise many of them: hence, they are not losing much sleep over that issue. But, when it comes to segregation in the public schools, thats a horse of another color. The whole thing in a nutshell is this any state — north or south — does feel, and also has done so from the beginning, rather keenly about anything which in its opinion is of a threatening nature to itself. Moreover, any state is inclined to be disinterested in matters of littie obvious, concern to it. Consequently. Rhode Island attacks federal potato controls, but does not oppose federal controls on segregation in the public school system, Likewise. South Carolina attacks federal controls on racial segregation in the public school systems, but is unconcerned where federal control of "Irish" potato marketing. is involved. As I have said, this is nothing now, and is not restricted to any section of our land. Consequently the southern states fight FEPC and anti segregation laws not onyl because of the more liberal-attitude of the national government toward Negroes, but also because they definitely fear that such laws are direct threats to their established ways of doing things. R. H. SEAGRAVES, SR., Electrical Estimater We specialize in house wiring old or new. Receptacles and wall switches installed. Also Ranges, Electrical Water Heaters, etc. Do you suffer distress from '' FEMALE WEAKNESS Are troubled by distress of female functional monthly distribances? Does it make you feel to , cranky, restless, weak, a bit moody—at such times? Then do try Lydia G. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptom! Women by the thousands have reported remarkable benefits. Pinkham's Compound is what Doctors call a uterine sedative. It has a grand soothing effect on one of woman's most important organs. Taken regularly—Pinkham's Compound helps build up resistance against such distress. It's ALSO a great stomachic tonic! All drugstores. Pinkham's compound is to relieve monthly Cramps, headache, backache, —when due to female functional monthly disturbances. If the functional "middleage period peculiar to women makes suffer from hot flashes, weak, highstrung, irritable feelings—try Pinkham's Compound to relieve such symptoms. It's for this purpose. With Its Nervous, Highstrung Feelings? Are troubled by distress of female functional monthly distribances? Does it make you feel to , cranky, restless, weak, a bit moody—at such times? Then do try Lydia G. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptom! Women by the thousands have reported remarkable benefits. Pinkham's Compound is what Doctors call a uterine sedative. It has a grand soothing effect on one of woman's most important organs. Taken regularly—Pinkham's Compound helps build up resistance against such distress. It's ALSO a great stomachic tonic! All drugstores. Pinkham's compound is to relieve monthly Cramps, headache, backache, —when due to female functional monthly disturbances. If the functional "middleage period peculiar to women makes suffer from hot flashes, weak, highstrung, irritable feelings—try Pinkham's Compound to relieve such symptoms. It's for this purpose. MEALTIME MELODIES! By BELL BLAND No doubt about it the high cost of living and particularly the high cost of eating, is troubling many other homemakers these days. Do you place new emphasis on economy in buying foods and cooking methods? Continue to check foods which are plentiful in the local, market. The U. S. Dept. of Agriculture puts out a monthly report on plentiful low-priced foods. Fruits and vegetables that are plentiful this month are apples and processed apple products, sweet potatoes, celery, spinach and turnip greens. Broilers, fryers, and eggs, as well as frozen fish, dry beans, cottage cheese and peanut butter are the protein foods In plentiful supply this month. As a suggestion. try fried apples and bacon. Just fry the bacon crisp, drain and keep it hot Leave about four tablespoons of fat in the skillet, and fill skillet with, sliced apples (remove the core but leave the peeling on). Sprinkle with sugar, if desired. cover and cook slowly until tender. Serve on a hot platter with the bacon Yum, yum — it's really a taste-tempting economy dish The method of cooking is very simple, too. Definitely, nothing good ever stands still Food specialists report this about cooking beans. You do not have to soak dry beans overnight before cooking them. In fact, beans taste as good or better when prepared by a faster method. Add two cups of beans, sorted and rinsed to six cups of water. Boil beans two minutes, then remove from the stove and allow to soak one hour. By all means, cook beans in the water they are soaked in, to retain minerals, vitamins and flavor. This method is successful with navy beans, pinto beans, great northerns, red kidney and large limas. Perhaps the most frequent violations of the principal of good cookery are the use of too large long a cooking time for vegetables and the use of too high temperature for too lone time in meat cookery. Cooking vegetables in dry heat saves more of the nutritents cooking in a pressure pan, in a small amount of water or in water to cover. This is the result of studies made with thirteen vegetables. Use a heavy aluminum utensil with a tightly fitting cover for dry heat cooking. So you pride yourself on your ability to select good quality meat and on your knowledge about various cuts and the servings per pound from various cuts. That's excellent, to know how and what cuts are economical and also- the best methods of cooking. You know cooking meats, causes changes in the color, textured, flavor and nutritives value. Moist heat softens the gelatin like substance of connective tissues making meat more tender. Dry heat is suitable only, for tender cuts. Heat shrinks muscle fibres, causing them to squeeze out Juices. It also results in loss of fat thru melting. To keep these Josses at the lowest low temperature are desirable. Roasting is a dry heat method suitable for tender cuts of heel, veal pork or lamb. Cook the meat in a slow oven. Use no water. By the way have you tried the new pastry method? You mix shortening, boiling water and a little milk together, then sift in flour and salt, and mix. This method has been introduced for use with homogenized fat. Well, when you desire an especially brown pie crust, use milt instead of water or brash the top with milk. And speaking of milk It can be bought from vending machines right here in the city, Memphis Light end Water division and S. C. Toof company. Since cottage cheese is in heavy demand supply during this month, you can feature it in many ways. One especially good way is to serve it in salad combined with either celery, grated onion, chopped green pepper grated carrots or nuts or all. Cottage cheese salad is lucious 'It's an excellent and inexpensive source of easily digested protein, containing calcium and other essential minerals and vitamins. Now if you place new emphasis on economy in buying plentiful and less expensive foods and cooking methods, you will cut the high cost of eating. For the real secret of your economy is your care in avoiding waste. The HEALTH FORUM World By DR. R. EARL BLAND The problem of pain has challenged the thought of scientists and philosophers in all ages, but in spite of all that has been written upon the subject, no definition has yet been formulated which adequate ly describe what we mean by this experience. The difficulties of such definitions are obvious for although primitive in character, pain is essentially a sensation in which both physiological and psychological processes play a part. The interpretation and evolution of painful impression are functions of the higher centers and may be appreciably influenced by physical and emotional forces. Many explanations have been suggested concern ing the origin of headaches. The brain covering and the brain cavities are usually, given as probably location of some stimulation. No adequate explanation has been offered for the periodic attacks of ever there is a strong hereditary element in its causes. It is said that seven per cent of the population have migraine. The average attacks come every eleven days, though the frequency varies from one a day to one every, six months. The hereditary character of the disorder indicates that it may be a form of neuroisis involving certain portions of the brain and also It may be of endocrine origin. It is possible that all headaches can be analyzed and the factors contributing to cause the headache evaluated. Headache is one of the commonest of clinical symptom, the most universal of all symptoms to be treated as a disease. However it is not a disease. In a general way it refers to pain experienced in any portion of the cranical region. It is granted that your physician is well prepared to practice medicine. That is to say that he has a knowledge of pathologic changes, the effect, of age and occupation, residence, habits, hereditary, environment, past aliments, constitutional peculiarities, and personal characteristics of the individual. Then it is presupposed that he can make an accurate diagnosis of your case. The Experts' Choice... The People's Favorite We thank all you men who in your own homes...among your own friends are considered expects at making perfect drinks. Your recommendations have helped make Seagram's 7 Crown America's No. 1 whiskey. Your appreciation of 7 Crown's taste perfection has made it pass all others in popularity. Seagram's 7 Crown. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 655% Grain Neutral Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corporation, Chrysler Building, New York. Safety Shorts For April Here's a message from, the Tennessee Safety Council to the young people of this community. Don't forget that riders of motor scooters and motor bikes are under the same laws as drivers of automobiles and "trucks. You must have a driver's license and you must obey all traffic laws and regulations just the same as a motorist. Be sure to give the proper signals when you start to turn or stop in traffic. Always keep to your right and out of the main line of traffic. Never stunt or carry a passenger with you. The smartest rider is the one who avoids accidents and injuries. Here's a tip to the motor bike, and motor scooter riders of this community from the Tennessee Safety Council Remember that the State's motor vehicle laws apply to you just the same as they do to automobile and truck drivers. You must have, a driver's license and to get one you have to be at least 16 years of age. You may secure a limited license between the age of 14 and 16 for certain prescribed routes only. Don't forget that you must give signals for stops and turns and obey all traffic laws and regulations. Know and obey your traffic laws and help prevent injuries. Attention, young people: In a short time baseball and other spring sports will toe starting and before long school will be out for the summer vacation. The Tennessee Safety Council warns you to walk and drive carefully. Don't let a traffic accident spoil your fun. It's smart to be careful and avoid painful injuries. LOOKING THINGS OVER By HELEN CALDWELL DAY It seems that the Willie McGee case Is still far from closed-which may be just as well since there seems to be so much confusion about what is Justice in this particular case. If Willie McGee really did commit rape as he is accused, I don't think the death penatly anymore unwarranted than it would be for murder, since in my opinion rape itself Ls a kind of murder. Personally too, I would rather be murdered. However, I do not think that those who sincerely believe in this man's innocence or who believe this penalty unjustified should be labeled arbitrarily "Communist" as many of the white papers are doing antler abused as a fellow travelor The Communist after all are not the only ones who deploy the fact that there should he ore justice for whitesand another "Justice" for Negroes The Communists are not the only ones who doubt and fear "southern" for the Negro as long as white southerners are the claimants and Negroes are the defendants. Christians will also doubt it and fear a travesty of justice in such cases as long as the non-christian principles or racial hatred and segregation and prejudice continue to exist as the boast and not the shame of the south. For after all when a people section or nation consistently mock by their teaching or actions the Charity and Fatherhood of God. how can we trust their dispension of His justice? Want can they know of justice who know nothing of love? Those then who Join in the fight to "save Willie McGee" are not then necessarily Communists. Fellow Travelors, nor misguided sentimentalists Anyone who believes that this man is innocent is not only justified but even, obliged as a Christian to fight for his life if he or she can. That means-fight if necessary with those who really are Communists, Fellow Travelers, etc. Is an innocent man to be allowed to die merely because Satan also defends him? If your child or brother or father were in a well drowning and a Communist cam along with it rope to help you pu him out, would you refuse because he was a Communist and let the other drown, or would you than him warmly seeing a human response to a human need? You could go on hating and fighting Communism, the man's belief all you wished, or all you had to, but until one of you won you could sometime work together to solve a common problem-and that without at all compromising your be liefs. In one of the papers recently, I read that the fight to save Wille McGee's life was started by Communists to divide and stir up the people. All that is fine and the reading, lofty and all that, But it ignores the fact that there is already division, confusion and disquiet among the people, and that there must be as long as there are laws to make it so laws which jimcrow stir up and divide the people according to color instead of worth. It supposes wrongly that this man's death is of importance only to his family or the people in his own community, forgetting that it may also stir up, anger and divid the people with its name calling and attempts to brand and label, those, who follow their conscienc only, since the dual system or Justice here makes It possible tot an innocent man to die as they want this man to die, and as others have died whose skins were dark, even though we recognize the fact that it is possible that he is guilty as charged. Still it is understandable and commendable that we should be willing to set a guilty man free rather than kill an innocent one. Anyone who denies this, is denying to basic principle of "American justice-that a man is innocent until proven guilty beyond shadow. of doubt. Since there seems to be a great many people, northerners and southerners alike, who doubt, it stands to reason that his guilt-has not been proven beyond a reasonable shadow of doubts unless you are going to suppose an enormous number of otherwise reasonable and intelligent people unreasonable