Finding Aids to Archival and Manuscript Collections

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Many of the finding aids that have been created to organize and enhance the usability of the collections in the Archives and Special Collection are found here. There are other finding aids available in the Archives reading room that have not been uploaded to this site. Unless noted, materials in the collection is available for use and must be used in the Archives Reading Room


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    Shelby Foote Collection Finding Aid
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Archives and Special Collections, Rhodes College, 2012-05-18) McCarley, Carol
    The manuscripts and papers in the Shelby Foote Collection present a picture of Foote’s professional and personal life from records he retained from the 1930s through the early 2000s. It is composed of manuscripts, research notes, letters, photographs and diaries. The Collection was acquired by the College in December, 2010. It was processed by Carol McCarley, an independent special librarian hired for this project and Jordan Redmon and Laura Peterson, both members of the Class of 2013.
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