Southwestern Bulletin

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  • Publication
    Continuing Education
    (1958-07) Kinney, Laurence
    Laurence F. Kinney is Professor of Bible in Southwestern at Memphis. He was educated at Hampden Sydney College, Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, the University of Virginia, and Edinburgh University. He was Professor in the General Assembly's Training School before entering upon his present post. He is Director of Academic Relations in the Memphis Adult Education Center. Professor Kinney is a member of many religious, philosophical and educational associations; and has contributed articles to the "Virginia Churchman," "Journal of Philosophy," "Christian Observer," "Presbyterian Outlook," and "Interpretation."
  • Publication
    Educating for the Good Life
    (Southwestern at Memphis, 1944-01) Kinney, Laurence
    Dr. Laurence F. Kinney has been elected to the Albert Bruce Curry Chair of Bible at Southwestern, and will assume his new duties at the beginning of the second semester of the 1943-44 session. He will be associated with Professor T. E. Hill in this department of the college. Dr. Kinney is a native of West Virginia,a graduate of Hampden-Sydney College and Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia. He holds the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in philosophy from the University of Virginia. He has done graduate work in theology at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, on the Bennett Wood Greene fellowship from the University of Virginia. He has held two pastorates in Virginia, taught philosophy at the College of William and Mary, and theology at Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia. He comes to Southwestern from the General Assembly's Training School at Richmond, where he has been professor of Bible and Theology.
  • Publication
    An Approach to Progressive Policy
    (Southwestern at Memphis, 1946-07) Fortas, Abe
    Alumni Day Address delivered at Southwestern at Memphis, June 3, 1946, by the Guest of Honor, Abe Fortas, '30.
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