Kinney Program

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Since its beginning in 1956, with the inspiration from Bible professor Dr. Laurence F. Kinney and with a grant from the Danforth Foundation, the Rhodes community service program has grown to include 83% of all graduating students. unity The Kinney Program is the Rhodes campus-wide effort to engage all students in service and social action in Memphis and the broader command helps students understand our community neighbors, reach across cultural, racial and economic barriers, and seek lasting solutions for a more compassionate and just world. For almost 50 years, Rhodes students have discovered the impact of serving in the community in initiatives such as Souper Contact(a student-operated soup kitchen), Habitat for Humanity, Snowden Adopt-a-Friend tutoring and mentoring program, Tex-Mex (spring break service trip), ESL tutoring, annual Rites to Play festival, work at regional medical facilities and Hollywood – Springdale community development projects near campus.


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