Charles Edward Diehl. Document Collection

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Documents about and by Charles E. Diehl, President of the College from 1917 until 1949.


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  • Publication
    A Man and a College: Charles E. Diehl's Thirty-Two Years as President of Southwestern at Memphis
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1964) McIlwaine, Shields
    Southwestern records with sorrow the death of President Emeritus Charles E. Diehl on Feb. 27, 1964. With selfless devotion and noble sacrifice he labored untiringly and uncompromisingly, often against great odds and often faced with heartbreak, in the building of this College. This account of Diehl's various achievements was written by Dr. Shields McIlwaine '24.
  • Publication
    The Beautiful Hope of Doing Some Perpetual Good Upon This Earth
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1942) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    An address prepared by Southwestern President Charles E. Diehl at the request of the Trustees of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States and the Presbyterian Foundation, Incorporated.
  • Publication
    Is Christian Education Worth Double Taxation?
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1941) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    An address given by Southwestern President Charles E. Diehl during the 1941 meeting of the Presbyterian Educational Association of the South.
  • Publication
    The Story of a Vineyard: The Work of the Presbyterian Church U.S. in the Synod of Tennessee
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1927) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    A book compiled and edited by Southwestern President Charles E. Diehl that discusses the history and details the work of the Presbyterian Church U.S. in Tennessee.
  • Publication
    Southwestern Background and Purposes
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1943-04-20) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    Upon the invitation of Mr. Frank Ahlgren, President of the Memphis Rotary Club and Editor of the Commercial Appeal, President Charles E. Diehl, of Southwestern, gave this address at the regular meeting of the Club on Tuesday, April 20, 1943.
  • Publication
    Moving a College
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1956-10-25) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    President Diehl read this paper at a meeting of the Egyptians.
  • Publication
    The Ideals of Southwestern by President Charles E. Diehl
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1925-12) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    This is a reprint of Dr. Diehl's "Ideals of Southwestern" speech that he made on November 27, 1925 when he was formally accepting the buildings on the new Memphis campus on behalf of the Board of Directors.
  • Publication
    President's Correspondence. Diehl. Inventory
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1992) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    The entries on this spreadsheet provide brief descriptions of the contents of folders. The folders contain correspondence and were created in the Office of the President. The collection is chronologically and then by numbering system that was created in the office. The original papers are stored in the College Archives.
  • Publication
    Charles E. Diehl biographical information
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1910) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
  • Publication
    Letter to President Diehl on Diehl's twenty-fifth anniversary as president
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1942-05-18) Davis, John Henry
  • Publication
    Letter to James Rennie about construction of Memphis campus
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives, 1924-03-17) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    Pres. Diehl outlines some of the costs of the new buildings n the Memphis campus and discusses possible donors.
  • Publication
    Quotations by President Diehl
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1950) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    This document includes quotations by President Diehl about liberal education, ideals, teaching, faculty and character.
  • Publication
    Quote by Charles E. Diehl
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1925-11-27) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    "Realizing that the good is ever the enemy of the best, we did not seek merely the good, but the best. There was ever before us the idea of excellence. It was our purpose to launch here an institution which would endure for centuries, and which would command the respect and quicken the pride of succeeding generations."
  • Publication
    Letter to W. A. Hein
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1922-01-03) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    Diehl is conveying to Hein his gratitude for the gift of ten acres for the construction of the Memphis campus.
  • Publication
    College announcement of Diehl as President
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1917) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
  • Publication
    A Memorial Program
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1964-03-02) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    This is the order of the program of the memorial held in Hardie Auditorium.
  • Publication
    Letter from Allen Tate
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1935-02-20) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    In this letter, Allen Tate tells Pres. Diehl that he will return to teach at the College for the 1936/37 academic year.
  • Publication
    Article announcing Dr. Diehl as new president of the College
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern At Memphis, 1917) Diehl, Charles Edward, 1875-1964
    This article probably appeared in the Clarksville (Tennessee) newspaper.
  • Publication
    The Official Report of the Hearing of the Charges Against President Charles E. Diehl
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives, 1931-03)
    This is "The Official Report of the Hearing of the Charges Preferred by Eleven Presbyterian Ministers Against President Charles E. Diehl" Held on Tuesday, February 3, 1931, by the Board of Directors of Southwestern. Extra Southwestern Bulletin Vol. 18, No. 2
  • Publication
    Presbytery of Nashville: Stated Fall Meeting
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives, 1931-09-29)
    This is the minutes of the Presbytery of Nashville, U.S., Stated Fall Meeting which took place on September 29th and 30th, 1931 at Spring Creek Church in Greenwood, Tennessee.
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