Lardner Vanuxem Collection Documents

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Lardner Vanuxem, a geologist, was born in Philadelphia on 23 July, 1792 and died in Bristol, Pennsylvania on 25 January, 1848. In 1819 he graduated from the Ecole des mines (School of Mines)in Paris and soon after his return to the United States was asked to take the Chair of Chemistry and Mineralogy in South Carolina College. In 1826 he retired from the College and devoted his attention exclusively to geology. Professor Vanuxem's private collection of mineral and geological specimens was considered at the time of his death as "the largest, best arranged, and most valuable private collection in the country." He was a member of the Philadelphia academy of natural sciences, and of other science organizations. Vanuxem is credited with helping to organize the Association of American Geologists, which is now represented by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He published numerous papers on scientific subjects in such eminent journals as the "American Journal of Science”.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
  • Publication
    A collection of one hundred of the most interesting minerals for blowpipe experiments
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives, 1860)
  • Publication
    A Survey of the Cabinets of the Southwestern Presbyterian University
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives, 1879-09) Caldwell, Joshua W.
    This description of the contents and organization of the collection of minerals, fossils, rocks and shells that was given to Southwestern Presbyterian University by William M. Stewart was published as a pamphlet in Clarksville, Tennessee. It was written by Dr. J. Caldwell, Stewart Professor of Science at SPU who served as the collection's custodian and historian. Many of the specimens were purchased by Stewart in the 1850s from the Lardner Vanuxem estate.
  • Publication
    The Final Disposition of some American Collections of Minerals
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College, Archives, 1923) Canfield, Frederick A.
    Frederick Alexander Canfield, one of America's leading mineral collectors of the early 20th century, created a survey of the disposition of American mineral collections. This is an image of page 19 of that survey which mentions the Vanuxem Collection as one of the finest American Collections. A photocopy of the complete document is located in Vanuxem, Box 1 in the archives.
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