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During the 1944-1945 school year, the College’s literary publication, The Southwestern Journal received a rebrand to Stylus. The internal workings of the journal are the same, the rebrand only affected the name of the series, and it continued to publish creative writing that students wrote on their own time, not as part of any class, which the foreword of the first issue posits makes it “…more valuable as an expression of what students are thinking and feeling.” Stylus would be printed until the late 1960’s, with its last issue releasing in 1967, before the publication underwent another rebrand.


Recent Submissions

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    Stylus, 1959
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1959) Morrison, Ann; Dent, Oran; Bracewell, Susie; Peacock, Bates; Russom, Leon; Agnew, Jocelyn; Ringold, Bert; Cross, Donnie; Jenkins, Harvey; Wilson, Don; Wilson, David; Warren, Joan; Sims, Betty; Reed, Bill; Bunn, Richard; Baumgarten, Bette; Kremer, Pem; Somerville, John; Winter, Sandra; King, Jim; Kremer, Pem; Baumgarten, Bette; Smith, David; Morrison, Ann; Roper, J.E.
    This volume of Stylus dates from 1959. Its contents include creative writing projects from students, with an equal spread of poetry and prose fiction, with one author choosing to remain anonymous in their poetry.
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    Stylus, 1958
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1958) Conway, Frank Jr.; Kremer, Pem; Morrison, Ann; Roper, J.; Cunningham, Jack; Carter, Nancy; Thompson, Paul; Barr, Jane; Somerville, John; Dent, Oran; Donelson, Elaine; Lee, Mary Ann; Peacock, Bates; Booth, Bob; Reed, William L.; Warren, Joan; Wilkins, Lewis; Smith, David; Kremer, Pem; Sims, Betty; Rose, Bobby; Peterson, Nora; McClaran, Barabara; Sims, Betty. R; McClaren, Barbara; Peterson, Nora; Biedenharn, Jack; Somerville, John; Roper, J.E.
    This volume of Stylus dates from 1958. Its contents include creative writing projects from students, with an equal spread of poetry and prose fiction. This volume has works written by people under two different pseudonyms: Tennessee, and Chauncey (the Printer).
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    Stylus, 1946-1947
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1947) Ruffin, David; Wood, Richard; Addington, Milton; Dubrovner, Ralph; Roper, James; Perdue, Evin; Fitzhugh, Louise; Davis, Nancy; Wherrit, Robert; Marsh, William H.
    This volume of Stylus dates from 1947. Its contents include creative writing projects from students, with an equal spread of poetry and prose fiction, as well as the translation of a work from French.