ENGL 155-01, Daily Themes: The New Yorker, Spring 2011
Finlayson, Rebecca
Finlayson, Rebecca
English, Department of, Syllabus, Academic departments, Text, Curriculum, 2011 Spring
Local ID
The text for this class is The New Yorker magazine, which I will distribute on Thursdays for the following week’s
reading. If the NY does not arrive in time, I will leave them outside my office for you to pick up asap (check your email).
You will read approximately two essays for each class, and we typically will decide as a class which essays we’ll read. I
reserve the option of assigning an article from a previous issue either electronically or by hard copy. The New Yorker is an
intellectual magazine, known for its accomplished writing. As such, it is sometimes challenging to read. You’ll want to set
aside at least 6-8 hours each week outside of class for reading essays and writing themes. Your magazine pages should be
marked with your notes and questions because you’ll be expected to contribute your comments in class (and you will need
these notes as you write your themes). Because of the nature of the weekly primary text, I will make many spontaneous
announcements in class and via email (for example, which essays or chapters to read for the following week). Make sure
that you get this information and write it on your syllabus. You are responsible for knowing what we are reading. Please
check your email daily.
This syllabus was submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs by the course instructor. Uploaded by Archives RSA Josephine Hill.