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LATN 265-01, Topics in Latin Literature: Virgil, Horace, Propertius, Fall 2006

Warren, Brian
Greek and Roman Studies, Latin, Syllabus, Curriculum, Academic departments, Text, 2006 Fall
Local ID
The objective of this course is to improve your fluency in reading Latin and introduce you to the study of Latin literature and the tools we use as philologists. For some, this course will serve as the first advanced course after the elementary and intermediate language sequence we offer here at Rhodes. For those of you continuing on from the Oxford Latin Course, we will continue our study of Horace's Carmina, which students begin encountering in the third book of that sequence. For others, this course will represent a continuation of their work in AP courses offered in high school. For those who took the Latin literature course, we will read a selection of Horace's Carmina from book one that do not appear on the AP reading list. We will also expand the study of elegy beyond the Amores of Ovid by reading selections from the first book of Propertius' Elegiae. For those who took the AP course on the Aeneid, we will further develop your familiarity with the work of Virgil by working through a selection of the Eclogae and Georgica. Although this course is not designed with specific courses in other disciplines in mind, the material we cover will be of importance for the study of poetry in general.
This syllabus was submitted to the Rhodes College Office of Academic Affairs by the instructor.