Memphis World Memphis World Publishing Co. 1963-11-09 J. A. Beauchamp House Civil Rights Bill Gets Bi-Partisan Support Democrats and Republicans have joined in bipartisan agreement on a compromise civil rights bill. While there has been widespread criticism of the watered down measure, President John F. Kennedy vigorously fought for the new bill with the belief that it would win over entrenched opposition in Congress. Despite outcries that the bill is a "half loaf" it still contains legislation that would ban racial discrimination in public accommodations such as restaurants, hotels and theatres, strengthen voting and job rights, and allow the federal government greater initative in civil rights suits. The vote in the House Judiciary Committee was 20-14 in favor of the more palatable substitute bill. The subcommittee bill was killed 19-14 following extensive behind-the-scenes negotiations. If strategy to get the House bill before the Senate wins, then the civil rights bill should be speedily enacted by Congress. Passage of the civil rights package would contribute a great deal to racial unity in the United States. Once the people follow the mandate of Congress as pinpointed by passage of the civil rights package, it would lead to a lessening of tensions and demonstrations that have swept the country. Circus of the substitute civil rights bill, knowing the historic reluctance of Congress to act in the past, should view the President's action as a bargaining point for meaningful legislation and for passage in this session of Congress. If the civil rights legislation does not live up to its promises, then more remedial legislation should be put before Congress again, so the promise of democracy will be fulfilled. Why Worry? A famous physician recently said that about one-third of all the ailments which came to his attention originated in the mind, as a result of worry. In the field of giving advice, perhaps the best advice one can give to those inclined to worry is "Stop Worrying." To emphaziee the fruitlessness of worry, one should keep in the mind the following things. First, about forty per cent of the things people worry about never happened and are out of our control. Therefore, about seventy per cent of the things we worry about have already happened or will not happen. Another twelve per cent of the things we worry about are imaginary, and a further ten per cent of themselves, and either those who are well able to take care of themselves, and either do not need our worry, or do not want it. That leaves only about eight per cent of our worries which have any relation to reality, and while eight per cent of our worries may be legitimate worrying, about things which will happen, some ninety-two per cent of but worrying is wasted effort. It is difficult to convince the worrying type that this is true. Nevertheless, some of the top physicians in the country, top psychiatrists, and most of the industrial studies have show that the above is true. BETWEEN THE LINES In Anthropology we are told that the white man did not appear on the earth until the Bronze Age, roughly speaking about 7,000 years ago; and one of the outstanding facts of his appearance is that he brought the sword and thus begun wars and rumours of works. But quite as important as the sword and wars which he brought, is race prejudice which is one of the social inventions, which has spread around the whole earth. When we say race prejudice, we mean the prejudice that is predicated upon color. Color prejudice then, is one of the major baneful contributions which the white man has made to civilization and what a diabolical contribution it is proving to be. It easily imagined that the war of determination of man from the face of the earth will be a race war, growing out of the evils stemming from the white man's cultivation of upon the soil. There is not a greater danger and curse to mankind, nor is there greater threat and obstacle to world Peace selfsame color prejudice that has to be studiously cultivated for survival; for if prejudice survives and thrives it must be assiduously cultivated. Today the prejudiced white man sits in the driver's seat of the Twentieth Century world; and this means that his color prejudice is deeply entrenched and even opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, its only s enemy. The critical state of the world today is due in large measure to color prejudice, carefully cultivated by the white man from his vantage point of power. And so the world must mourn a thousand years under the burdens of suffering and sadness that color prejudice will bring to the hapless sons of men. The saddest fact of all is that whereas Christianity is the only deadly enemy of color prejudice, the threat of Communism is a threat against Christianity. Let us not deceive ourselves into thinking that godless Communism is not seriously threatening to take over this world. Nothing has been said, or done or happened that can be even vaguely construed that under Communism color prejudice will not dominate the Communist world. This brings us to the point we are raising that color prejudice may boomerang to the advantage of the peoples of color for there are so many of us and if the colored peoples of the earth are driven together by the pressures and discriminations and sufferings of color prejudice the tide of color prejudice by the help of God may be stemmed. There are at present signs that this great event may be in the offing. Already the struggle between Russia and communist China has of late taken on the racial angle. Already Mao has raised the color question and there is breaking out in communist China violent hatred for and resentment against the prejudiced white man. Also in commonist China they are calling the white man names. This is a sign that opposition to the white man and his prejudice is taking on a definite turn. If the current struggle turns into a race struggle the 6,00,000,000 Chinese can and will do something about it that the Negro cannot do. Here in America it is the powerful prejudiced white man against defenseless Negroes, but when Communist China wakes up and raises its potently powerful arm, there will be another story to tell, that is if mankind if not annihilated from the face of the earth in a nuclear war that will be basically a race car. Russia is white and has the white supremacy complex and Communist China is colored with the resentment complex and this is at present an underlying fact contributing to the current strained relations between Communist Russia and Commonist China. It is quite possible that out of this rift behind the iron curtain may reside the hopes for peace, for it is hardly possible that whites will destroy themselves and leave what is left of the world to the darker peoples. The white West and white Russia in the last analysis will stand together in a crisis against the colored world of Communism. It may be the white man's race prejudice that will destroy the world. Race Prejudice Boomerangs In Anthropology we are told that the white man did not appear on the earth until the Bronze Age, roughly speaking about 7,000 years ago; and one of the outstanding facts of his appearance is that he brought the sword and thus begun wars and rumours of works. But quite as important as the sword and wars which he brought, is race prejudice which is one of the social inventions, which has spread around the whole earth. When we say race prejudice, we mean the prejudice that is predicated upon color. Color prejudice then, is one of the major baneful contributions which the white man has made to civilization and what a diabolical contribution it is proving to be. It easily imagined that the war of determination of man from the face of the earth will be a race war, growing out of the evils stemming from the white man's cultivation of upon the soil. There is not a greater danger and curse to mankind, nor is there greater threat and obstacle to world Peace selfsame color prejudice that has to be studiously cultivated for survival; for if prejudice survives and thrives it must be assiduously cultivated. Today the prejudiced white man sits in the driver's seat of the Twentieth Century world; and this means that his color prejudice is deeply entrenched and even opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, its only s enemy. The critical state of the world today is due in large measure to color prejudice, carefully cultivated by the white man from his vantage point of power. And so the world must mourn a thousand years under the burdens of suffering and sadness that color prejudice will bring to the hapless sons of men. The saddest fact of all is that whereas Christianity is the only deadly enemy of color prejudice, the threat of Communism is a threat against Christianity. Let us not deceive ourselves into thinking that godless Communism is not seriously threatening to take over this world. Nothing has been said, or done or happened that can be even vaguely construed that under Communism color prejudice will not dominate the Communist world. This brings us to the point we are raising that color prejudice may boomerang to the advantage of the peoples of color for there are so many of us and if the colored peoples of the earth are driven together by the pressures and discriminations and sufferings of color prejudice the tide of color prejudice by the help of God may be stemmed. There are at present signs that this great event may be in the offing. Already the struggle between Russia and communist China has of late taken on the racial angle. Already Mao has raised the color question and there is breaking out in communist China violent hatred for and resentment against the prejudiced white man. Also in commonist China they are calling the white man names. This is a sign that opposition to the white man and his prejudice is taking on a definite turn. If the current struggle turns into a race struggle the 6,00,000,000 Chinese can and will do something about it that the Negro cannot do. Here in America it is the powerful prejudiced white man against defenseless Negroes, but when Communist China wakes up and raises its potently powerful arm, there will be another story to tell, that is if mankind if not annihilated from the face of the earth in a nuclear war that will be basically a race car. Russia is white and has the white supremacy complex and Communist China is colored with the resentment complex and this is at present an underlying fact contributing to the current strained relations between Communist Russia and Commonist China. It is quite possible that out of this rift behind the iron curtain may reside the hopes for peace, for it is hardly possible that whites will destroy themselves and leave what is left of the world to the darker peoples. The white West and white Russia in the last analysis will stand together in a crisis against the colored world of Communism. It may be the white man's race prejudice that will destroy the world. IN DRIVERS'S SEAT In Anthropology we are told that the white man did not appear on the earth until the Bronze Age, roughly speaking about 7,000 years ago; and one of the outstanding facts of his appearance is that he brought the sword and thus begun wars and rumours of works. But quite as important as the sword and wars which he brought, is race prejudice which is one of the social inventions, which has spread around the whole earth. When we say race prejudice, we mean the prejudice that is predicated upon color. Color prejudice then, is one of the major baneful contributions which the white man has made to civilization and what a diabolical contribution it is proving to be. It easily imagined that the war of determination of man from the face of the earth will be a race war, growing out of the evils stemming from the white man's cultivation of upon the soil. There is not a greater danger and curse to mankind, nor is there greater threat and obstacle to world Peace selfsame color prejudice that has to be studiously cultivated for survival; for if prejudice survives and thrives it must be assiduously cultivated. Today the prejudiced white man sits in the driver's seat of the Twentieth Century world; and this means that his color prejudice is deeply entrenched and even opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, its only s enemy. The critical state of the world today is due in large measure to color prejudice, carefully cultivated by the white man from his vantage point of power. And so the world must mourn a thousand years under the burdens of suffering and sadness that color prejudice will bring to the hapless sons of men. The saddest fact of all is that whereas Christianity is the only deadly enemy of color prejudice, the threat of Communism is a threat against Christianity. Let us not deceive ourselves into thinking that godless Communism is not seriously threatening to take over this world. Nothing has been said, or done or happened that can be even vaguely construed that under Communism color prejudice will not dominate the Communist world. This brings us to the point we are raising that color prejudice may boomerang to the advantage of the peoples of color for there are so many of us and if the colored peoples of the earth are driven together by the pressures and discriminations and sufferings of color prejudice the tide of color prejudice by the help of God may be stemmed. There are at present signs that this great event may be in the offing. Already the struggle between Russia and communist China has of late taken on the racial angle. Already Mao has raised the color question and there is breaking out in communist China violent hatred for and resentment against the prejudiced white man. Also in commonist China they are calling the white man names. This is a sign that opposition to the white man and his prejudice is taking on a definite turn. If the current struggle turns into a race struggle the 6,00,000,000 Chinese can and will do something about it that the Negro cannot do. Here in America it is the powerful prejudiced white man against defenseless Negroes, but when Communist China wakes up and raises its potently powerful arm, there will be another story to tell, that is if mankind if not annihilated from the face of the earth in a nuclear war that will be basically a race car. Russia is white and has the white supremacy complex and Communist China is colored with the resentment complex and this is at present an underlying fact contributing to the current strained relations between Communist Russia and Commonist China. It is quite possible that out of this rift behind the iron curtain may reside the hopes for peace, for it is hardly possible that whites will destroy themselves and leave what is left of the world to the darker peoples. The white West and white Russia in the last analysis will stand together in a crisis against the colored world of Communism. It may be the white man's race prejudice that will destroy the world. DEFINITE TURN In Anthropology we are told that the white man did not appear on the earth until the Bronze Age, roughly speaking about 7,000 years ago; and one of the outstanding facts of his appearance is that he brought the sword and thus begun wars and rumours of works. But quite as important as the sword and wars which he brought, is race prejudice which is one of the social inventions, which has spread around the whole earth. When we say race prejudice, we mean the prejudice that is predicated upon color. Color prejudice then, is one of the major baneful contributions which the white man has made to civilization and what a diabolical contribution it is proving to be. It easily imagined that the war of determination of man from the face of the earth will be a race war, growing out of the evils stemming from the white man's cultivation of upon the soil. There is not a greater danger and curse to mankind, nor is there greater threat and obstacle to world Peace selfsame color prejudice that has to be studiously cultivated for survival; for if prejudice survives and thrives it must be assiduously cultivated. Today the prejudiced white man sits in the driver's seat of the Twentieth Century world; and this means that his color prejudice is deeply entrenched and even opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, its only s enemy. The critical state of the world today is due in large measure to color prejudice, carefully cultivated by the white man from his vantage point of power. And so the world must mourn a thousand years under the burdens of suffering and sadness that color prejudice will bring to the hapless sons of men. The saddest fact of all is that whereas Christianity is the only deadly enemy of color prejudice, the threat of Communism is a threat against Christianity. Let us not deceive ourselves into thinking that godless Communism is not seriously threatening to take over this world. Nothing has been said, or done or happened that can be even vaguely construed that under Communism color prejudice will not dominate the Communist world. This brings us to the point we are raising that color prejudice may boomerang to the advantage of the peoples of color for there are so many of us and if the colored peoples of the earth are driven together by the pressures and discriminations and sufferings of color prejudice the tide of color prejudice by the help of God may be stemmed. There are at present signs that this great event may be in the offing. Already the struggle between Russia and communist China has of late taken on the racial angle. Already Mao has raised the color question and there is breaking out in communist China violent hatred for and resentment against the prejudiced white man. Also in commonist China they are calling the white man names. This is a sign that opposition to the white man and his prejudice is taking on a definite turn. If the current struggle turns into a race struggle the 6,00,000,000 Chinese can and will do something about it that the Negro cannot do. Here in America it is the powerful prejudiced white man against defenseless Negroes, but when Communist China wakes up and raises its potently powerful arm, there will be another story to tell, that is if mankind if not annihilated from the face of the earth in a nuclear war that will be basically a race car. Russia is white and has the white supremacy complex and Communist China is colored with the resentment complex and this is at present an underlying fact contributing to the current strained relations between Communist Russia and Commonist China. It is quite possible that out of this rift behind the iron curtain may reside the hopes for peace, for it is hardly possible that whites will destroy themselves and leave what is left of the world to the darker peoples. The white West and white Russia in the last analysis will stand together in a crisis against the colored world of Communism. It may be the white man's race prejudice that will destroy the world. MY WEEKLY SERMON By REV. BLAIR T. HUNT, PASTOR, MISSISSIPPI BLVD. CHRISTIAN CHURCH When I was a child my mother read to me the story of Jesus' temptations by the devil in the Jordan wilderness, Then and frequently in my childhood years I wondered "what does the devil look like?" Some painted for me a picture of the devil, a cruel monster, though slender, red all over with ugly horns, a pointed tail and a pitchfork in his right hand. Really, what does the devil look like? Some people say the devil is tall. tan and terrific with a honeyed tongue and a wallet bulging with green backs or a she-devil, an apparition of beauty, a phantom of delight. Yes, the devil may be outwardly attractive. The most tempting things are of first appearance disguised to look beautiful. The one who tempts you to drink that which steals away your mind won't show you a skid-row, a rat-infested alley, a damp cellar: Instead he will show you the glamorous advertisement in our magazines with fairy tales of men and women of questionable distinction. Anyone tempting you to break the commandment "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" won't show you a man or woman ravaged by guilt and veneral diseases; Instead he will show you a voluptuous beauty with a beautiful curvaceous body with a line of divorcements or a handsomely groomed oscar winner. Really what does the devil look liek? Some one may say, the devil looks like you or any individual who is eaten up with cancerous hate and wild prejudice. By chance gaze into your mirror when you are mad. Your eyes are wild, lines of hate blur your countenance, your voice is ugly, a shrill, rasping and rancous; maybe this is the picture of the devil. Really what does the devil look like? One may say the devil is dignified looking, well dressed, hair mingled with gray. His words are beautiful and sweet like drips of honey. He doesn't yell at you but tells you that religion is tommyrot. There to no Heaven or hell. When you die this is the end; While you live make money, power and fame your, Gods. Really, what does the, devil look like? It is a fact the devil has many disguises; He appears in so many ways to different people. But remember he is bound to appear and to tempt. Tempt he does and everyone of us, young or old, rich or poor, ignorant or learned, testify to the time when the tempter came, as he came to Jesus in the wilderness of Jordan. He may come as a serpent as in the Garden of Eden. He may be a roaring lion. He may be growling in the bushes. The devil is always the most busy of the busy with myriad disguises and he will never leave us alone except for a season. Really, What Does The Devil Look Like? May we have the strength to say as Jesus said in the wilderness "Get Thee Hence Satan". Remember "God will with the temptation also make a way of escape." Really What Does The Devil Look Like? WHAT DOSE THE DEVIL LOOK LIKE? By REV. BLAIR T. HUNT, PASTOR, MISSISSIPPI BLVD. CHRISTIAN CHURCH When I was a child my mother read to me the story of Jesus' temptations by the devil in the Jordan wilderness, Then and frequently in my childhood years I wondered "what does the devil look like?" Some painted for me a picture of the devil, a cruel monster, though slender, red all over with ugly horns, a pointed tail and a pitchfork in his right hand. Really, what does the devil look like? Some people say the devil is tall. tan and terrific with a honeyed tongue and a wallet bulging with green backs or a she-devil, an apparition of beauty, a phantom of delight. Yes, the devil may be outwardly attractive. The most tempting things are of first appearance disguised to look beautiful. The one who tempts you to drink that which steals away your mind won't show you a skid-row, a rat-infested alley, a damp cellar: Instead he will show you the glamorous advertisement in our magazines with fairy tales of men and women of questionable distinction. Anyone tempting you to break the commandment "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" won't show you a man or woman ravaged by guilt and veneral diseases; Instead he will show you a voluptuous beauty with a beautiful curvaceous body with a line of divorcements or a handsomely groomed oscar winner. Really what does the devil look liek? Some one may say, the devil looks like you or any individual who is eaten up with cancerous hate and wild prejudice. By chance gaze into your mirror when you are mad. Your eyes are wild, lines of hate blur your countenance, your voice is ugly, a shrill, rasping and rancous; maybe this is the picture of the devil. Really what does the devil look like? One may say the devil is dignified looking, well dressed, hair mingled with gray. His words are beautiful and sweet like drips of honey. He doesn't yell at you but tells you that religion is tommyrot. There to no Heaven or hell. When you die this is the end; While you live make money, power and fame your, Gods. Really, what does the, devil look like? It is a fact the devil has many disguises; He appears in so many ways to different people. But remember he is bound to appear and to tempt. Tempt he does and everyone of us, young or old, rich or poor, ignorant or learned, testify to the time when the tempter came, as he came to Jesus in the wilderness of Jordan. He may come as a serpent as in the Garden of Eden. He may be a roaring lion. He may be growling in the bushes. The devil is always the most busy of the busy with myriad disguises and he will never leave us alone except for a season. Really, What Does The Devil Look Like? May we have the strength to say as Jesus said in the wilderness "Get Thee Hence Satan". Remember "God will with the temptation also make a way of escape." Really What Does The Devil Look Like? May Rematch shakes for Head Coach Charles Lomax and his assistants Joseph Carr, Hosea Alexander and Willie Kelley. The DOUGLAS-LESTER fracas on Thursday night was no great shake as football goes, but it was Douglass' homecoming and there to help them celebrate was Tennessee State University's 132-piece marching tend and its AF-ROTC drill team. Close to 4,000 were on hand, lured to the stadium by advance publicity that extolled the greatness of the Nashville musicians and marchers, And, they were just that. They were great. Lester surprised by taking Douglass 6-0 and this by covering a Douglass fumble behind the Douglass goal line Carl Campbell was given credit for falling on the ball and lighting up the Scoreboard with six points. The opener on Wednesday night of last week saw FARTHER BERTRAND close its home season in brilliant fashion. The Thunderbolts from the hill tacked a 13-6 defeat to the hides of MANASSAS' Tigers. Father Bertrand is in Knoxville this Saturday night taking on Austin High. Fast-acting C-2223 contains sodium salicyiate to speed welcome comfort! If you periodically suffer the annoying minor pains of rheumatism, neuritis, muscle aches, arthritis, help yourself to welcome comfort fast the blessed temporary relief of proved salicylate action of C-2223. Thousands use it regularly, time and time again whatever minor pain makes them miserable. Many call C-2223 "the old reliable." Price of first bottle back if not satisfied. Today, get C-2223. C-2223 Temporary Relief For Minor Pains Of RHEUMATISM, ARTHRITIS, NEURITIS, LUMBAGO, MUSCLE ACHES POSNER'S Skintona acts instantly to... fade away • Blemishes • Dark Spots • Age Spots 65 and 100 sizes plus tax Hooks And Price only a reward, but also a general vote of confidence in his kind of Negro leadership." Two other Negro candidates making strong campaigns are the Rev. E. W. Williamson, running for Position 1 on the Board of Education and Dr. Vasco A. Smith who is seeking Position 2 on the School Board. Rev. Mr. Williamson could be a surprise candidate as he is opposing the oldest member of the Board, John T. Shea. Dr. Smith stands a chance of pulling a surprise too as he is in a field of three. A dentist and vice president of the NAACP he is campaigning on an all-out desegregation platform. Printing houses were kept busy turning, out additional campaign literature. Sound trucks were going full blast and, candidates were dashing madly from meeting to meeting. The Memphis world last Week recommended that the following persons be elected: WILLIAM FARRIS for Mayor. CLAUDE ARMOR for Fire and Police Commissioner. HUNTER LANE JR. for Public Service Commissioner. PETE SISSION for Public Works Commissioner. JAMES MOORE for Finances and Institutions Commissioner. BEN HOOKS for City Judge. KENNETH TURNER for Juvenile Court Judge. E. W. WILLIAMSON for School Board, Pos. 1. VASCO SMITH for School Board, Pos. 2. MRS. LAWRENCE COE for School Board, Pos. 3. HOLLIS PRICE for School Board, Pos. 4. Miss Collins Fills role of soloist. The observance began last Sunday with Dr. D. T Jackson of Holly Springs, Miss., delivering the message. This was followed Monday night with open house for official board members at the parsonage. Robert M. Ratcliffe is general chairman of the week and Mrs. Charlesteen Miles is the co-chairman. Other committees are: John Wesley, Mrs. Vernell Tolerson and Henry C. Ray, finance; Wilbur Taylor and Mrs. Z. Lois King Taylor, program; T. T. Stokes and Mrs. O B. Johnson, publicity, and Mrs. Jerry Longstreet, fellowship hours. A coffee-fellowship hour will follow the program Sunday afternoon. Porgy-Bess Daughters." GARRET MORRIS, a graduate of Dillard University, has established a reputation for his fine singing and impecable musicianship. He has studied acting and appeared in a number of legitimate theatre productions: "Porgy and Bess," "Double Entry," "The Egg and I," "Finian's Rainbow" and "The Silver Cord." IRVING BARNS, a native of Ohio, studied at Westminister Choir College In Princeton, N. J. His singing has covered the full range of performance. He has worked in opera, concert, television, radio and the legitimate theatre. Besides playing the lead role in "Porgy and Bess," he lists appearances in "The King and I," "Finian's Rainbow," "Free and Easy," "Thirteen Daughters," "Our Lan," "Carmen Jones" and "Around the World in 80 Days." MURRAY'S HAIR DRESSING POMADE Men, here's welcome news! Whether you wear your hair long and slick or short, for cool comfort—a tiny dab of Murray's in the morning does it. Yes, the MURRAY MAN has the all-day confidence of being well-groomed for business or social contacts. Murray's Superior Hair Dressing Pomade has set the standard for good hair grooming. Never greasy — never sticky. Contains to acids, alkalies or other harsh irritants. It's kind to your hair. Try it today on a guarantee of satisfaction or your money back. Giant Size—Just 25¢ Trial Size—Only 15¢ Plus tax MURRAY'S HAIR GLO A soft dressing for easy-to-manage hair. Contains Lanolin and Coconut Oil. 60day supply for just 35¢. Contains essential ingredients, highly beneficial to healthy hair and scalp. 1 1/2 or tube 49¢—3 1/2 oz. jar. 79¢. On sale at drug stores, barber shops, beauty salons and super markets or by mail from: NATURAL HAIR COLOR Wonderful "4 capsule" BLACK STRAND Hair Coloring coaxes the return of youthful-like, natural hair beauty. Dull, streaked, grayish hair vanishes. Dark, lustrous, beautifully radiant hair is your reward for I golden moments of easy application at home. Looks professional like, Defies detection. Will not rub off wash out. Money back guarantee. Only 89¢ plus tax at druggists ever where. Gets package of BLACK STRAND or BROWN STRAND today. Choose from 5 Natural Beauty Shades JET BLACK • BLACK • DARK BROWN MEDIUM BROWN • LIGHT BROWN Exciting looking Skin Can be Yours... You've seen it on TV and in magazines! Heard about it on the radio! Miracle lightening ingredient Hydroquinone makes the difference. Wear Artra Skirt Tone Cream under make-up. It softens, helps clear skirt as it beautifies! Developed by doctors. Trial size 65¢ 2 oz. size $1. SKIN TONS CREAM ...for a Brighter, Lovelier you! Artra Cosmetics Kenilworth, N. J. Dedicate LeMoyne and Mr. Shahn, who hails from New Jersey. Following a coffee break, Dr. William McCray, a LeMoyne graduate who is professor of dramatic arts at Grambling College in Louisiana, and Francis Gassner and Thomas Nathan will speak. Each speaker will discuss a different phase of art. At the Sunday afternoon dedicatory program, the chief librarian at LeMoyne, Mrs. Mae Isom Fitzgerald, will give the welcome. Greetings will be given by representatives from the board of trustees, American Missionary Association (founder of LeMoyne), alumni, students, faculty and citizens of Memphis. Dr. Price will introduce Ambassador Collier. An open house in the library will follow the unveiling. Launch lecture fessor of English, LeMoyne, "James Baldwin: The New Novelist"— March 13. FASHION TIPS... Boots are in the fashion picture this season. They vary in length some of the newest reaching to the thigh. These, of course, are in suede or supple leather and may be laced across the ankle. Others are shorter and may be lined in plaid fabrics or in fur. The long boots are especially effective with light pants while the shorter ones are worn with warm dresses and short coats. VOTE FOR THE WINNERS AND WIN FOR MEMPHIS PROGRESS-ECONOMY FOR MAYOR WIN WITH FOR COMMISSIONER OF FIRE AND POLICE FOR COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SERVICE FOR COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR COMMISSIONER OF FINANCES & INSTITUTIONS For More Effective Government VOTE YES CITY ORDINANCE NO. 1117 Shall This Municipality Adopt Home Rule? PAID FOR BY DR. HENRY B. GOTTEN, Pres., and MRS. ROBERT W. SHAFER, Sec. CIVIL RIGHTS BUMPER SIGN Do you want EQUALITY NOW? Individual SILENCE is Civil Rights' enemy—End Silence. Put EQUALITY where people know YOU support CIVIL RIGHTS NOW. Send only $1.00 for each sign to: PLINT-ART, P.O., Sex 120, Babylon, New York. NOW! You can be double-safe! Stop body odor... check perspiration Nix guards you against the more offensive type of body odor stimulated by emotional excitement or nervous tension. Use Nix, the extra-effective, double-action cream deodorant that keeps you safe around the clock! Gentle to skin, won't harm clothing and won't dry out in jar. 25¢ Reg. jar 39¢ Family size 65¢ Nix is made and guaranteed by Plough. Inc., St. Joseph Aspirin GUARANTEE Your money back if you don't agree that Nix is the most effecttive deodorant you ever used. Nix gives you that extra margin of safety you need for around the clock protection Nix guards you against the more offensive type of body odor stimulated by emotional excitement or nervous tension. Use Nix, the extra-effective, double-action cream deodorant that keeps you safe around the clock! Gentle to skin, won't harm clothing and won't dry out in jar. 25¢ Reg. jar 39¢ Family size 65¢ Nix is made and guaranteed by Plough. Inc., St. Joseph Aspirin GUARANTEE Your money back if you don't agree that Nix is the most effecttive deodorant you ever used. Acute Asthma Attacks Now yield speedily to discovery by respiratory Specialist. Coughing, choking, gasping relieved so fast, first-time users are amazed. No waiting. No drugs or painful injections. Wonderfully effecttive in restoring free breathing. Now available without prescription. Ask your druggist for Dr. Guild's Green Mountain Cigarettes or Compound.