Memphis World Memphis World Publishing Co. 1970-05-16 J. A. Beauchamp HOWARD'S FIRST FAMILY Dr. James E. Cheek, new president of Howard University, is shown in his home with his family a few days prior to his inauguration on April 25 as the 15th president of the institution. The members of his family are: Mrs. Celestine Williams Cheek, and their two children, James E. Jr., 8 and Janet Elizabeth, 6. On the floor is their dog, Sparkle. The 37-year-old Dr. Cheek came to Howard last July from the presidency of his alma mater, Shaw University. Both he and his wife are natives of North Carolina. He earned his divinty degree at ColgateRochester School of Divinity, and his Ph.D. at Drew University. Dr. Cheek Inaugurated As Howard's 15th Prexy As Dr. James Cheek was installed as the 15th president of Howard University Saturday, Dr. Mordecai W. Johnson, who served as its head for 34 years, leaned forward in his seat on the front row of the gymnasium to catch every word. And he and the rest of the crowd of 3,000 broke into their first of several applauses when President Cheek, moving into the heart of his inaugural address said: "As a University we may not add much to the world's understanding of how best to navigate the distance of space in man's reach for the stars but we surely can and must add mightily to the world's understanding of how man can best remove the distance between peoples and races in our search for peace and justice on earth." The removal of space between peoples or closing the gap or developing unity became the thread that ran throughout the inauguration of the new president of the 103year-old institution. Dr. Johnson hanging on every word and leading the applause; President Cheek recalling the achievements of his predecessors and saying, "We salute and honor with profound gratitute there vigilande, their sense of duty, their sacrifices, their patience in tribution and their rejoicing in hope." And Dr. James M. Nabrit, who could not be present, sending a telegram which said in part: "It is significant and predictive of a great future for Howard that in these days of strife and confusion the University has turned to a young man to lead it into a more glorious future." Then he added, "We wish you God's blessings." A further symbol of the closing of te gap between whites and blacks, students and faculty, the University and the worldwide immunity of educators and leaders was demonstrated in the colorful procession of hearly, 1,000 cappd, ogwned and hooded capped, gowned and hooded leaders in education and many other fields. Among these were student representatives, alumni representatives, members of the board of trustees, delegates from nearly 500 colleges and universities, and more than a score of foundations and learned soieties, and over 400 members of Howard's faculty. In placing the chain of office upon the shoulders of Dr. Cheek, U.S. Court of Customs Judge Scovel Richardson, chairman of the Board of Trustees, who presided and who directed the long search for a new president, said: "It is fitting that Howard face the dawn of a new era in its history and begin its pilgrimage toward its second centennial under the aegis of a young, dynamic, innovative, and inspiring black leader." As Prsident Cheek completed his ddress nd Dr. Johnson and the whole audience gave him a standing ovation, the president emeritus must have recalled the ovation he himself received 44 years ago when he assumed the duties of office in 1926 and undertook the long struggle of bringing Howard into the front ranks of American education, adding four schools, quadrupling the faculty nd staff, and increasing the enrollment from 1,800 to 7,000. The closing the gap theme contiued the inaugural luncheon at the statler-Hilton where 1,000 guests and alumni heard D. Michael Collins, president of Howard's Student Association, say that the was "glad the board had found someone like Dr. Cheek, a man with the youth and the vitality and the nerve to run the university." Other speakers at the luncheon predised over by Dr. Percy L. Julian, noted chemist and a member of the board, were MAYOR Walter E. Washington, Dr. George H. Williams, president of the American University and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metro Area; Dr. Martin D. Jenkins, president of Morgan State College; Dr. Harold E. Finley, president of Howard's Senate; Dr. Marvin M. Fisk, president of the Alumni Federation; and Dr. Cheek. Cynthia Clarey, a stuent in the College of Fine Arts who will certainly be heard from for a long time to come, provided the music – two beautiful solos. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. 100% NEUTRAL SPIRITS DISTILLED FROM GRAIN, 90 PROOF. GORDON'S DRY GIN CO., LTD.. LINDEN, N.J. JEAN WILLIAMS, DELIGHTFUL YOUNG DRESS DESIGNER: "I don't believe in 'Bubble-Gum' fashion... the kind that's in today and out tomorrow. For my clients, design the smooth classics that suit them best. Maybe that's why I choose Gordon's Gin. It's always smooth, always dry, which suits my taste best." GORDON'S GIN, CREATED IN LONDON, ENGLAND IN 1769. BIGGEST SELLER IN ENGLAND, AMERICA, THE WORLD. GORDON'S DISTILLED LONDON DRY GIN Gordon's.? It's how the English keep their gin up! MY MOTHER The shades of night were falling fast the night was dark and cold, My heart was beating much too fast The night was growing old. I stepped inside my mother's room She was so still and co d, O'Lord She has gone, gone so soon I felt so alone and old. I knelt beside my mother's bed I couldn't help but cry. it hurt me so, so very much To see my mother die. She has gone away to that far land where Jesus for her waits. The angels are standing there to guide her through the gates. If my mother could be here today I would greet her with a kiss, I'd show her that I love her This day I would never miss. If you have a mother Maybe she is far away. Sit you down and write that letter You put off from day to day. Your mother worries about you she worries day and night. Go see about your mother and you will do whats right. She would be glad to have one little rose to look at and wear today, Than six dozen roses when she's gone To that land far away. Take care of your motherwhile she lives be good to her everyday. You'll miss your mother like I miss mine When She has passed away. By Paralee Maclin Grantville, Ga. Pvt. Stark Ellis Jr., was inducted into the army April 15. He is stationed at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stark Ellis, Sr., Mrs. Mary Render and daughter Mattie Mae Render have moved out of the community. Metropolitan Baptist 747 Walker Avenue Rev. S. A. Owen, Minister 11 a.m. worship hour, the sermon will ge given by the Rev. J. Robinson of Augusta, Ga. with the sacturary choir rendering appropriate music. B. T. U. 6 p.m. Mrs. Luettry Wade, directress. At 7:30 p.m. evening worship will feature the pastor. The public in invited to worship anytime at historic St. John Baptist Church. Sunday School, 9 a.m. with Mrs. Velma R. McLemore, general superintendent, in charge. The 11 a.m. worship hour features the pastor in charge. At 7 p.m. "A Special Vesper Service" will be presented by Deborah Circle with Mrs. Sadie Gurney, Chairman in charge. Mrs. Georgia Atkins is membership clerk. The public is invited to attend. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., with C. W. Bowen, superintendent, in charge. At 11 a.m., the sermon will be given by the pastor with music by the Senior Choir with Mrs. Edna Goodrich at the piano and Miss Mattie Holmes at the organ. At 7:30 P.M., the A.M.E. Minister's Installation Services will be conducted at Greer Chapel A.M.E. church with the Rev. Sam W. Houston, host pastor The Rev. C. J. Reed, Bethel United Methodist Church, will be guest speaker. The public is invited to attend. Junior and Senior choirs. Evening worship begins at 7 p.m. The public is invited to worship always at New Tyler A.M.E. 568 Carpenter Rev. John C. Miller Minister 11 a.m. worship hour, the sermon will ge given by the Rev. J. Robinson of Augusta, Ga. with the sacturary choir rendering appropriate music. B. T. U. 6 p.m. Mrs. Luettry Wade, directress. At 7:30 p.m. evening worship will feature the pastor. The public in invited to worship anytime at historic St. John Baptist Church. Sunday School, 9 a.m. with Mrs. Velma R. McLemore, general superintendent, in charge. The 11 a.m. worship hour features the pastor in charge. At 7 p.m. "A Special Vesper Service" will be presented by Deborah Circle with Mrs. Sadie Gurney, Chairman in charge. Mrs. Georgia Atkins is membership clerk. The public is invited to attend. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., with C. W. Bowen, superintendent, in charge. At 11 a.m., the sermon will be given by the pastor with music by the Senior Choir with Mrs. Edna Goodrich at the piano and Miss Mattie Holmes at the organ. At 7:30 P.M., the A.M.E. Minister's Installation Services will be conducted at Greer Chapel A.M.E. church with the Rev. Sam W. Houston, host pastor The Rev. C. J. Reed, Bethel United Methodist Church, will be guest speaker. The public is invited to attend. Junior and Senior choirs. Evening worship begins at 7 p.m. The public is invited to worship always at The difference between Black and White is Green. When you get right down to it, money is the great equalizer. And what makes the difference in earning power is education. At R. J. Reynolds, we see education as one of the solutions to the problems of Black Americans. Trouble is, most Brack families can't afford to send their children to college. And we look on that as a waste of this country's most valuable resource. That's why we made a grant of $390,000 to Winston-Salem Stats University. The R. J. Reynolds grant provides scholarships for Black students each ear. It also supplies funds to attract highly qualified faculty members to Winston-Salem State University and broaden the school's curriculum. During the past decade, R. J. Reynolds has also supported The United Negro College Fund with grants of more than one quarter of a million dollars. These educational grants are just an example of what the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company is doing to aid in the struggle for equal opportunities for all Americans. But we think it's an especially important one. Because the next generation of Black people, armed with a college education, will have the "green power" that only education can give. People have helped R. J. Reynolds by buying My-T-Fine Desserts, Chun King Oriental Foods, Vermont Maid Syrups, College Inn Chicken and Tomato Products, Davis Baking Powder, Winston, Salem, Camel and Doral cigarettes and our many other fine products. We're just returning the favor. RJR R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Tobacco Products · Food Products · · products · CHURCH NEWS Beautiful Zion Baptist Church. Sunday School at 9 a.m. with Aaron Johnson, superintendent, in charge. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music by the Junior and Senior choirs. Evening worship begins at 6:30 P.M. The public is invited to worship with Pilgrim Rest. The Reverend Jones used for his meditation May 10, "Mother and Home." He spoke of the importance of mother in developing a meaningful homelife. He challenged mothers to take the leadership role that has been intrusted to her in providing an atmosphere that will produce wholesome offsprings. Music was rendered by the choir and the congregation with Mrs. J. A. Beauchamp serving as guest pianist in the absence of Mrs. Bernice Heard. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent and an efficient staff of teachers in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will be in charge and will give the message. At 3 p.m morning Star will be the guest of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Linden and Orleans, with Rev. M. C. Smith host minister. The Numbers 1 and 2 choirs of Morning Star will furnish music. At Morning Star visitors are extended a cordial welcome to attend anytime. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., with George Gossett, superintendent, in charge. At the Prince of Peace Baptist Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., with Willie Stewart, superintendent, and Alfred Norris assistant superintendent, in charge. The 11 a.m. worship will feature the sermon by the pastor with music by the Young people's choir with Mrs. Eva P. Turner at the piano, Marshall Alexander at the organ, and Acie Jackson and James Seymour directing. 6:30 p.m., Baptist Training Union, Mrs. Pearline Kimbrough, director. At 7 P.M., eveing worship; also a joint Baptismal service with the Trinity Baptist Church at Prince of Peace Baptist Church. The public is invited to worship any time with Prince of Peace. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. with Ernest Dorsey, superintendent, in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will conduct the morning worship and give the sermon. All choirs and the male chorus will render appropriate music. B. T. U. begins at 6 P.M. with Albert Curtis, director. Evening worship, 7:30 P.M. The public is always honored guest and welcome at First Baptist. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be rendered by the Junior and Senior choir Evening worship is held at 6:30 p.m. each Sunday afternoon. Beginning May 12 and continuing - May 17, the first anniversary of the pastor and his wife will be held at New St. Paul. On May 14th, first Baptist, 434 South 13th Street, will be the guest. The sermon will be given by the Revernd Parker who will give encouragement and challenge to the Reverend Turner. The public is invited to attend. Sunday School 9 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be given by the stance of the black church must be turned around. Black religion must begin to see religion as a means rather than an end. Religion is not what one wants, religion is the means by which God helps one get what one wants." The Rt. Rev. P. Pandolph Shy of Atlanta disagreed with Richmond. "Most CME churches participate in community affairs and not many ministers drive Cadillacs," he said. Pilgrim Rest Baptist 300 South 14th Street West Memphis, Arkansas Rev. Jesse McClure, Minister Beautiful Zion Baptist Church. Sunday School at 9 a.m. with Aaron Johnson, superintendent, in charge. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music by the Junior and Senior choirs. Evening worship begins at 6:30 P.M. The public is invited to worship with Pilgrim Rest. The Reverend Jones used for his meditation May 10, "Mother and Home." He spoke of the importance of mother in developing a meaningful homelife. He challenged mothers to take the leadership role that has been intrusted to her in providing an atmosphere that will produce wholesome offsprings. Music was rendered by the choir and the congregation with Mrs. J. A. Beauchamp serving as guest pianist in the absence of Mrs. Bernice Heard. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent and an efficient staff of teachers in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will be in charge and will give the message. At 3 p.m morning Star will be the guest of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Linden and Orleans, with Rev. M. C. Smith host minister. The Numbers 1 and 2 choirs of Morning Star will furnish music. At Morning Star visitors are extended a cordial welcome to attend anytime. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., with George Gossett, superintendent, in charge. At the Prince of Peace Baptist Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., with Willie Stewart, superintendent, and Alfred Norris assistant superintendent, in charge. The 11 a.m. worship will feature the sermon by the pastor with music by the Young people's choir with Mrs. Eva P. Turner at the piano, Marshall Alexander at the organ, and Acie Jackson and James Seymour directing. 6:30 p.m., Baptist Training Union, Mrs. Pearline Kimbrough, director. At 7 P.M., eveing worship; also a joint Baptismal service with the Trinity Baptist Church at Prince of Peace Baptist Church. The public is invited to worship any time with Prince of Peace. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. with Ernest Dorsey, superintendent, in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will conduct the morning worship and give the sermon. All choirs and the male chorus will render appropriate music. B. T. U. begins at 6 P.M. with Albert Curtis, director. Evening worship, 7:30 P.M. The public is always honored guest and welcome at First Baptist. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be rendered by the Junior and Senior choir Evening worship is held at 6:30 p.m. each Sunday afternoon. Beginning May 12 and continuing - May 17, the first anniversary of the pastor and his wife will be held at New St. Paul. On May 14th, first Baptist, 434 South 13th Street, will be the guest. The sermon will be given by the Revernd Parker who will give encouragement and challenge to the Reverend Turner. The public is invited to attend. Sunday School 9 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be given by the stance of the black church must be turned around. Black religion must begin to see religion as a means rather than an end. Religion is not what one wants, religion is the means by which God helps one get what one wants." The Rt. Rev. P. Pandolph Shy of Atlanta disagreed with Richmond. "Most CME churches participate in community affairs and not many ministers drive Cadillacs," he said. Prospect United Methoodist 1297 Guasco Road Rev. H.H. Jones, Minister Beautiful Zion Baptist Church. Sunday School at 9 a.m. with Aaron Johnson, superintendent, in charge. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music by the Junior and Senior choirs. Evening worship begins at 6:30 P.M. The public is invited to worship with Pilgrim Rest. The Reverend Jones used for his meditation May 10, "Mother and Home." He spoke of the importance of mother in developing a meaningful homelife. He challenged mothers to take the leadership role that has been intrusted to her in providing an atmosphere that will produce wholesome offsprings. Music was rendered by the choir and the congregation with Mrs. J. A. Beauchamp serving as guest pianist in the absence of Mrs. Bernice Heard. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent and an efficient staff of teachers in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will be in charge and will give the message. At 3 p.m morning Star will be the guest of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Linden and Orleans, with Rev. M. C. Smith host minister. The Numbers 1 and 2 choirs of Morning Star will furnish music. At Morning Star visitors are extended a cordial welcome to attend anytime. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., with George Gossett, superintendent, in charge. At the Prince of Peace Baptist Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., with Willie Stewart, superintendent, and Alfred Norris assistant superintendent, in charge. The 11 a.m. worship will feature the sermon by the pastor with music by the Young people's choir with Mrs. Eva P. Turner at the piano, Marshall Alexander at the organ, and Acie Jackson and James Seymour directing. 6:30 p.m., Baptist Training Union, Mrs. Pearline Kimbrough, director. At 7 P.M., eveing worship; also a joint Baptismal service with the Trinity Baptist Church at Prince of Peace Baptist Church. The public is invited to worship any time with Prince of Peace. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. with Ernest Dorsey, superintendent, in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will conduct the morning worship and give the sermon. All choirs and the male chorus will render appropriate music. B. T. U. begins at 6 P.M. with Albert Curtis, director. Evening worship, 7:30 P.M. The public is always honored guest and welcome at First Baptist. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be rendered by the Junior and Senior choir Evening worship is held at 6:30 p.m. each Sunday afternoon. Beginning May 12 and continuing - May 17, the first anniversary of the pastor and his wife will be held at New St. Paul. On May 14th, first Baptist, 434 South 13th Street, will be the guest. The sermon will be given by the Revernd Parker who will give encouragement and challenge to the Reverend Turner. The public is invited to attend. Sunday School 9 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be given by the stance of the black church must be turned around. Black religion must begin to see religion as a means rather than an end. Religion is not what one wants, religion is the means by which God helps one get what one wants." The Rt. Rev. P. Pandolph Shy of Atlanta disagreed with Richmond. "Most CME churches participate in community affairs and not many ministers drive Cadillacs," he said. Morning Star Baptist 1472 Locust Rev. A. C. Ware, minister Beautiful Zion Baptist Church. Sunday School at 9 a.m. with Aaron Johnson, superintendent, in charge. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music by the Junior and Senior choirs. Evening worship begins at 6:30 P.M. The public is invited to worship with Pilgrim Rest. The Reverend Jones used for his meditation May 10, "Mother and Home." He spoke of the importance of mother in developing a meaningful homelife. He challenged mothers to take the leadership role that has been intrusted to her in providing an atmosphere that will produce wholesome offsprings. Music was rendered by the choir and the congregation with Mrs. J. A. Beauchamp serving as guest pianist in the absence of Mrs. Bernice Heard. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent and an efficient staff of teachers in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will be in charge and will give the message. At 3 p.m morning Star will be the guest of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Linden and Orleans, with Rev. M. C. Smith host minister. The Numbers 1 and 2 choirs of Morning Star will furnish music. At Morning Star visitors are extended a cordial welcome to attend anytime. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., with George Gossett, superintendent, in charge. At the Prince of Peace Baptist Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., with Willie Stewart, superintendent, and Alfred Norris assistant superintendent, in charge. The 11 a.m. worship will feature the sermon by the pastor with music by the Young people's choir with Mrs. Eva P. Turner at the piano, Marshall Alexander at the organ, and Acie Jackson and James Seymour directing. 6:30 p.m., Baptist Training Union, Mrs. Pearline Kimbrough, director. At 7 P.M., eveing worship; also a joint Baptismal service with the Trinity Baptist Church at Prince of Peace Baptist Church. The public is invited to worship any time with Prince of Peace. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. with Ernest Dorsey, superintendent, in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will conduct the morning worship and give the sermon. All choirs and the male chorus will render appropriate music. B. T. U. begins at 6 P.M. with Albert Curtis, director. Evening worship, 7:30 P.M. The public is always honored guest and welcome at First Baptist. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be rendered by the Junior and Senior choir Evening worship is held at 6:30 p.m. each Sunday afternoon. Beginning May 12 and continuing - May 17, the first anniversary of the pastor and his wife will be held at New St. Paul. On May 14th, first Baptist, 434 South 13th Street, will be the guest. The sermon will be given by the Revernd Parker who will give encouragement and challenge to the Reverend Turner. The public is invited to attend. Sunday School 9 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be given by the stance of the black church must be turned around. Black religion must begin to see religion as a means rather than an end. Religion is not what one wants, religion is the means by which God helps one get what one wants." The Rt. Rev. P. Pandolph Shy of Atlanta disagreed with Richmond. "Most CME churches participate in community affairs and not many ministers drive Cadillacs," he said. St. John Baptist 640 Vance Avenue Rev. A.M. Williams, Minister Beautiful Zion Baptist Church. Sunday School at 9 a.m. with Aaron Johnson, superintendent, in charge. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music by the Junior and Senior choirs. Evening worship begins at 6:30 P.M. The public is invited to worship with Pilgrim Rest. The Reverend Jones used for his meditation May 10, "Mother and Home." He spoke of the importance of mother in developing a meaningful homelife. He challenged mothers to take the leadership role that has been intrusted to her in providing an atmosphere that will produce wholesome offsprings. Music was rendered by the choir and the congregation with Mrs. J. A. Beauchamp serving as guest pianist in the absence of Mrs. Bernice Heard. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent and an efficient staff of teachers in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will be in charge and will give the message. At 3 p.m morning Star will be the guest of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Linden and Orleans, with Rev. M. C. Smith host minister. The Numbers 1 and 2 choirs of Morning Star will furnish music. At Morning Star visitors are extended a cordial welcome to attend anytime. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., with George Gossett, superintendent, in charge. At the Prince of Peace Baptist Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., with Willie Stewart, superintendent, and Alfred Norris assistant superintendent, in charge. The 11 a.m. worship will feature the sermon by the pastor with music by the Young people's choir with Mrs. Eva P. Turner at the piano, Marshall Alexander at the organ, and Acie Jackson and James Seymour directing. 6:30 p.m., Baptist Training Union, Mrs. Pearline Kimbrough, director. At 7 P.M., eveing worship; also a joint Baptismal service with the Trinity Baptist Church at Prince of Peace Baptist Church. The public is invited to worship any time with Prince of Peace. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. with Ernest Dorsey, superintendent, in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will conduct the morning worship and give the sermon. All choirs and the male chorus will render appropriate music. B. T. U. begins at 6 P.M. with Albert Curtis, director. Evening worship, 7:30 P.M. The public is always honored guest and welcome at First Baptist. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be rendered by the Junior and Senior choir Evening worship is held at 6:30 p.m. each Sunday afternoon. Beginning May 12 and continuing - May 17, the first anniversary of the pastor and his wife will be held at New St. Paul. On May 14th, first Baptist, 434 South 13th Street, will be the guest. The sermon will be given by the Revernd Parker who will give encouragement and challenge to the Reverend Turner. The public is invited to attend. Sunday School 9 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be given by the stance of the black church must be turned around. Black religion must begin to see religion as a means rather than an end. Religion is not what one wants, religion is the means by which God helps one get what one wants." The Rt. Rev. P. Pandolph Shy of Atlanta disagreed with Richmond. "Most CME churches participate in community affairs and not many ministers drive Cadillacs," he said. 1558 Britton Street" Rev. James Trueheart, Minister Beautiful Zion Baptist Church. Sunday School at 9 a.m. with Aaron Johnson, superintendent, in charge. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music by the Junior and Senior choirs. Evening worship begins at 6:30 P.M. The public is invited to worship with Pilgrim Rest. The Reverend Jones used for his meditation May 10, "Mother and Home." He spoke of the importance of mother in developing a meaningful homelife. He challenged mothers to take the leadership role that has been intrusted to her in providing an atmosphere that will produce wholesome offsprings. Music was rendered by the choir and the congregation with Mrs. J. A. Beauchamp serving as guest pianist in the absence of Mrs. Bernice Heard. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent and an efficient staff of teachers in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will be in charge and will give the message. At 3 p.m morning Star will be the guest of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Linden and Orleans, with Rev. M. C. Smith host minister. The Numbers 1 and 2 choirs of Morning Star will furnish music. At Morning Star visitors are extended a cordial welcome to attend anytime. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., with George Gossett, superintendent, in charge. At the Prince of Peace Baptist Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., with Willie Stewart, superintendent, and Alfred Norris assistant superintendent, in charge. The 11 a.m. worship will feature the sermon by the pastor with music by the Young people's choir with Mrs. Eva P. Turner at the piano, Marshall Alexander at the organ, and Acie Jackson and James Seymour directing. 6:30 p.m., Baptist Training Union, Mrs. Pearline Kimbrough, director. At 7 P.M., eveing worship; also a joint Baptismal service with the Trinity Baptist Church at Prince of Peace Baptist Church. The public is invited to worship any time with Prince of Peace. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. with Ernest Dorsey, superintendent, in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will conduct the morning worship and give the sermon. All choirs and the male chorus will render appropriate music. B. T. U. begins at 6 P.M. with Albert Curtis, director. Evening worship, 7:30 P.M. The public is always honored guest and welcome at First Baptist. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be rendered by the Junior and Senior choir Evening worship is held at 6:30 p.m. each Sunday afternoon. Beginning May 12 and continuing - May 17, the first anniversary of the pastor and his wife will be held at New St. Paul. On May 14th, first Baptist, 434 South 13th Street, will be the guest. The sermon will be given by the Revernd Parker who will give encouragement and challenge to the Reverend Turner. The public is invited to attend. Sunday School 9 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be given by the stance of the black church must be turned around. Black religion must begin to see religion as a means rather than an end. Religion is not what one wants, religion is the means by which God helps one get what one wants." The Rt. Rev. P. Pandolph Shy of Atlanta disagreed with Richmond. "Most CME churches participate in community affairs and not many ministers drive Cadillacs," he said. First Baptist 434 South 12th Street West Memphis, Arkansas Rev. S.J. Parker, Minister Beautiful Zion Baptist Church. Sunday School at 9 a.m. with Aaron Johnson, superintendent, in charge. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music by the Junior and Senior choirs. Evening worship begins at 6:30 P.M. The public is invited to worship with Pilgrim Rest. The Reverend Jones used for his meditation May 10, "Mother and Home." He spoke of the importance of mother in developing a meaningful homelife. He challenged mothers to take the leadership role that has been intrusted to her in providing an atmosphere that will produce wholesome offsprings. Music was rendered by the choir and the congregation with Mrs. J. A. Beauchamp serving as guest pianist in the absence of Mrs. Bernice Heard. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent and an efficient staff of teachers in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will be in charge and will give the message. At 3 p.m morning Star will be the guest of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Linden and Orleans, with Rev. M. C. Smith host minister. The Numbers 1 and 2 choirs of Morning Star will furnish music. At Morning Star visitors are extended a cordial welcome to attend anytime. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., with George Gossett, superintendent, in charge. At the Prince of Peace Baptist Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., with Willie Stewart, superintendent, and Alfred Norris assistant superintendent, in charge. The 11 a.m. worship will feature the sermon by the pastor with music by the Young people's choir with Mrs. Eva P. Turner at the piano, Marshall Alexander at the organ, and Acie Jackson and James Seymour directing. 6:30 p.m., Baptist Training Union, Mrs. Pearline Kimbrough, director. At 7 P.M., eveing worship; also a joint Baptismal service with the Trinity Baptist Church at Prince of Peace Baptist Church. The public is invited to worship any time with Prince of Peace. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. with Ernest Dorsey, superintendent, in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will conduct the morning worship and give the sermon. All choirs and the male chorus will render appropriate music. B. T. U. begins at 6 P.M. with Albert Curtis, director. Evening worship, 7:30 P.M. The public is always honored guest and welcome at First Baptist. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be rendered by the Junior and Senior choir Evening worship is held at 6:30 p.m. each Sunday afternoon. Beginning May 12 and continuing - May 17, the first anniversary of the pastor and his wife will be held at New St. Paul. On May 14th, first Baptist, 434 South 13th Street, will be the guest. The sermon will be given by the Revernd Parker who will give encouragement and challenge to the Reverend Turner. The public is invited to attend. Sunday School 9 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be given by the stance of the black church must be turned around. Black religion must begin to see religion as a means rather than an end. Religion is not what one wants, religion is the means by which God helps one get what one wants." The Rt. Rev. P. Pandolph Shy of Atlanta disagreed with Richmond. "Most CME churches participate in community affairs and not many ministers drive Cadillacs," he said. New St. Paul Baptist 326 South 8th Street West Memphis, Arkansas Rev. James Turner, Minister Beautiful Zion Baptist Church. Sunday School at 9 a.m. with Aaron Johnson, superintendent, in charge. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music by the Junior and Senior choirs. Evening worship begins at 6:30 P.M. The public is invited to worship with Pilgrim Rest. The Reverend Jones used for his meditation May 10, "Mother and Home." He spoke of the importance of mother in developing a meaningful homelife. He challenged mothers to take the leadership role that has been intrusted to her in providing an atmosphere that will produce wholesome offsprings. Music was rendered by the choir and the congregation with Mrs. J. A. Beauchamp serving as guest pianist in the absence of Mrs. Bernice Heard. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent and an efficient staff of teachers in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will be in charge and will give the message. At 3 p.m morning Star will be the guest of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Linden and Orleans, with Rev. M. C. Smith host minister. The Numbers 1 and 2 choirs of Morning Star will furnish music. At Morning Star visitors are extended a cordial welcome to attend anytime. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., with George Gossett, superintendent, in charge. At the Prince of Peace Baptist Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., with Willie Stewart, superintendent, and Alfred Norris assistant superintendent, in charge. The 11 a.m. worship will feature the sermon by the pastor with music by the Young people's choir with Mrs. Eva P. Turner at the piano, Marshall Alexander at the organ, and Acie Jackson and James Seymour directing. 6:30 p.m., Baptist Training Union, Mrs. Pearline Kimbrough, director. At 7 P.M., eveing worship; also a joint Baptismal service with the Trinity Baptist Church at Prince of Peace Baptist Church. The public is invited to worship any time with Prince of Peace. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. with Ernest Dorsey, superintendent, in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will conduct the morning worship and give the sermon. All choirs and the male chorus will render appropriate music. B. T. U. begins at 6 P.M. with Albert Curtis, director. Evening worship, 7:30 P.M. The public is always honored guest and welcome at First Baptist. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be rendered by the Junior and Senior choir Evening worship is held at 6:30 p.m. each Sunday afternoon. Beginning May 12 and continuing - May 17, the first anniversary of the pastor and his wife will be held at New St. Paul. On May 14th, first Baptist, 434 South 13th Street, will be the guest. The sermon will be given by the Revernd Parker who will give encouragement and challenge to the Reverend Turner. The public is invited to attend. Sunday School 9 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be given by the stance of the black church must be turned around. Black religion must begin to see religion as a means rather than an end. Religion is not what one wants, religion is the means by which God helps one get what one wants." The Rt. Rev. P. Pandolph Shy of Atlanta disagreed with Richmond. "Most CME churches participate in community affairs and not many ministers drive Cadillacs," he said. Beautiful Zion Baptist 420 South 15th Street West Memphis, Arkansas Rev. L. R. Johnson, Minister Beautiful Zion Baptist Church. Sunday School at 9 a.m. with Aaron Johnson, superintendent, in charge. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music by the Junior and Senior choirs. Evening worship begins at 6:30 P.M. The public is invited to worship with Pilgrim Rest. The Reverend Jones used for his meditation May 10, "Mother and Home." He spoke of the importance of mother in developing a meaningful homelife. He challenged mothers to take the leadership role that has been intrusted to her in providing an atmosphere that will produce wholesome offsprings. Music was rendered by the choir and the congregation with Mrs. J. A. Beauchamp serving as guest pianist in the absence of Mrs. Bernice Heard. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent and an efficient staff of teachers in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will be in charge and will give the message. At 3 p.m morning Star will be the guest of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Linden and Orleans, with Rev. M. C. Smith host minister. The Numbers 1 and 2 choirs of Morning Star will furnish music. At Morning Star visitors are extended a cordial welcome to attend anytime. Sunday School 9:30 a.m., with George Gossett, superintendent, in charge. At the Prince of Peace Baptist Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., with Willie Stewart, superintendent, and Alfred Norris assistant superintendent, in charge. The 11 a.m. worship will feature the sermon by the pastor with music by the Young people's choir with Mrs. Eva P. Turner at the piano, Marshall Alexander at the organ, and Acie Jackson and James Seymour directing. 6:30 p.m., Baptist Training Union, Mrs. Pearline Kimbrough, director. At 7 P.M., eveing worship; also a joint Baptismal service with the Trinity Baptist Church at Prince of Peace Baptist Church. The public is invited to worship any time with Prince of Peace. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. with Ernest Dorsey, superintendent, in charge. At 11 a.m. the pastor will conduct the morning worship and give the sermon. All choirs and the male chorus will render appropriate music. B. T. U. begins at 6 P.M. with Albert Curtis, director. Evening worship, 7:30 P.M. The public is always honored guest and welcome at First Baptist. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be rendered by the Junior and Senior choir Evening worship is held at 6:30 p.m. each Sunday afternoon. Beginning May 12 and continuing - May 17, the first anniversary of the pastor and his wife will be held at New St. Paul. On May 14th, first Baptist, 434 South 13th Street, will be the guest. The sermon will be given by the Revernd Parker who will give encouragement and challenge to the Reverend Turner. The public is invited to attend. Sunday School 9 a.m. At the 11 a.m. worship hour the pastor will be in charge and will give the sermon. Music will be given by the stance of the black church must be turned around. Black religion must begin to see religion as a means rather than an end. Religion is not what one wants, religion is the means by which God helps one get what one wants." The Rt. Rev. P. Pandolph Shy of Atlanta disagreed with Richmond. "Most CME churches participate in community affairs and not many ministers drive Cadillacs," he said. Edward Odom Named To Regional Post By Canady Dry NEW YORK CITY — Theappointment of Edward J. Odom 111 as Northeast Regional Advertising Manager is announced by Waiter S. Red, Vice president - Eastern Region Canadian Dry Corporation. Odom comes to Canada Dry from Ogilvy and Mather where he was a Media Planner, Previously, he held Opposition of Credit Analyst with Dun and Bradstreet. A graduate of Morgan State College, Odom holds a B. A. degree in Political Science. He resides in New York City with his wife and one child. In his new position, Odom will report directly to Mr. Red M'house Students Stags Anti-War Demonstration A group of students at Morehouse College in the Atlanta University center staged a peace demonstration at the campus on Tuesday afternoon. The students, according to their spokesman, were protesting against U.S. Southeast Asian war, the recent students' killings at Kent State University and yesterday's riots in Augusta, Ga., in which six blacks were slain.