Memphis World Memphis World Publishing Co. 1970-06-13 J. A. Beauchamp COUPON MAHALIA JACKSON'S 2 For 1 CHICKEN DINNER Buy One $1.15 Get One Free Good Fri. Sat Sun. All Month Of June INVITATION TO BID The Memphis Housing Authority will receive bids for INSTALLATION OF CLOSET DOORS AND FASHION FRONTS IN LAMAR TERRACE PROJECT, TENN. 1-1, Memphis, Tennessee, until 10 A.M., CDT, June 24, 1970, at 700 Adams Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Proposed forms of contract documents, including plans and specifications, are on file at the office of theh Modernization Engineer, Memphis Housing Authority, 700 Adams Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee. Copies of the documents may be obtained by qualified contractors by depositing twenty-five (23.00) dollars with the Memphis Housing Authority for each set of documents obtained. Such deposited will be refunded to each bidder who rereturns the plan, specifications and other documents in good condition within ten (10) days after bid opening. A certified check or bank draft, payable to the Memphis Housing Authority, U. S. Government bonds, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and acceptable sureties in an amount equal to five (5) percent of the bid shall be submitted with each bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory performance and payment bond or bonus. All bidders shall be licensed contractors ar sequired by Chapter 135 of Public Acts of 1945 of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee and all Amendments thereto. Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be paid on this project, and the Contractor must insure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of, race, color, creed, or national origin. The Memphis Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days subsequent to the opening of bids without the consent of the Memphis Housing Authority. SOUTHLAND OPEN AT LAST! SUMMER HOME OF GREYHOUND CHAMPIONS SOUTHLAND DOG RACING AT ITS BEST!!! "IT'S WORTH WAITING FOR" This is the year of the dog! Now Open Thru Nov. 3, Post Time 5:00 P. M. Matinee Sat. 1:30 P. M. — Closed Wed. and Sun. Court Martial Dropped Against 5 U.S. Airman Within two days after an NAACP force had spent a long weekend investigating conditions on the Air Force base at Goose Bay, Labrador, NAACP General Counsel Nathaniel R. Jones was notified that court martial proceedings against five airmen on the base had been dropped. Mr. Jones, accompanied by NAACP Attorney Robert J. Reinstein and Charles Fish man, a former Howard University law professor, spent the Memorial Day weekend, May 28-June 1 on the base. A preliminary on-the-base investigation had been made by Mr. Reinstein, May 7-8, after NAACP assistance had been requested by black airman who complained of rampant racism on the base. During the Memorial period the NAACP lawyers took sworn statements from the accused airmen - - Victor M. Cheatham, Ronald Wing, Jr., Dwight L. Bell Richard Beal and Charles Boon – and from other military and civilian personnel. Mr. Jones also conferred with the Commanding Officer, Col. Benton Fielder, and the Judge Advocate, Major Anthony Farina, about general conditions at the base as well as about the specific charges against the accused airmen. Earlier, on May 25, Mr. Jones sent a letter to Robert C. Seamans, Jr., Secretary of the Air Force, detailing a series of charges of racial discrimination at the Goose Bay installation indicative of "a high degree of racial tension." The charges against the black airmen stem from interracial fights with no charges being made against any of the white participants. Other instances of discrimination include segregated living quarters, inequities in promotion (there are only 4 Negro commissioned officers on the base, although the Negro personnel of 400 represents a quarter of the base total of 1,600); the keeping of a file of white women who date black airmen; "gross racial in suits and innuendos" by Col. Fielder who, refusing to permit Negroes to let their hair grow long, observed that they look like "well-kept French poodles or neatly trimmed sheep"; and failure of the commanding officer to take steps to thwart efforts to establish a unit of the Ku Klux Klan on the base. "Conditions at the base," Mr. Jones said in his letter to Secretary Seamans, "are so critical that either an Article 135 or Article 138 investigation is called for. To further ignore the serious grievances held by black airmen against the administration at Goose Bay Air Base is to invite grave consequences." New that the court martial proceedings have been drop ped the five accused men face company disciplinary action with a maximum penalty of 30 days of correctional custody. They are thus spared possible jail sentences, bad conduct discharges, and permanent record. Mr. Jones anticipates further discussions between the NAACP and the base administration on general conditions existing at Goose Bay. COUPON MAHALIA JACKSON'S FISH SPECIAL 2 for 1 Buy One...... 30c GET ONE FREE Offer Good Wed. All Month of June At All Locations LEGAL NOTICE TO BIDDER The Memphis Housing Authority will receive bids for STEEL FOLDING DOORS to fit 1770 CLOSET DOOR OPENINGS for LAMAR TERRACE, TENN. 1-1, PUBLIC HOUSING DEVELOPMENT, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, until 10:00 A. M., CST, June 19, 1970, at 700 Adams Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Proposed forms of contract documents, including specifications, are on file at the office of the MODERNIZATION ENGINEER Memphis Housing Authority, 700 Adams Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee. Attention is called to the fact that no less than the minimum prevailing wage rate for the area must be paid for the project and that the contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Memphis Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities to the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days subsequent to the opening of bids without consent of the Memphis Housing Authority. Red Cross To Hold Swim Sessions When the call of summertime beckons, youngsters, automatically get the itch to take to the old swimming hole-whether it be concrete or mud lined – but wihout some form of care and preparation, pleasure could be diverted to tragedy. The Memphis Area Chapter of the American Red Cross will again offer swimming lessons to children seven years of older or who completed the first grade. Poole at Frayser, Galsman and Fox Meadows will be utilized from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Those at the Fairground, Gooch, Washington, L. E. Brown, Tom Lee Park. Maline Park Pine Hill and Orange Mound will be in session from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. The initial session begin June 15 throught June 26th The second course starts three days later and runs through July 10. The third session is July 13th through July 24th with the fourth period of training starting three days later later and running through August 7. The final session starts August 19. Key Speaker Mrs. W. B. Purdue; immidiate past president, United Church Women; Mrs. Althea Price, Second Congregational Church and Mrs. Edith B. Black, Eastside Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The trebble singers of Mr. Pisgah will render the music. Mrs. Annie D. Holmes is chairman and Rev. J. D. Atwater, pastor. Hospitality For RCA Star John Denver Composer and recording artist for RCA John Denver (second from left) was the center of attention at a reception held last week at the Regency Hyatt House. Shown with him from the left are, S. L. Knight, Assistant Manager, Grant City (Memorial Drive), Samuel Vance, Author (The Courageous and The Proud), and Vito Blando, Southeastern PR Director RCA. Knight, informed about Denver's hit compositions which include "Leaving On A Jet Plane" and the announcement by W. W. Norton that Vance' book was going into its second printing one month after the first releases, indicated that Grant would be taking the next train load of their work coming into the Atlanta area. Dr. Humphreys Cites Ed Centers Dr. Cecil Humphreys, president of Memphis State Universiry, presented a citation on behalf of local educational centers -Memphis State, Christian Brothers College Southwestern. University and Siena College. Six speakers paid glowing tributes to Dr. Price Jesse Turner, executive, vice president of Tri-State Bank; Atty. George Houston president of the Memphis Chamber of Commerce; Edgar Bailey president of the Memphis Board of Education; Michael Exum, president of the LeMoyne-Owen Student Government; Dr. Walter W. Gibson, chairman of the college's natiral science division, and Miss Harry Mae Simon who substituted for the Rev.. Blair T. Hunt. Several gifts were presented to Dr. Price before Mrs. Venson gave the parting remarks. Grads Cited that there would be competition between the two schools for students and state money. TSU faculty members said three other states avoided a similar situation by converting their predominantly blck schools into integrated setups —Lincoln University in Missouri, now one-third white; Kentucky State, now 40 percent white, and West Virginia State, now predominantly white. McKENZIE MOTEL HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS Promotes — FAMILY WEEKENDS/SUPPLEMENTING VACATIONS WITH WEEKEND TRIPS * A Relaxing Change of Scenery * Swimming Pool and Picnic Area * Bring the Family or Club to Enjoy Completely Informal Atmosphere in first Class Facilities at Rates you can Afford. GOLFING NEAR 2 Blocks off Hwy. 270 East, Malvern Avenue 407 HENRY ST. PHONE: 624-5546 Wm. McKenzie; Owner and Manager Workshop with a 12:30 break for lunch. A reception is planned that night from 7 until 9 in honor of Dr. Edwards. The Rev. E. Currie, pastor of Christ Missionary Baptist Church, will serve as toast master for the evening. Sunday, June 14 is Young People's Day and Dr. Edwards will deliver the message at the 11 o'clock hour and that afternoon at the 3 o' clock program. The youth Choir will render music for both services. Not For Them, Asked Plan With Negroes, jackson, miss. UPI—Mississippi school administrators, attending a special conference on the desegregation crisis, were told Friday the black community's aim is "an America with out racial injustice." About 250 superintendents, school board members and other educators from all parts of the state were on hand for the unpublicized two day meeting. Those attending included Frank Dunbaugh, deputy assist and U. S. attorney general for civil rights; school superintendent Gycelle Tynes of Clarksdale; civil rights attorney Melvyn Leventhal of Jackson State College, urged school administrators to help keep lines of communication open between the races and include Negroes in planning for massive desegregation. "Blacks should not only be a part of the decision making process, they should be made to really feel a part of it," he said. "Do not plan for the blacks, plan with them." Mother Receives Posthumous Award For Son A posthumous award honoring PFC Larry E. Newman killed in action February 3, 1970, was made at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 23, at 1662 Foster. His mother, Mrs. Willie B. McPherson, receive the medals consisting of the bronze star, air medal, purple, heart, good conduct medal and combat infantry badge. He had also earned the National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal and Vietnam Campaign Medal in addition to the expert marskman ship medal. Presenting the awards was Lt. Col H. L. Bjork, an Army officer assigned to the Defense Industrial Plant Equipment Center. PFC Newman was attached to Company A of the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Divison (Air-mobile) and defending a night position in Vietnam when killed in action. AWNINGS! METAL CANVAS SUPERIOR QUALITY—LOW PRICE—UNEXCELLED WORKMANSHIP—EASIEST TERMS—QUICK SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION SAMPLES SHOWN IN YOUR HOME AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. WINDOW SHADES VENETIAN & VERTICAL BLINDS FLOOR COVERINGS RUGS, CARPETS HARD SURFACE 216 S. Pauline Tel. 276-4431 DRAPERIES SLIP COVERS SUPERIOR QUALITY—LOW PRICE—UNEXCELLED WORKMANSHIP—EASIEST TERMS—QUICK SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION SAMPLES SHOWN IN YOUR HOME AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. WINDOW SHADES VENETIAN & VERTICAL BLINDS FLOOR COVERINGS RUGS, CARPETS HARD SURFACE 216 S. Pauline Tel. 276-4431 WILLIAMS SHADES & AWNING CO. SUPERIOR QUALITY—LOW PRICE—UNEXCELLED WORKMANSHIP—EASIEST TERMS—QUICK SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION SAMPLES SHOWN IN YOUR HOME AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. WINDOW SHADES VENETIAN & VERTICAL BLINDS FLOOR COVERINGS RUGS, CARPETS HARD SURFACE 216 S. Pauline Tel. 276-4431 Suprise Club Held Annual Tea In May The spacious Wellington St. home of Mrs. Rachael Hodge was the setting for the Ladies Union Surprise Club's annual tea on May 17. The hostess, wearing a lovely floor length hostess gown, warmly welcomed her guests. The acceptance was by Mrs. Clara Gordon a new member. An increasing feature of the entertainment was a beautiful hat designed by Mrs. Pearl Jackson, and presented to Mrs. Jesse Reese. Also, a number of door prizes were given. Guests attending were: Mrs. AuliaLove and Mrs. Henry Rice; the Misses Gwendolyn Wooten, Clarice Gordon and Janice Mitchell. The hostess was assisted in receiving and serving by her sister, Mrs. Sylvia Hawthorne, and her niece Mrs. Louise Chandler, other guests present were Matt Watkins, West Johnson and Leon Wright. Delicious refreshmentswere served throughout the evening. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ella Watkins, 2116 Griggs Ave. Mrs. Estelle Rivers, president; Mrs. Lucile Joyner, secretary, and Mrs. Jessie Mae Templeton, reporter. Termites Roaches Rats & Fleas We Kill All Bags F.H.A. & V.A. Ca Issued—Mter Charge & Brd Accepted — Our Sy is Sale in Children & EVERS Termite & Post Control System Call: 327-6033 anytime New Happening In U.S. Sports NEW HAPPENINGS IN U. S. SPORTS—All-time winning Coach A. S. (Jake) Gaither at Florida A & M University, who in 25 seasons, posted a mark of 203 wins and only 36 losses and an elected trustee of the American Football Coaches Association, is is on a nationwide tour on behalf to the TEA Council, USA... Shed no tears for Jake, who resigned at Florida A & M University, after winning over Grambling State in the Orange Blossom Classic. Right or wrong, the percentage of wins of losses to everyday life is estimated at a 500 percentage. Jake defied the odds. He set a record of coaching excellence almost unparalled outside the orbit orbit of Knut Rockne, Alonza Stagg, Frank Rhomas (Ala.), Rip Engle (Penn State), Paul (Bear) Brant (Ala.), Bud Wilkinson (Oklahoma), Frank Leahy (Notre Dame), Arnett W. Munford, (Southern); W. J. (Billy) Nicks,(Morris Brown, Prairie View), Mark Caldwell (West Virginia State), Henry Arthur Kean, Sr. (Kentucky State, Tennessee State), Alexander Durley (Texas College, Prarie View), Harry (Big Jeff) Jefferson (Virginia State Hampton), Edward J. (Ox)Clemons (Edward Waters, Rust, Lane, Morris Brown, Jackson State), Gaton F. (Country) Lewis, (Alabama State, Wilberfotce, Central State), W. H. (Chief) Aiken (Atlanta University, Clark, Fisk and Hamton Institute), Burwell Towns Harvey (Morehouse), Eddie Robinson (Grambling State), Henderson A. Johnson (Fisk), Sam Taylor (Clark, Prairie View, Virginia Union, Kentucky State), Edward F. Hurt Morgan State), Rudolph G. (Bunky) Matthews (Bethune Cookman College), Ulysses McPherson (Mississippi Vocational, Arkansas A M & N and Jackson State), John A. Merritt (Kentucky State, Jackson State), J. B. Bragg (Talladega, Florida A & M), are only a few of the will-to-win coaches who made the stairway to the stars. Jake Gaither will tour coast to coast to coast with Rip Engle, former head football coach at Penh State. Jake will be a member of The Tea Council team next year. While touring, and afterwards, be is offering two free physical fitness booklets in any quantities to organizations, coaches, recreation centers and recreation officials. The booklets are, "Your Guide to Physical Fitness" and "Pre-Season Conditioning Manual". They are available by writing to Jake Gaither, at The Tea Council, U. S. A., 10 East 56th Street, New York City, 10022. FOR THE RECORD—Don Meredith, the former All-Star quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys, has joined ABC Sports to provide expert commentary on the "NFL The 6'3" 200-lb. signalcaller ended his career with a brilliant pass completion percentage of better than 50% connecting on 1,170 tosses of connecting on 1,170 tosses of 2,308 attempts for 17,199 yards and 135 touchdowns. One of the most courageous athletes ever to play the game Meredith suffered innumerable ailments throughout his distinguished career, ranging from rose, rib cage, knee, ankle, hand and air injuries to a shoulder separation, pneumonia and stomach disorders. At SMU, he set an NCAA record for career accuracy by hitting 61% of his passes during his three year stay (1957-59), completing 241 of 395 attempts for 3,130 yards and 25 touchdowns. As a junior he was honored at UPI's "Back-of-the Week" Four times in his ten games. He also threw for the AllStars' only TD in the 1960 College All-star Game.