Finlayson, Rebecca2008-12-022008-12-021998-08-28 syllabus was submitted to the Office of Academic affairs by the course instructor."Critical Thinking and Writing" will develop your analytical thinking skills through close readings of a variety of texts and mediums and will strengthen your persuasive writing ability. We will examine a novel, short stories, a memoir, advertisements, a film, as well as essays about popular culture and science. Throughout the semester, we will concentrate on clear, logical writing, incorporating a range of rhetorical expression and covering many different topics.en-USRhodes College owns the rights to the digital objects in this collection. Objects are made available for educational use only and may not be used for any non-educational or commercial purpose. Approved educational uses include private research and scholarship, teaching, and student projects. For additional information please contact Fees may apply.English, Department ofSyllabusCurriculum1998 FallENGL 151-01 and 03, Critical Thinking and Writing, Fall 1998Text