Fisher, Richard L.2011-10-142011-10-142011-08-24 syllabus was submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs by the course instructor.The objectives of the course, as detailed below, are more broad than the Catalog course title implies, as the course not only focuses on the student’s successful completion of an internship or shadow experience, but also on acquiring information and skills critical to applying for and securing employment. While the “in semester” experiences received with internships or shadow experiences will provide additional student perspective during the semester, the focus of the course is on the overall, high level PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT of the student, from both “before the job”, and “on the job.” standpoints. Of major importance in this regard will be refinement of both verbal and written communication skills, as well as the use of case studies to address ethical issues that may confront a graduate once initial employment is secured.en-USRhodes College owns the rights to the archival digital objects in this collection. Objects are made available for educational use only and may not be used for any non-educational or commercial purpose. Approved educational uses include private research and scholarship, teaching, and student projects. For additional information please contact Fees may apply.Business, Department ofSyllabusAcademic departments2011 FallCurriculumBUS 460-01, Internship, Fall 2011Text