Harmon, Erin2014-11-122014-11-122001-11-08http://hdl.handle.net/10267/24821This item was uploaded to DLynx in the Visual Resources Center during the fall of 2014.This is a digital photograph that shows Professor Erin Harmon assisting with the fabrication of the set for "Flyway" in the Ballet Memphis workshop on September 26, 2014. Professor Harmon was commissioned by Ballet Memphis to design two 16- to 18-foot movable set pieces for the ballet’s third installment of their original dance series, “The River Project.” Harmon's set was paired with an original dance choreographed by Steven McMahon titled "Flyway." The set was completed for an opening performance on October 18, 2014.en-USRhodes College owns the rights to this digital material which is made available for educational use only and may not be used for any non-educational or commercial purpose. Approved educational uses include private research and scholarship, teaching, and student projects. For additional information please contact archives@rhodes.edu.2014 FallTheatre propsDrawingsFacultyImagesSet Design for "Flyway": Fabrication in the Ballet Memphis WorkshopImage