Gilow, Betty2018-02-012018-02-012017-08-05 is an image of one of the works of art that was relocated to 91 Morningside Drive in preparation for the arrival of Dr. Marjorie Haas in late June 2017. It was photographed by Stephen Jenkins in August 2017 and uploaded into Dlynx in January 2018 by Grayson Burke, Rhodes class of 2021.This piece was made by Betty Gilow in June 2015. This piece was on display in Clough-Hanson Gallery an exhibition titled �In Conversation: Celebrating 100 Years of Women at Rhodes College.� The exhibition ran October 28- December 2, 2017. For more information, follow this link: This work was installed by interior designer Rachel Gray, who also oversaw the layout of the artwork in the house. The artwork was photographed by Stephen Jerkins, a full-time photographer based in Nashville, TN.All rights reserved. The accompanying digital object and associated documentation are provided for online research and access purposes. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and present this digital object and the accompanying documentation, without fee, and without written agreement, is hereby granted for educational, non-commercial purposes only. The Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections reserves the right to decide what constitutes educational and commercial use. In all instances of use, acknowledgement must be given to Rhodes College Archives Digital Repository, Memphis, TN. For information regarding permission to use this image, please email the Archives at's residenceBuildings and GroundsCollege presidentsResidencesMorningside DriveArtSculptures91 Morningside Drive after 2017 renovationsImage