2018-11-062018-11-062017http://hdl.handle.net/10267/34682This object was photographed and inventoried during summer 2017 by Jane Esklidsen '19 and Reagan Alley '18. It was uploaded to DLynx during fall 2018. Please note that the date issued field refers to the date of the digital object's creation. The temporal coverage field contains date information for the actual physical object, when known.This image depicts a nude woman reclining on a navajo print blanket and blue and green pillows. The woman has black hair and she rests her left hand under her head. The blanket is a zigzag print with tan, black, red, pink, and orange in the pattern. The woman is viewed from an aerial point of view, and she looks up towards the bottom left corner of the image. The image is held by a white window mat and a thin black frame.Frame Dimensions: 26 inches high, 33 inches wide, 1 inch deep Image Dimensions: 14.5 inches high, 22.5 inches wideCollotypeRhodes College Collection of ArtCollotypeNude in artAmerican art and artistsNavajo NudoImage1997.1.25Collotypes (prints)Nudes (representations)