Collins, Michael2013-01-152013-01-152011-08 syllabus was submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs by the course instructorTENTATIVE LAB SCHEDULE Week Day Date Topic 1 Th 25 AUG Observing patterns & generating hypotheses Introduction to RES & Group Projects 2 Th 1 SEP Habitat description & quantification 3 F-Su 9-11 SEP Weekend trip to Meeman-Shelby Forest 4 Th 15 SEP 17 SEP Addressing hypotheses Wolf River canoe trip (optional) 5 Th 22 SEP Statistics & data presentation 6 Th 29 SEP Life tables and population growth 7 F-Su 7-9 OCT Weekend trip to Meeman-Shelby Forest Present RES & weekend logistics 8 Th 13 OCT Predator-prey dynamics 9 Th 20 OCT Group Projects – meet with Dr. Collins 10 F-Su 28-30 OCT Weekend trip to Meeman-Shelby Forest 11 Th 3 NOV Determining interactions and experimental design 12 Th 10 NOV Group Project papers due (peer evaluations) 13 Th 17 NOV Wastewater treatment plant with Peter Alfonso 14 Th 24 NOV NO LABS – THANKSGIVING BREAK 15 Th 1 DEC Group Project presentationsRhodes College owns the rights to the archival digital images in this repository. Images are made available for educational use only and may not be used for any non-educational or commercial purpose. Approved educational uses include private research and scholarship, teaching, and student projects. Original copies of the minutes are stored in the CollegeBiology, Department ofSyllabusCurriculumAcademic departmentsText2011 FallBIO 315L, Ecology Lab, Fall 2011Syllabus