Ekstrom, Carol L.2008-02-252008-02-252008-02-25http://hdl.handle.net/10267/1203This syllabus was submitted to the Rhodes College Office of Academic Affairs by the course instructor.The main objective of this one-hour course is to show you the multiple uses of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Virtual Globes to answer questions from a variety of disciplines. The team-teaching of this course by faculty from five different departments demonstrates this technology’s diverse utility. Another objective of this course is to give you hands-on experience with ArcGIS, the most widely used GIS application. You will be expected to complete projects (see above) and to generate a GIS project in which you answer a question of your making and present this to the class. Through this activity you will gain a deeper understanding of spatial analysis in answering questions about the world in which you live.en-USRhodes College owns the rights to the archival digital objects in this collection. Objects are made available for educational use only and may not be used for any non-educational or commercial purpose. Approved educational uses include private research and scholarship, teaching, and student projects. For additional information please contact archives@rhodes.edu. Fees may apply.Interdisciplinary programsGISSyllabusTextCurriculum2007 SpringGIS 222-01, Geographic Information Systems, Spring 2007Syllabus