Newman, Jessica (Jess)Wright, Calum B.2018-01-162018-01-162017-08-04 by Calum Wright ('19) delivered at the Digital Preservation and Scholarship Summer symposium.For my Digital Humanities project, I created an online Omeka exhibit of images from the collection of Klan documents from Brownsville, Tennessee. The goal in creating this project was to create an exhibit where viewers could digest the images, ideas, and propaganda in a way similar to how they would have originally been taken in. The striking images that the Klan published would draw people in to reading about their organization, goals, and ideals, so I have decided to make this possible with this exhibit. Another goal of the exhibit was to display these ideas and methods so that they could be learned from. This, and indeed all displays of history, are important in making sure that it does not repeat itself.Memphis (Tenn.)Student researchCrossroads to FreedomDigital Preservation and ScholarshipFellowshipsBrownsville (Tenn.)Class of 20192017 SummerCivil rightsBrownsville Klan Documents: Omeka ExhibitInteractive resource