Cage, Stephanie2019-08-192019-08-192019-04-02 image was taken by Grayson Burke in spring 2019 and was uploaded in the VRC in summer 2019On Tuesday, April 2, 2019, Stephanie Cage, associate director of The Lynne & Henry Turley Memphis Center had a Memphis Centered talk on The Interrelation of Education and Mass Incarceration. Description is as follows: In Shelby County and nationwide, a central theme in the mass incarceration era is a widespread education deficiency. A growing convergence between education and incarceration has emerged, with incarceration being prioritized over education. In this conversation, Dr. Cage will explore the interconnectedness of local and national practices related to education and incarceration and highlight the lived educational experiences of people adversely impacted by the education system and the carceral system."Turley Memphis CenterEducationMemphis CenteredTwo Sides of the Same Coin: The Interrelation of Education and Mass Incarceration ImageImage