2015-02-052015-02-052014-05http://hdl.handle.net/10267/25192This issue was originally uploaded to thememphisbridge.com by Jack Morrison, class of 2017 and uploaded to DLYNX by Archives RSA Taylor Jackson, class of 2015.Modeled after successful street papers in major cities such as Nashville, New York, and Washington D.C., the 12-page Bridge publication also features artwork and content primarily written by those who are homeless or have been homeless. Additional content is provided by a writing team of Rhodes students led by Ponseti and community member Nathan Bishop. Unlike the traditional model of a street paper, which is run by a fulltime staff, The Bridge is entirely student directed. Memphis’ first “street newspaper,” The Bridge, was first published on March 21, 2013. It was founded by Rhodes students James Ekenstedt and Evan Katz, both members of the Class of 2015. The aim of this newspaper is to raise awareness around issues of homelessness and poverty while providing a sustainable source of income to those who have personally experienced homelessness. The paper is managed by Caroline Ponseti, Class of 2015.en-USStudent PublicationsService learningHomelessnessNewspapersTextThe Bridge, May 2014, Volume 2, Issue 3Other