Sanchez, Merare2018-05-302018-05-302018-05 survey of contemporary Peruvian life reveals the failures of the nation-state model in its attempt to assimilate the indigenous worlds and peoples into the project of Modernity. Through the political ideologies and discourses of Indigenismo, Incaísmo, and Indianismo, intellectuals and politicians negotiated the place of pre-Hispanic collectivities and their descendants within imposed Western models, attempting to claim a space for indigenous groups within the body politic. Under Neoliberal narratives of progress, formal education was identified as the solution for poverty and inequality. Nevertheless, economic inequality and discrimination persist and are often masked within the academic realm. This study explores Indigenismo and Incaísmo as political projects that have contributed to the reification of hierarchical and exploitative practices supporting the artifice of Modern nation-states. These failed Western models are contested by more recent political movements spearheaded by Indianismo, under its banner of resistance. The very existence of these contestatory spaces reveals the incomplete nature of the project of Modernity.TextHonors papersLatin American and Latinx Studies, Department ofIndigenismo, Indianismo, and Incaísmo in Peru: Negotiating narratives of identity and class in a neoliberal hegemony