Richard Halliburton's Hangover House Public Images

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Included in this collections are images of the 1938 construction of Hangover House(also known as the Halliburton House)designed and built by William Alexander for his friend the adventurer and travel writer Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, Hangover House has panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean coastline and Aliso Canyon.


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  • Publication
    Hangover House construction in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Aliso Canyon.
  • Publication
    Hangover House construction in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Aliso Canyon.
  • Publication
    Hangover House construction in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Alsino Canyon.
  • Publication
    Hangover House construction in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Alsino Canyon.
  • Publication
    Beginning of construction of Hangover House
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    The retaining wall is seen on the left at the site of Hangover House which was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop.
  • Publication
    View from Hangover House during construction in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house has views such as seen here of the Pacific Ocean coastline.
  • Publication
    Hangover House construction in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Alsino Canyon.
  • Publication
    Building the retaining wall at Hangover House in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Alsino Canyon.
  • Publication
    Exterior stairway at Hangover House construction in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Alsino Canyon.
  • Publication
    Aerial view of Hangover House in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Aliso Canyon.
  • Publication
    Building the retaining wall at Hangover House in 1938
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Alsino Canyon.
  • Publication
    Hangover House construction in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Alsino Canyon.
  • Publication
    Hangover House construction in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Alsino Canyon.
  • Publication
    Man sitting on retaining during Hangover House construction in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Alsino Canyon.
  • Publication
    The view from Hangover House looking towards Alino Canyon in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Aliso Canyon.
  • Publication
    Hangover House viwed from below in 1938.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    This view of Hangover House was taken from the ocean side. The house was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton and constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop.
  • Publication
    Beginnings of the retainng wall at Hangover House in 1937.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Setting the frame for the construction of the retaining wall at Hangover House which was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California.
  • Publication
    Laying location of walls for Hangover House in 1937
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    The workmen are setting the location of the was for Hangover House which was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton.
  • Publication
    Early construction of Hangover House in 1937
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house has views of the Pacific Ocean and Alsino Canyon.
  • Publication
    Richard Halliburton House, South Laguna Beach
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives and Special Collections, 1938)
    Hangover House was designed and built in 1938 by William Alexander for Richard Halliburton. Constructed on a Laguna Beach, California hilltop, the house, has views of the Pacific Ocean and Aliso Canyon.
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