France, Club Français de la Médaille, Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1475-1564, Medals
Local ID
General Description: This medal was issued in 1965 as a limited edition bronze medal by the CFM (Club Français de la Médaille) in Paris, France. There seems to be a silvered copper version in an edition of 400 and a slightly smaller bronze version of unknown numbers. This version is marked bronze, with a symbol of the Paris mint and the word ""bronze"" on the edge. At a diameter of about 82.6mm, it is the largest of the medals dedicated to Michelangelo.
Obverse Description: The obverse features an originally-designed bust of Michelangelo flanked by the inscribed dates 1564 and 1964, thus commemorating the 400th anniversary of the artist's death. The surround bears the inscription "MICHEL-ANGE BUONARROTI."
Reverse Description: The reverse bears a sculpted rendering of a detail from the third painted scene on the Sistine Chapel ceiling (in biblical chronology), illustrating the Separation of Earth and Water. The inscribed words "QUE. CE... / OUIT.TOI... / QUI.DECHI / -RES.LE / SEI- / -GNEUR... / .ROMPS.CETTE / MURAI / -LLE" radiate from the hand of God. The medalist's initials are below. The hand of God is clearly the featured element and likely makes an analogy to the hand of the artist and creativity.
Historical Context:
Artist Biography: Raymond Joly (1911-2006) was a distinguished French medallist. A pupil of the medalist Henri Dropsy (1885-1969) at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, Joly won the Premier Grand Prix de Rome de gravure en médailles in 1942. He worked as engraver general at the Paris Mint (1957-1974).
Bibliography: http://www.raymond-joly.com/RAYMOND-JOLY%20vie%20et%20oeuvre.html See the Bulletin du Club français de la Médaille; Cette collection bimestrielle a été publiée de 1963 à 1987. http://www.economie.gouv.fr/caef/monnaies-et-medailles-publications-officielles Also see Catalogue Général Illustré de la Monnaie de Paris, 9 vols, 1978-1985, volume 4, page 1008. Medal listed in 1965 as Michel Ange under Médailles éditées à la Monnaie de Paris. See the Bulletin du Club français de la Médaille; Cette collection bimestrielle a été publiée de 1963 à 1987. http://www.economie.gouv.fr/caef/monnaies-et-medailles-publications-officielles Also see Catalogue Général Illustré de la Monnaie de Paris, 9 vols, 1978-1985, volume 4, page 1008. Medal listed in 1965 as Michel Ange under Médailles éditées à la Monnaie de Paris.
Obverse Description: The obverse features an originally-designed bust of Michelangelo flanked by the inscribed dates 1564 and 1964, thus commemorating the 400th anniversary of the artist's death. The surround bears the inscription "MICHEL-ANGE BUONARROTI."
Reverse Description: The reverse bears a sculpted rendering of a detail from the third painted scene on the Sistine Chapel ceiling (in biblical chronology), illustrating the Separation of Earth and Water. The inscribed words "QUE. CE... / OUIT.TOI... / QUI.DECHI / -RES.LE / SEI- / -GNEUR... / .ROMPS.CETTE / MURAI / -LLE" radiate from the hand of God. The medalist's initials are below. The hand of God is clearly the featured element and likely makes an analogy to the hand of the artist and creativity.
Historical Context:
Artist Biography: Raymond Joly (1911-2006) was a distinguished French medallist. A pupil of the medalist Henri Dropsy (1885-1969) at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, Joly won the Premier Grand Prix de Rome de gravure en médailles in 1942. He worked as engraver general at the Paris Mint (1957-1974).
Bibliography: http://www.raymond-joly.com/RAYMOND-JOLY%20vie%20et%20oeuvre.html See the Bulletin du Club français de la Médaille; Cette collection bimestrielle a été publiée de 1963 à 1987. http://www.economie.gouv.fr/caef/monnaies-et-medailles-publications-officielles Also see Catalogue Général Illustré de la Monnaie de Paris, 9 vols, 1978-1985, volume 4, page 1008. Medal listed in 1965 as Michel Ange under Médailles éditées à la Monnaie de Paris. See the Bulletin du Club français de la Médaille; Cette collection bimestrielle a été publiée de 1963 à 1987. http://www.economie.gouv.fr/caef/monnaies-et-medailles-publications-officielles Also see Catalogue Général Illustré de la Monnaie de Paris, 9 vols, 1978-1985, volume 4, page 1008. Medal listed in 1965 as Michel Ange under Médailles éditées à la Monnaie de Paris.
This medal was scanned and uploaded to DLynx by Bonnie Whitehouse '18 and Rachel Rotter '18 in the Visual Resources Center during the 2016-2017 school year.