Does Rejecting an LGB identity label negatively effect mental health? A study of same-sex attracted Mormon adults
Kappers, Grace D. ; Sorrell, Sydney A. ; Plunk, Ashley T.
Kappers, Grace D.
Sorrell, Sydney A.
Plunk, Ashley T.
URCAS, Student research, 2018 Spring, Class of 2019, Sexual orientation, Religion, Psychology, Department of
Local ID
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), beliefs about same sex sexual
attraction are carefully differentiated from beliefs about same sex sexual behavior and LGB
identity labels. In the LDS church, same-sex attraction is accepted, but same sex behavior and
LGB identity labels are viewed as sinful (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 2007).
This conflict between religious and sexual identities can complicate sexual identity development
for individuals who experience same-sex attraction, and lead some same-sex attracted individuals
to reject an LGB identity label (Label Rejecters). The present study uses data from the Four
Options survey to examine the relationship between rejecting an LGB identity label and mental
health outcomes in a sample of same-sex attracted Mormon adults. Although Label Rejecters
were significantly more religious than LGB individuals, the two groups did not differ on
resolution between religious and sexual identities. Furthermore, Label Rejecters demonstrated
significantly higher levels of internalized homonegativity. The results of this study will increase
our understanding of the effects of rejecting an LGB identity label on well being, while also
expanding our knowledge of minority sexual identity development in LDS individuals.
Presentation by Grace Kappers ('19), Sydney Sorrell ('19), and Ashley Plunk ('19) delivered at the Rhodes College Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Symposium (URCAS).