DPS Student Projects

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These Digital Humanities projects were created by 'Digital Preservation and Scholarship' summer student team utilizing open-source tools and primary resource materials from the Crossroads to Freedom digital archive.


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  • Publication
    SameDiff Comparison: Trump, Obama, and the Ku Klux Klan
    (2017-08-04) Ahmed, Ozakh; Haley, Sydnee N.; Newman, Jessica (Jess)
    Using a public poll and SameDiff, a word analysis tool, we attempted to determine similarities and differences between modern day right-wing political text and 20th century Ku Klux Klan text. First, we gauged public perception of the similarities of these texts. Next, we used a data analysis tool in order to look specifically at word usage and patterns. Our findings suggest that KKK speech narratives were more similar to right-wing text or text from President Trump's 2017 inaugural speech as opposed to President Obama's 2009 inaugural speech. Further research should take a more thematic approach by using a database such as NVIVO in order to determine similarities and differences in each time period's narrative. https://databasic.io/en/samediff/
  • Publication
    NVIVO Demo with Mellon Fellowship Interviews
    (2017-08-04) Bryant, Madalyn; Newman, Jessica (Jess)
    This project examined the use of NVIVO, a qualitative data analysis software, for understanding and visualizing the evaluation interviews from the Mellon Fellowship at Rhodes College. A Prezi showcased step by step screenshots for adding classifications, coding, and running queries such as matrix coding, cluster analysis, and hierarchy charts. Analyzing the interviews with NVIVO, the researcher noticed that many of the support challenges and successes described in interviews were similarly true for this project. For instance, the support for risk lauded by interviewees within the Mellon Fellowship is also central to the successful use of new digital technologies at the College like NVIVO.
  • Publication
    Brownsville Klan Documents: Omeka Exhibit
    (2017-08-04) Wright, Calum B.; Newman, Jessica (Jess)
    For my Digital Humanities project, I created an online Omeka exhibit of images from the collection of Klan documents from Brownsville, Tennessee. The goal in creating this project was to create an exhibit where viewers could digest the images, ideas, and propaganda in a way similar to how they would have originally been taken in. The striking images that the Klan published would draw people in to reading about their organization, goals, and ideals, so I have decided to make this possible with this exhibit. Another goal of the exhibit was to display these ideas and methods so that they could be learned from. This, and indeed all displays of history, are important in making sure that it does not repeat itself.
  • Publication
    The Haye's Ledgers: A Demographic Analysis
    (2017-08-04) Samson, Thomas V. (Vaughn); Newman, Jessica (Jess)
    Using all the available Hayes Ledgers data in excel, I cleaned up and created graphs and charts in excel. This included statistics such as age, names, religion, birthplaces, causes of death, and occupation. I then researched current analogous stats in the US, Tennessee, and Memphis areas in order to compare. Finally, I analyzed and visualized this current data via online apps such RAWgraphs and WtfCSV by DataBasic, and condensed this all in a Prezi format to present.
  • Publication
    Marking Memphis: Tracing Memphis History through the T. H. Hayes Ledgers
    (2017-08-04) Norris, Abigail (Abbie); Jones, Zaria D.; Newman, Jessica (Jess)
    We decided to work together after having similar desires to research common addresses that were referenced within the T. H. Hayes ledgers. Through this project, we attempted to highlight the significance of these highly-referenced hospitals, physicians, cemeteries, and schools. We decided to use the application StoryMap in order to visually represent these locations. We researched addresses and history for the locations, used books and websites to find then pictures of the locations in the early 20th century, and photographed the locations as they appear now. We then Photoshopped the then and now images for a side-by-side comparison and uploaded them to our story map according to their corresponding addresses. This allowed us to shed light on the scope and significance of these underrepresented aspects of Memphis history. While StoryMap helped us achieve this, its image size and layout restrictions on the website proved it to be a useful but limited tool.
  • Publication
    Memphis in Missouri: Movements that Molded America
    (2017-08-04) Smith, Abigail C. (Abby); Newman, Jessica (Jess)
    I perused the audio collections in the Crossroads Archive and discovered the short LeMoyne Owen's reflections on the Memphis Sanitation Strike. Fascinated, I researched the strike and found many parallels between the events of 1968 and an event I was more familiar with, the Ferguson unrest of 2014. I then did further research, exploring how the media's coverage of Ferguson was handled in contrast with the media coverage of the Sanitation Strike, reading about Black Lives Matter, and checking my facts regarding the development and achievements of the Civil Rights Movement. I then wrote a script that compared and contrasted the two protests, finishing the narrative with thoughts on how the media can provide better coverage and reconfirming the power of economic leverage as a method of protest to institutional racism. I recorded the script myself on garageband, editing out stutters, stumbles and hesitations. Using soundbites from the eMoyne reflections, oral histories, and a speech by Martin Luther King, Jr., I interspersed short audio clips with my recording to give it gravitas. I faded the audio in and out of each clip so the transitions were less jarring, saved the project, and converted it into an mp3. The majority of the time for this project was spent researching the topics, collecting sources, and then narrowing the information down to a fifteen minute segment. The script took three days, two to write it and another day to edit it. The recording itself and audio editing took a final two days.
  • Publication
    Details, Details: Mapping Memphis Neighborhoods
    (2017-08-04) Threatt, Brittney M.; Khalid, Saad; Newman, Jessica (Jess)
    My project was mapping Memphis neighborhoods. Working with coder Saad Khalid, I researched Orange Mound community to pinpoint the boundaries of the neighborhood and provide qualitative data via the Mapping Memphis website which Saad configured. I also used the application StoryMaps to organize and compartmentalize the information as I waited for it to be plugged into the site's code.