R. B. McMullen

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"Dr. McMullen, when called to the presidency of the college, was serving as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Knoxville. He had been educated at the University of Alabama and at Princeton and after graduation had devoted his time to teaching as well as to preaching. He had come to Knoxville in 1841 from Alabama to accept the Chair of Chemistry in the East Tennessee University (not the University of Tennessee), but after a short time in this position had been persuaded by the Presbyterian congregation to become pastor of their church. This necessitated his resigning as professor at the University, but he remained deeply interested in the educational progress of his Church, and lost no opportunity to advocate the cause of the Presbyterian colleges in the courts of the Church. In recognition of his services to the cause of Christian education, Washington College conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1855. Realizing the wider opportunities for service in the educational work of the Church which the position at Clarksville would bring him, he did not hesitate to accept the Presidency of Stewart College when this position was offered to him by the Trustees in October 1858." [Cooper, Southwestern at Memphis: 1848-1948, p. 18


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  • Publication
    Report to the Trustees of Stewart College
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives, 1862-10-13) McMullen, R. B.
    McMullen was president from 1859 to 1861 while the college was located in Clarksville, Tennessee. In this report he talks about the damage done during the occupation of both the Confederate and Federal Armies. He mourns the deaths from wounds received in battle of Colonels Robb and Forbes.
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