Burrow Library Monograph Collection

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There were seven Burrow Library Monographs published by the College from 1956 until 1970. The monographs are catalogued and listed in the Library's public catalog. Additional copies are in the Archives collection.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Catalogue of Paintings
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern at Memphis, 1963) Cloar, Carroll
    This monograph contains a catalog of photographs by Southwestern Graduate Carroll Cloar '34 commemorating the 25th anniversary of his graduation from the College.
  • Publication
    Chronicles of the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Memphis
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern at Memphis, 1960) the "Scribe", Jesse; Roper, James E., 1918-1990
    This monograph presents a rare look into one of the earliest periods of Memphis' history, the 1830's through the unique lens of one of the oldest banks in the state.
  • Publication
    Aspects of the Supernatural in Shakespearean Tragedy
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern at Memphis, 1959) Johnson, A. Theodore
    This monograph by A.T. Johnson discusses the use of supernatural elements in Shakespearean tragedies in order to challenge conventional scholarly understanding of these plays.
  • Publication
    Command Performances: Phonorecords Related to Books, and Classified
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern at Memphis, 1957) Johnson, A. Theodore; MacQueen, Marion Leigh; Stein, J.W.
    This monograph presents an argument by Dr. J.W. Stein about the relationships between books and recordings, and how the advent of new technology has altered those relationships.
  • Publication
    Two Eighteenth Century Indentures
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern at Memphis, 1956) Johnson, A. Theodore; MacQueen, Marion Leigh; Stein, J.W.
    This monograph contains the transcripts of two letters from President Andrew Jackson pertaining to real estate transactions in Tennessee just following the establishment of the United States. These letters were given to the College in 1954.
  • Publication
    How Lincoln Saved the Second Presbyterian Church
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern at Memphis, 1970) Lincoln, Abraham; Davis, John Henry
    This monograph contains documents and notes regarding Abraham Lincoln and his efforts to save the Second Presbyterian Church.
  • Publication
    A Narrative of his Capture and Imprisonment during the War Between the States. With an introduction by John H. Davis.
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Southwestern at Memphis, 1961) Turley, Thomas Battle
    This monograph describes "A Narrative of his capture and imprisonment during the War Between the States," by Thomas Battle Turley. Turley was a Confederate soldier, Memphis lawyer, and U.S. Senator from Tennessee. His original handwritten notebook is housed in the College's Special Collections and contains a chronology from Quankenbos on the United States, a table of books lent and borrowed by himself, and the narrative of his capture and imprisonment during the War Between the States. (Spec. Coll. E605 .T8) The monograph has an introduction written by History professor John Henry Davis.
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