Hollywood Springdale Partnership

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Established in 2005, the Rhodes Hollywood Springdale Partnership works to improve conditions in the areas of community renewal, neighborhood capacity building, crime prevention, health education and student success. The partnership works specifically in the community bounded by Jackson Avenue on the south, Hollywood Street on the east, Chelsea Avenue on the north and Springdale/Tunica streets on the west.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    The Community Report, Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2007
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives, 2007)
    The Community Report seeks to provide information and connectivity to Memphis-area groups - residents, neighborhood organizations, churches, businesses, and government and nonprofit agencies - involves in reclaiming neglected neighborhoods from the ground up.
  • Publication
    The Community Report
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College Archives, 2007-10) Kirby, Michael
  • Publication
    Cypress, Snowden, and Springdale Students Prepare for NASA Space Camp
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College, 2006-10-16)
    This is an article found on the Rhodes website that details how the college recieved a grant to begin a local NASA Stars Program to encourage grotwth in Memphis City Schools in math, science and technology.
  • Publication
    Rhodes Hollywood-Springdale Partnership
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College, 2005)
    This is an article explaining the Rhodes Hollywood-Springdale partnership as well as the grants the college recieved and examples of projects that urban studies students have enacted.
  • Publication
    The Establishment of a Greenspace in the Hollywood-Springdale Community
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College, 2007) Juchs, Stephanie
    This is a paper written by Stephanie Juchs called "The Pathology is in the Place, Not the People: the Establishement of a Greenspace in the Hollywood-Springdale Community."
  • Publication
    The Effect of Neighborhood Churches on the Community of Midtown North
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College, 2007) Horton, Matthew
    This is a paper written by Mathew Horton to determine what the effects of neighborhood churches were on the community of North Midtown.
  • Publication
    Discovering Wisdom in a Whole New World
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College, 2006) Kepple, Daney
    This article appeared in the Fall, 2006 issues of Rhodes Magazine
  • Publication
    Rhodes Receives Grant to Administer Cleanup Campaign
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College, 2006-12-13)
    The Rhodes Hollywood Springdale Partnership has received a $20,000 grant from the City of Memphis Division of Housing and Community Development to administer a “Cleanup Campaign” in the Hollywood Springdale area
  • Publication
    The Midtown North Greenline: A Rail trail for Hollywood-Springdale
    (Memphis, Tenn. : Rhodes College, 2006) Ross, Katherine (Kacie)
    The Midtown North community in Memphis (also known as Hollywood- Springdale) has an abandoned half-mile railroad corridor going through it that could be made into a greenline. Greenlines have many benefits and this community could profit from converting this old rail into a trail. This paper gives the history of greenlines, explains their benefits while presenting a few greenline success stories from around the country, explains the pros and cons of a greenline in Midtown North and outlines the steps that the community could take to make this dream a reality.
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